Uno, due, più Antifonti? Spunti da una rivisitazione di 87 B 44 DK (ANTIPH. D 38 Laks-Most)
2024-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
2024-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
A few remarks on the relationship between materials, technology and colour experience in ancient Greece.
2023-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Blood and the awareness of perception: from early Greek thought to Plato's Timaeus
2023-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
2023-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Ancient science and technology of colour : an introduction
2022-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Conceptualizing emotions: from Homer to Aristotle
2022-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
La terra contemplata dall'alto (Plat., Phaed. 110B5-111C3): un'esperienza premorte? Da Pugliese a Jung, e oltre
2022-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
La terra contemplata dall'alto (Plat., Phaed.110B5-111C3): un'esperienza premorte? Da Pugliese a Jung, e oltre
2022-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Philosophical Theories of Colour in Ancient Greek Thought – and Their Relevance Today
2022-01-01 Sassi, Maria Michela
Platone e i colori: fra sospetto conoscitivo e fascinazione estetica
2022-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Compte-rendu de: Christopher MOORE, Calling Philosophers Names . On the Origin of a Discipline, Princeton & Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2020. XXIV - 416 p.
2021-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Il metodo dialettico di Socrate: suggerimenti per una discussione democratica
2021-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Taking Care of the City: the Appeal to Notions and Methods of Hippocratic Medicine in Plato’s Political Thought
2021-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
The Beginnings of Physiognomy in Greece
2021-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Le savoir de Médée.
2020-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Postfazione. Dieci anni dopo (con Addenda)
2020-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
recensione di P. Bouras-Vallianatos/S. Xenophontos (Eds.), Greek Medical Literature and its Readers. From Hippocrates to Islam and Byzantium, London-New York, Routledge, 2018
2020-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
The Indiscreet Charm of Brightness: from Early Greek Thought to Plato.
2020-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA
Il processo a Socrate
2019-01-01 Sassi, MARIA MICHELA