Application of uncertainty quantification techniques in the framework of process safety studies: Advanced dispersion simulations
2024-01-01 Bellegoni, Marco; Marroni, Giulia; Mariotti, Alessandro; Salvetti, MARIA VITTORIA; Landucci, Gabriele; Galletti, Chiara
Assessing the attractiveness of chemical and process facilities to terrorism using a situational crime prevention approach
2024-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco; Landucci, Gabriele; Tortolini, Alessia; CASSON MORENO, Valeria; Marroni, Giulia
Development of fragility models for process equipment affected by physical security attacks
2024-01-01 Marroni, Giulia; Casini, Leonardo; Bartolucci, Andrea; Kuipers, Sanneke; Casson Moreno, Valeria; Landucci, Gabriele
Securing Chemical Facilities Against Intentional Attacks: a Bayesian Network Approach for Asset Risk Assessment
2024-01-01 Marroni, Giulia; CASSON MORENO, Valeria; Kuipers, Sanneke; MOSSA VERRE, Marcello; Landucci, Gabriele
A methodology for risk assessment of LNG carriers accessing vulnerable port areas
2023-01-01 Marroni, G; Casson Moreno, V; Ovidi, F; Chiavistelli, T; Landucci, G
Real-time Assessment of Integrated Safety-security Scenarios Triggering Cascading Events in the Process Industries
2023-01-01 Marroni, Giulia; Casini, Leonardo; Kuipers, Sanneke; Dentone, Dino; MOSSA VERRE, Marcello; Overdijk, Werner; CASSON MORENO, Valeria; Landucci, Gabriele
An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards the Integrated Safety-Security Assessment of Process Facilities Operating in the Maghreb Context
2022-01-01 Marroni, Giulia; Piemonte, Andrea; Tamburini, Francesco; Caroti, Gabriella; Pannocchia, Gabriele; Landucci, Gabriele
Attractiveness Assessment of Chemical Facilities Operating in Critical Areas: Development of a Semi-Quantitative Methodology Tailored to the Maghreb Context
2022-01-01 Landucci, G.; Tonelli, J.; Tortolini, A.; Marroni, G.; Pepe, E.; Tamburini, F.
Probabilistic assessment aimed at the evaluation of escalating scenarios in process facilities combining safety and security barriers
2022-01-01 Casson Moreno, V; Marroni, G; Landucci, G