Particles removal from a moving tube by blowing systems: a CFD analysis
In corso di stampa Lombardi, Giovanni; Curatola, R.
Enhancing diffuser performance using transverse grooves to delay flow separation
2024-01-01 Cesare Giovanni Bertini, Amedeo; Lunghi, Gianmarco; Boffadossi, Maurizio; Fenili, Simone; Lombardi, Giovanni; Maganzi, Marco; Mariotti, Alessandro
Comparison of two Multiphase Procedures on a Commercial Vehicle in Rain Conditions
2019-01-01 Lombardi, G.; Ercoli, A.; Maganzi, M.; de Angeli, G.
The pre-processing priority in fluid-dynamics design.
2019-01-01 Maganzi, M.; Lombardi, G.; Ercoli, A.
Utilizzo di ANSA e META per la progettazione fluidodinamica
2018-01-01 Maganzi., M.; Lombardi, G.
Application of ANSA morphing and optimization tools to an automotive HVAC system
2017-01-01 Lombardi, G.; Cinquanta, L.; Maganzi, Marco
Centrifugal Compressors Diffuser Rotating Stall: Vaneless Vs. Vaned
2017-01-01 Giachi, M.; Belardini, E.; Lombardi, Giovanni; Berti, Andrea; Maganzi, M.
Centrifugal compressors Diffuser Rotating Stall Deep Insight
2016-01-01 Giachi, M.; Lombardi, Giovanni; Maganzi, M.
Flow around a wing: improvement of physical comprehension by using a DES model.
2016-01-01 Lombardi, G.; Maganzi, M.
Impatto dello Sviluppo della Potenza di Calcolo sul progetto aerodinamico: prospettive e problematiche dell’uso dei processori GPU in ANSYS-FLUENT.
2015-01-01 Lombardi, Giovanni; Maganzi, M.; Ciampa, A.; Coscetti, S.
Analysis of a CFD Approach for the Study of the Aerodynamics of a Scooter
2014-01-01 Lombardi, Giovanni; Maganzi, M.; Baldini, S.; Rosellini, W.
Climate Control And HVAC Simulation For Occupied Spaces in Cars Using Open Source Software
2014-01-01 Geremia, P.; Lombardi, Giovanni; Cardile, E.
Correction of Wind Tunnel Data: a Numerical Analysis of the Different Contributions
2014-01-01 Lombardi, Giovanni; Tosini, Alessio; Cardile, E.; Zinelli, D.
Optimisation of a Wing-Sail shape for a small boat
2014-01-01 Lombardi, Giovanni; Cartoni, Federico; Maganzi, M.
Optimisation Procedures as an Engineering Tool: Examples
2014-01-01 Lombardi, Giovanni
Use of the CFD for the analysis of the exhausts trajectory
2014-01-01 Lombardi, Giovanni; Cardile, E.; Cartoni, Federico; Maganzi, M.
A comparison of the drag polar curves of wings using the fluid-structure interaction analyses
2013-01-01 Chiarelli, MARIO ROSARIO; Ciabattari, M.; Cagnoni, M.; Lombardi, Giovanni
Applicazioni CFD in Ambito Nautico
2013-01-01 Lombardi, Giovanni
CFD and Computing Resources: Perspective for the Future
2013-01-01 Lombardi, Giovanni; Ciampa, A.
Climate Control And HVAC Simulation For Occupied Spaces in Cars Using Open Source Software
2013-01-01 Geremia, P.; Lombardi, Giovanni; Cardile, E.