Clearing the smog ceiling: The impact of women's political empowerment on air quality in European regions
2024-01-01 Rios Ibanez, V; Gianmoena, L; Izaskun, B.; Pascual, P.
Is social capital a driver of the Green Transition in European Regions?
2024-01-01 RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente; Gianmoena, Lisa; Peiró Palomino, Jesús; Picazo-Tadeo, Andrés
Social trust and the advanced aspects of social progress: Evidence for the European regions
2024-01-01 Rios, Vicente; Gianmoena, Lisa; Peiró Palomino, Jesús; Andrés, Picazo-Tadeo
Building a Social Progress-Adjusted Indicator of GDP Per Capita for the European Union’s Regions
2023-01-01 Rios Ibanez, V.; Gianmoena, L.; Picazo-Tadeo, Aj.; Peiro-Palomino, J.
Is the European Social Progress Index robust? Implications for the design of European Union regional Cohesion Policy
2023-01-01 Beltrán-Esteve, Mercedes; Peiró-Palomino, Jesús; Picazo-Tadeo, Andrés J.; Rios, Vicente
Quality of government and Women's political empowerment: Evidence from the European regions
2023-01-01 Rios Ibanez, V.; Beltrán‐esteve, M.; Gianmoena, L.; Peiró‐palomino, J.; Picazo‐tadeo, A. J.
The diffusion of COVID-19 across Italian provinces: a spatial dynamic panel data approach with common factors.
2023-01-01 Gianmoena, Lisa; Rios, Vicente
Social progress around the world: trends and convergence
2022-01-01 Jesús, Peiró-Palomino; Andrés, J. Picazo-Tadeo; RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente
What shapes the flypaper effect? The role of the political environment in the budget process
2022-01-01 Rios, Vicente; Hortas-Rico, Miriam; Pascual, Pedro
On the link between temperature and regional COVID‐19 severity: Evidence from Italy
2021-01-01 RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente; Gianmoena, Lisa
Is there an optimal size for local governments? A spatial panel data model approach
2020-01-01 Hortas-Rico, Miriam; Rios, Vicente
Quality of government in European regions: do spatial spillovers matter?
2020-01-01 Ezcurra, Roberto; Rios, Vicente
The link between quality of government and regional resilience in Europe
2020-01-01 RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente; Gianmoena, Lisa
Well‐being in European regions: Does government quality matter?
2020-01-01 Jesús, Peiró‐palomino; Picazo‐tadeo, Andrés J.; RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente
Quality of government and regional resilience in the European Union. Evidence from the Great Recession
2019-01-01 Roberto, Ezcurra; RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente
The drivers of local income inequality: a spatial Bayesian model-averaging approach
2019-01-01 Miriam, Hortas-Rico; RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente
Convergence in CO2 emissions: A spatial economic analysis with cross-country interactions
2018-01-01 RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente; Gianmoena, Lisa
Determinants of sport performance in European football: What can we learn from the data?
2018-01-01 Fabíola, Zambom-Ferraresi; RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente; Fernando, Lera-López
What drives local government spending in Spain? A dynamic spatial panel approach
2017-01-01 RIOS IBANEZ, Vicente; Pedro, Pascual; Fermín, Cabases
Development Differentials and Interaction Effects in the European Regions: A Study Based on the Regional Lisbon Index
2016-01-01 Rios, Vicente; Pascual-Arzoz, Pedro; Apezteguia, Belén