Feasibility study of Renewable Recycled Carbon Fuel Production via Plastic Waste Pyrolysis
2025-01-01 Marchetti, Letizia; Guastaferro, Mariangela; Vaccari, Marco; Annunzi, Federica; Tognotti, Leonardo; Nicolella, Cristiano
Biomass Gasification: an Advanced Conceptual Model for Downdraft Reactor
2024-01-01 Vaccari, M.; Guastaferro, M.; Tognotti, L.
Investigation of Myriophyllum Aquaticum HTC: Reaction Pathways & Compound Identification
2024-01-01 Guastaferro, M.; Vaccari, M.; Barontini, F.; Puccini, M.
Italian Potential of Residual Biogenic Resources for Energy-Driven Biorefineries
2024-01-01 Pierro, N.; Giuliano, A.; Giocoli, A.; Baldinelli, A.; Guastaferro, M.; Tognotti, L.; De Bari, I.
Production of Photocatalytic Membranes by Supercritical Phase Inversion for the Removal of Antibiotics from Waste-Water
2024-01-01 Guastaferro, M.; Vaiano, V.; Baldino, L.; Cardea, S.; Reverchon, E.
Revitalizing Plastic Waste with Pyrolysis: a UniSim Design© Simulation Case study for Renewable Energy Production from Car Fluff
2024-01-01 Guastaferro, M.; Marchetti, L.; Vaccari, M.; Nicolella, C.; Tognotti, L.
Towards strengthening resilience of organizations by risk management tools: A scientometric perspective on COVID-19 experience in a healthcare and industrial setting
2024-01-01 Fabiano, B.; Guastaferro, M.; Pettinato, M.; Pasman, H. J.
Two-stage thermal pyrolysis of plastic solid waste: Set-up and operative conditions investigation for gaseous fuel production
2024-01-01 Marchetti, Letizia; Guastaferro, Mariangela; Annunzi, Federica; Tognotti, Leonardo; Nicolella, Cristiano; Vaccari, Marco
Different Drying Techniques Can Affect the Adsorption Properties of Agarose-Based Gels for Crystal Violet Removal
2023-01-01 Guastaferro, M.; Baldino, L.; Cardea, S.; Reverchon, E.
Supercritical-CO2-Assisted Electrospray for the Production of the PLA-Antibiotic-Sustained Drug-Delivery System
2023-01-01 Guastaferro, Mariangela; Baldino, Lucia; Cardea, Stefano; Reverchon, Ernesto
Validation of a compartmental model to predict drug release from porous structures produced by ScCO2 techniques
2023-01-01 Gonzalez-Garcinuno, A.; Baldino, L.; Tabernero, A.; Guastaferro, M.; Cardea, S.; Reverchon, E.; Martin del Valle, E.
Supercritical CO2 Assisted Electrospray to Produce Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Acid) Nanoparticles
2022-01-01 Barbero-Colmenar, E.; Guastaferro, M.; Baldino, L.; Cardea, S.; Reverchon, E.
Supercritical Phase Inversion to Produce Photocatalytic Active PVDF-coHFP_TiO2 Composites for the Degradation of Sudan Blue II Dye
2022-01-01 Guastaferro, M.; Baldino, L.; Vaiano, V.; Cardea, S.; Reverchon, E.
Supercritical processing of PCL and PCL-PEG blends to produce improved PCL-based porous scaffolds
2022-01-01 Guastaferro, M.; Baldino, L.; Cardea, S.; Reverchon, E.
Supercritical {CO}2 assisted electrospray of {PVP}-Rutin mixtures using a liquid collector
2022-01-01 Guastaferro, Mariangela; Baldino, Lucia; Cardea, Stefano; Reverchon, Ernesto
Supercritical-CO2 Assisted Electrospray to Produce Cellulose Acetate+Rutin Micro-Carriers
2022-01-01 Guastaferro, M.; Cardea, S.; Baldino, L.; Reverchon, E.
The viscoelastic behavior of the precursor hydrogels can modify aerogel properties
2022-01-01 Tabernero, A.; Guastaferro, M.; Gonzalez-Garcinuno, A.; Misol, A.; Baldino, L.; Cardea, S.; Valle, E. M. D.; Reverchon, E.
Agarose, Alginate and Chitosan Nanostructured Aerogels for Pharmaceutical Applications: A Short Review
2021-01-01 Guastaferro, Mariangela; Reverchon, Ernesto; Baldino, Lucia
Cellulose acetate nanocarrier production by supercritical assisted electrospray
2021-01-01 Guastaferro, M.; Cardea, S.; Baldino, L.; Reverchon, E.
Polysaccharide-based aerogel production for biomedical applications: A comparative review
2021-01-01 Guastaferro, M.; Reverchon, E.; Baldino, L.