Clinical evaluation of a digital stethoscope with simultaneous phonocardiography and electrocardiography in cats
2024-01-01 Alibrandi, Lisa; Vezzosi, Tommaso; Bozzolo, Eliana; Grosso, Giovanni; Domenech, Oriol; Tognetti, Rosalba
The vertebral right heart index: A new radiographic method to assess right heart enlargement in dogs
2024-01-01 Puccinelli, Caterina; Vezzosi, Tommaso; Grosso, Giovanni; Tognetti, Rosalba; Auriemma, Edoardo; Domenech, Oriol; Citi, Simonetta
Echocardiographic reference intervals of the dimensions of the main pulmonary artery and the right pulmonary artery: a prospective study in 269 healthy dogs
2023-01-01 Grosso, G; Tognetti, R; Domenech, O; Marchesotti, F; Patata, V; Vezzosi, T
Evaluation of a new smartphone-based digital stethoscope featuring phonocardiography and electrocardiography in dogs and cats
2023-01-01 Vezzosi, T; Alibrandi, L; Grosso, G; Tognetti, R
Prognostic significance of left cardiac enlargement in dogs with preclinical myxomatous mitral valve disease
2023-01-01 Grosso, G.; Vezzosi, T.; Domenech, O.; Tognetti, R.
Smartphone-based six-lead ECG: A new device for electrocardiographic recording in dogs
2023-01-01 Alibrandi, L; Tognetti, R; Domenech, O; Croce, M; Giuntoli, M; Grosso, G; Vezzosi, T
Evaluation of a Novel Precordial Lead System for the Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Right Ventricular Enlargement in Dogs
2022-01-01 Grosso, Giovanni; Vezzosi, Tommaso; Pergamo, Cesara Sofia; Bini, Martina; Patata, Valentina; Domenech, Oriol; Tognetti, Rosalba
Breath-by-breath analysis of respiratory sinus arrhythmia in dogs
2021-01-01 Grosso, G.; Vezzosi, T.; Briganti, A.; Di Franco, C.; Tognetti, R.; Mortola, J. P.
The Mitral INsufficiency Echocardiographic score: A severity classification of myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs
2021-01-01 Vezzosi, T.; Grosso, G.; Tognetti, R.; Meucci, V.; Patata, V.; Marchesotti, F.; Domenech, O.