CAPOCCI, MAURO Statistiche
An Italian physician in Congo: Birds collected by Renzo Rosati (1879-1935) preserved in the Natural History Museum of the University of Pisa, Italy
2024-01-01 Vanni, Lorenzo; Barbagli, Fausto; Ricci, Enrica; Violani, Carlo; Capocci, Mauro; Farina, Simone
Empire, Nation-building, and the Age of Tropical Medicine, 1885–1960
2024-01-01 Capocci, Mauro
Global Medicine and History. Nation States, Empires and International Cooperation
2024-01-01 Capocci, M
Introduction: The Age of Empire, the Making of the Modern Nation, and the Advancement of Medical Sciences
2024-01-01 Capocci, Mauro; Cozzoli, Daniele
Tropical Medicine, the Nation, and the Colonial Expansion in the View of Italian Royal Navy Physicians at the End of the Nineteenth Century
2024-01-01 Capocci, Mauro; Cozzoli, Daniele
Book review: Gregory J. Morgan, Cancer Virus Hunters: A History of Tumor Virology, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022, 392 pp.,ISBN: 9781421444017
2023-01-01 Capocci, Mauro
Human Genetics in Post-WWII Italy. Blood, genes and platforms
2023-01-01 Capocci, Mauro
L’Ornitolite di Montmartre. La fake news dell'ultima catastrofe
2023-01-01 Capocci, Mauro
The Global Dimension of the Rome Zoological Garden and Italian Colonialism in Africa
2023-01-01 Capocci, M.; Cozzoli, D.
Uno spazio sanitario coloniale. L'Italia nel Conseil Sanitaire Maritime et Quarantenaire di Alessandria d'Egitto (1895-1910)
2023-01-01 Capocci, Mauro
2022-01-01 Capocci, Mauro
Quarantine at the Eastern gate. The Italian Perspective in Alexandria, 1899-1905
2022-01-01 Capocci, Mauro; Cozzoli, Daniele
Science and Race: Images, Objects, Maps
2021-01-01 Capocci, Mauro; Pogliano, Claudio
Ora. La più grande sfida della storia dell’umanità
2020-01-01 Capocci, Mauro
Zambeletti, Ludovico
2020-01-01 Capocci, Mauro
Zambon, Gaetano
2020-01-01 Capocci, Mauro
I nomi del male e i segni dell'eredità. Pensare, nominare e curare la malattia "genetica" dai Greci a noi
2019-01-01 Capocci, M.; Cilione, M.; Giorgianni, F.
2019-01-01 Capocci, Mauro; Cilione, Marco; Giorgianni, Franco
History of anaesthesia. Nurse anaesthesia practice in the G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America)
2018-01-01 Tenedios, C.; O'Leary, S.; Capocci, M.; Desai, S.
I big data e il corpo
2018-01-01 Capocci, Andrea; Capocci, Mauro