Analysis of factors influencing the microbial population dynamics of the activated-sludge process
2005-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Mazzanti, C.; Vallerini, F.; Vecchi, S.
Assessment of the environmental condition of Fine River based on the E.B.I. method (Extended Biotic Index)
2005-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Marsili, D.
From the ethology of unicellular Eukaryotes to the locomotion of the living beings: meaning and evolution of the phenomenon
2005-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba
Analysis of factors influencing the microbial population dynamics of the activated-sludge process
2004-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Mazzanti, C.; Vallerini, F.; Vecchi, S.
Cell cycle and behaviour in Euplotes crassus: an attempt at describing the biological relationship between its cellular and organismic natures
2004-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Fosella, T.; Vazzoloretto, S.; Erra, F.
Ecological modelling: from the Biosphere to the every day data gathering
2004-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Marsili, D.; Galleni, L.
Importance of the biogenic organic matter in photo-formation of dissolved gaseous mercury in a culture of the marine diatom Chaetoceros sp
2004-01-01 Lanzillotta, E.; Ceccarini, C.; Ferrara, R.; Dini, Fernando; Frontini, F. P.; Banchetti, Rosalba
Valutazione della qualità delle acque e dell'ambiente mediante l'Indice Biologico Esteso (macroinvertebrati): Fiume Frigido
2004-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Ceccopieri, N.; Bombardieri, G.
Assessment of the quality of waters and the environment by means of biological indices (macroinvertebrates, diatoms, fluvial functionality): the river Frigido
2003-01-01 Ceccopieri, N.; Banchetti, Rosalba
Ethogram of Aspidisca sedigita
2003-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Erra, F.; Ricci, N.; Dini, F.
Ethology of Ciliates: an appreciation of the work of Nicola Ricci
2003-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba
Sublethal doses of heavy metals and Slow-Down pattern of Euplotes crassus (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia): a behavioural bioassay
2003-01-01 Mori, G.; Erra, F.; Cionini, K.; Banchetti, Rosalba
The ethology of Protozoa and the "adaptive space" hypothesis: a heuristic approach to the biology of these eukaryotic, unicellular organisms
2003-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; F., Erra
The locomotion of living organisms. Some hints for an evolutionistic reconsideration of Biology's "foregone" topics
2003-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Erra, F.
Il fenomeno del Displacing nel mondo vivente
2002-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Ricci, N.
Non-adaptive behavior of isotropically heated, inert populations of Oxytricha bifaria (Ciliophora, Stichotrichia)
2002-01-01 Barbanera, Filippo; Erra, Fabrizio; Banchetti, Rosalba
Studio sui Protozoi presenti all'interno della vasca di ossidazione di impianti di depurazione biologica a fanghi attivi che trattano acque reflue di origine civile ed industriale
2002-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Mazzanti, C.; Vecchi, S.; Bianucci, G. P.
The arc, an unexpected and still not explained element of the tracks of creeping ciliates
2002-01-01 Ricci, N.; Banchetti, Rosalba; Erra, F.
The Behaviour of unicellular Eukaryotes
2002-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Erra, F.
Analisi di qualità su acque lotiche superficiali con il metodo I.B.E.: il caso del fiume Sieve
2001-01-01 Banchetti, Rosalba; Gasperini, F.; Caldini, G.