GUIDI, BARBARA Statistiche
A wealth-driven analysis of user engagement in Blockchain Online Social Media
2024-01-01 Michienzi, Andrea; Guidi, Barbara; Ricci, Laura
AWESOME: Analysis framework for WEb3 SOcial MEdia
2024-01-01 Ricci, L.; Guidi, B.; Michienzi, A.; Tagarelli, A.; Gaito, S.
Detecting Suspicious Player Behavior in Web3 games: A Data-Driven Analysis of Bot Accounts
2024-01-01 Guidi, Barbara; Michienzi, Andrea; Ricci, Laura
OASIS 2024 Chairs’ Welcome
2024-01-01 Guidi, B.; Michienzi, A.; Ricci, L.
Relieving Overexposure in Information Diffusion Through a Budget Multi-stage Allocation
2024-01-01 Ni, Peikun; Guidi, Barbara; Michienzi, Andrea; Zhu, Jianming
A decentralised messaging system robust against the unauthorised forwarding of private content
2023-01-01 Franco, M; Gaggi, O; Guidi, B; Michienzi, A; Palazzi, Ce
Advanced Analysis Technologies for Social Media
2023-01-01 Guidi, B; Iglesias, Ca; Rossetti, G; Koidl, K
Delving NFT vulnerabilities, a sleepminting prevention system
2023-01-01 Guidi, B; Michienzi, A
Equilibrium of individual concern-critical influence maximization in virtual and real blending network
2023-01-01 Ni, Pk; Guidi, B; Michienzi, A; Zhu, Jm
From NFT 1.0 to NFT 2.0: A Review of the Evolution of Non-Fungible Tokens
2023-01-01 Guidi, Barbara; Michienzi, Andrea
Guest Editorial: Blockchain and decentralised solutions for social good
2023-01-01 Guidi, B; Gaggi, O; Michienzi, A
Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2021)
2023-01-01 Gaggi, O; Guidi, B; Vegni, Am
OASIS'23: 3rd International Workshop on Open Challenges in Online Social Networks
2023-01-01 Guidi, B.; Michienzi, A.; Ricci, L.
SentiTrust: a new Trust Model for Decentralized Online Social Media
2023-01-01 Guidi, Barbara; Michienzi, Andrea; Ricci, Laura; Baiardi, Fabrizio; Gómez-Zaragozá, Lucía; Carrasco-Ribelles, Lucía A.; Marín-Morales, Javier
The social impact of NFTs in the metaverse economy
2023-01-01 Guidi, B.; Michienzi, A.
Unveiling social aggregation in the Decentraland metaverse platform
2023-01-01 Luo, J.; Casale-Brunet, S.; Guidi, B.; Mattavelli, M.; Liu, X.
Assessment of Wealth Distribution in Blockchain Online Social Media
2022-01-01 Guidi, B; Michienzi, A; Ricci, L
Evaluating the decentralisation of filecoin
2022-01-01 Guidi, Barbara; Michienzi, Andrea; Ricci, LAURA EMILIA MARIA
Fork-based user migration in Blockchain Online Social Media
2022-01-01 Ba, C. T.; Michienzi, A.; Guidi, B.; Zignani, M.; Ricci, L.; Gaito, S.
How to reward the Web: The social dApp Yup
2022-01-01 Guidi, B.; Michienzi, A.