Preliminary report of the 2021-2022 seasons of the Omani-Italian Archaeological Expedition at Al-Tikha, Rustaq (Oman)
In corso di stampa Pizzimenti, Sara; Douglas, Khaled; Husein, Mohammed
Reconsidering a Southern Route. Relation between Southern Mesopotamia, Susiana and Egypt at the End of the Fourth Millennium BC
2024-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara
Research and Excavation in the Ancient City of Lagash: The Lagash Archaeological Project
2024-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara; Pittman, Holly
Dense urbanism and economic multi-centrism at third-millennium BC Lagash
2023-01-01 Mcmahon, Augusta; Pittman, Holly; al-Rawi, Zaid; Ashby, Darren; Burge, Katherine; Goodman, Reed; Hammer, Emily; Pizzimenti, Sara
Response to Emily Hammer’s article: “Multi-centric, Marsh-based urbanism at the early Mesopotamian city of Lagash (Tell al Hiba, Iraq)”
2023-01-01 Pittman, Holly; Goodman, Reed; Pizzimenti, Sara; Zimmerman, Paul; Pournelle, Jennifer; Giosan, Liviu
Scavi e ricerche nell'antica città di Lagash: il Lagash Archaeological Project
2023-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara; Pittman, Holly
From Uruk to Jemdet Nasr in Southern Mesopotamia. New Data from the 2015 Excavations in Area A at Tell Zurghul/Nigin within a Regional Perspective
2022-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara
GPR Archaeometry Survey on Rrough Terrain: A Case Study from Early Bronze Age Settlement AI-Tikha, Oman
2022-01-01 Economou, Nikos; Douglas, Khaled A.; Hesein, Mohamed; Pizzimenti, Sara; Hooti, Khalil Al; Shaqsi, Bader Al; Abri, Said Al; Hinaai, Adnan Al; Al Kharusi, Al Anoud; Alawi, Mohamed Al; Rawahi, Rodaynah Al; Ismaili, Saad Al
Excavation at Karkemish II. The Inner West Gate in Area N
2021-01-01 Mantellini, Simone; Pizzimenti, Sara
From Earth to Heaven. The Symbol of the Scorpion and its Astronomical Association in Mesopotamia
2021-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara; Polcaro, Andrea
From the 3rd to the 2nd Millennium BC: An Assessment on Area A Pottery Assemblage from Trench 1
2020-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara
From the 4th to the 3rd Millennium BC: An Assessment on Area A Pottery Assemblage from Trench 2
2020-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara
Recent archaeological discoveries at Karkemish. Anatomy and trajectories of a capital city on the Middle Euphrates
2020-01-01 Marchetti, Nicolò; Alaimo, Daniele; Barbi, Nadia; Campeggi, Michael; LETIZIA CARRA, Maria; Cardini, Vittoria; DI CRISTINA, Silvia; D’Orazio, Claudia; Ferrando, Massimo; Gallerani, Valentina; Giacardi, Alessandra; Giacosa, Gabriele; Guarino, Giuseppe; Luglio, Giampaolo; Maini, Elena; Mantellini, Simone; Marchesi, Gianni; Mariani, Eleonora; Monastero, Jacopo; Orrú, Valentina; Özakça, Mustafa; Peker, Hasan; Pizzimenti, Sara; Prezioso, Francesco; Redamante, Daniele; Rivoltella, Rosa; Roberto, Giulia; Serrone, Eleonora; Shafiq, Rula; Valeri, Marco; Vezzoli, Valentina; Zaina, Federico
The Late Bronze I Period [Recent archaeological discoveries at Karkemish]
2020-01-01 Giacosa, Gabriele; Mantellini, Simone; Pizzimenti, Sara
Fertility from the Sky: The Role of the Scorpion in the Ploughing Scenes on Akkadian Glyptic
2019-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara
Pearls of the Past. Studies on Near Eastern Art and Archaeology in Honour of Frances Pinnock
2019-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara; D'Andrea, Marta; Nadali, Davide; Vacca, Agnese; Micale Maria, Gabriella
A Oriente del Delta. Scritti sull'Egitto ed il Vicino Oriente antico in onore di Gabriella Scandone Matthiae
2018-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara; Vacca, Agnese; Micale Maria, Gabriella
Adaptation of the Winged Disk in the Old Syrian Glyptic: A Study of Cultural Interaction in the Eastern Mediterranean
2018-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara
Ebla in the Iron Age. New Evidence from the Acropolis: Remarks from a Work in Progress
2018-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara
The Middle and the Late Bronze Age
2018-01-01 Pizzimenti, Sara