Configuration of Organic Rankine Cycles for Geothermal Applications: An Industrial Perspective
2024-01-01 Pettinari, Matteo; Dago, Gnandjuet Gaston Brice; Frate, Guido Francesco; Baccioli, Andrea; Ferrari, Lorenzo; Desideri, Umberto; Amidei, Simone; Cosi, Lorenzo
Development of an Optimized Non-Linear Model for Precise Dew Point Estimation in Variable Environmental Conditions
2024-01-01 Hernandez-Torres, José Antonio; Torreglosa, Juan P.; Sanchez-Herrera, Reyes; Bischi, Aldo; Baccioli, Andrea
High-Temperature Heat Pumps for Electrification and Cost-Effective Decarbonization in the Tissue Paper Industry
2024-01-01 Ciambellotti, A.; Frate, G. F.; Baccioli, A.; Desideri, U.
Integration of ocean thermal energy conversion and pumped thermal energy storage: system design, off-design and LCOS evaluation
2024-01-01 Ghilardi, Alessandra; Baccioli, Andrea; Frate, Guido Francesco; Volpe, Marco; Ferrari, Lorenzo
Techno-economic analysis of Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries: Stochastic investigation of capital cost and levelized cost of storage
2024-01-01 Cremoncini, Diana; DI LORENZO, Giuseppina; Frate, GUIDO FRANCESCO; Bischi, Aldo; Baccioli, Andrea; Ferrari, Lorenzo
Configuration of Organic Rankine Cycles for Geothermal Applications: An Industrial Perspective
2023-01-01 Pettinari, Matteo; Dago, Gnandjuet Gaston Brice; Frate, Guido Francesco; Baccioli, Andrea; Ferrari, Lorenzo; Desideri, Umberto; Amidei, Simone; Cosi, Lorenzo
Continuous decentralized hydrogen production through alkaline water electrolysis powered by an oxygen-enriched air integrated biomass gasification combined cycle
2023-01-01 Aguado, R.; Baccioli, A.; Liponi, A.; Vera, D.
Energy, exergy, environmental and economic performance analysis and optimization of a novel CCHP system integrated with ammonia driven MCFC and solar energy
2023-01-01 Lu, Z.; Zhang, H.; Duan, L.; Wang, Q.; Baccioli, A.; Desideri, U.
Exergoeconomic evaluation of novel solid oxide fuel cell-integrated solar combined cycle with different solar integration modes
2023-01-01 Lu, Z.; Zhang, H.; Duan, L.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Q.; Baccioli, A.; Desideri, U.
Exergoeconomic evaluation of novel solid oxide fuel cell-integrated solar combined cycle with different solar integration modes
2023-01-01 Lu, Zy; Zhang, Hf; Duan, Lq; Wang, Z; Wang, Qs; Baccioli, A; Desideri, U
Feasibility analysis of green hydrogen production from wind
2023-01-01 Liponi, Angelica; Baccioli, Andrea; Ferrari, Lorenzo
Hydrogen from renewables: Is it always green? The Italian scenario
2023-01-01 Liponi, A.; Pasini, G.; Baccioli, A.; Ferrari, L.
Modeling production and energy needs of a vertical farm
2023-01-01 Baccioli, Andrea; Capannoli, Linda; Di Lorenzo, Giuseppina; Incrocci, Luca; Pardossi, Alberto; Bischi, Aldo
Modeling production and energy needs of a vertical farm
2023-01-01 Baccioli, A.; Capannoli, L.; Di Lorenzo, G.; Incrocci, L.; Pardossi, A.; Bischi, A.
Optimization of sustainable seawater desalination: Modeling renewable energy integration and energy storage concepts
2023-01-01 Schar, S; Bischi, A; Baccioli, A; Desideri, U; Geldermann, J
Techno-Economic Comparison of Several Technologies for Waste Heat Recovery of Gas Turbine Exhausts
2023-01-01 Ghilardi, A; Frate, Gf; Baccioli, A; Ulivieri, D; Ferrari, L; Desideri, U; Cosi, L; Amidei, S; Michelassi, V
Valorization of biogas from the anaerobic co-treatment of sewage sludge and organic waste: Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of different recovery strategies
2023-01-01 Pasciucco, Francesco; Francini, Giovanni; Pecorini, Isabella; Baccioli, Andrea; Lombardi, Lidia; Ferrari, Lorenzo
Assessment of the off-design performance of a solar thermally-integrated pumped-thermal energy storage
2022-01-01 Frate, Gf; Baccioli, A; Bernardini, L; Ferrari, L
Impact of wind speed distribution and management strategy on hydrogen production from wind energy
2022-01-01 Liponi, A.; Frate, G. F.; Baccioli, A.; Ferrari, L.; Desideri, U.
2022-01-01 Baccioli, A.; Pasini, G.; Barbieri, G.; Ferrari, L.