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An Assessment of Six Years of Precipitation Stable Isotope and Tritium Activity Concentration Records at Station Sv. Urban, Eastern Slovenia 1-gen-2024 Vreca, P.; Kanduc, T.; Strok, M.; Zagar, K.; Nigro, M.; Barsanti, M.
An Update on Rainfall Thresholds for Rainfall-Induced Landslides in the Southern Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy) Using Different Statistical Methods 1-gen-2024 Giannecchini, Roberto; Zanon, Alessandro; Barsanti, Michele
Study of the response of a single-dof dynamic system under stationary non-Gaussian random loads aimed at fatigue life assessment 1-gen-2024 Sgamma, M.; Palmieri, M.; Barsanti, M.; Bucchi, F.; Cianetti, F.; Frendo, F.
Terrestrial very-long-baseline atom interferometry: Workshop summary 1-gen-2024 Abend, Sven; Allard, Baptiste; Alonso, Iván; Antoniadis, John; Araújo, Henrique; Arduini, Gianluigi; Arnold, Aidan S.; Asano, Tobias; Augst, Nadja; Badurina, Leonardo; Balaž, Antun; Banks, Hannah; Barone, Michele; Barsanti, Michele; Bassi, Angelo; Battelier, Baptiste; Baynham, Charles F. A.; Beaufils, Quentin; Belić, Aleksandar; Beniwal, Ankit; Bernabeu, Jose; Bertinelli, Francesco; Bertoldi, Andrea; Biswas, Ikbal Ahamed; Blas, Diego; Boegel, Patrick; Bogojević, Aleksandar; Böhm, Jonas; Böhringer, Samuel; Bongs, Kai; Bouyer, Philippe; Brand, Christian; Brimis, Apostolos; Buchmueller, Oliver; Cacciapuoti, Luigi; Calatroni, Sergio; Canuel, Benjamin; Caprini, Chiara; Caramete, Ana; Caramete, Laurentiu; Carlesso, Matteo; Carlton, John; Casariego, Mateo; Charmandaris, Vassilis; Chen, Yu-Ao; Chiofalo, Maria Luisa; Cimbri, Alessia; Coleman, Jonathon; Constantin, Florin Lucian; Contaldi, Carlo R.; Cui, Yanou; Ros, Elisa Da; Davies, Gavin; Rosendo, Esther del Pino; Deppner, Christian; Derevianko, Andrei; Rham, Claudia de; Roeck, Albert De; Derr, Daniel; Di Pumpo, Fabio; Djordjevic, Goran S.; Döbrich, Babette; Domokos, Peter; Dornan, Peter; Doser, Michael; Drougakis, Giannis; Dunningham, Jacob; Duspayev, Alisher; Easo, Sajan; Eby, Joshua; Efremov, Maxim; Ekelof, Tord; Elertas, Gedminas; Ellis, John; Evans, David; Fadeev, Pavel; Fanì, Mattia; Fassi, Farida; Fattori, Marco; Fayet, Pierre; Felea, Daniel; Feng, Jie; Friedrich, Alexander; Fuchs, Elina; Gaaloul, Naceur; Gao, Dongfeng; Gardner, Susan; Garraway, Barry; Gauguet, Alexandre; Gerlach, Sandra; Gersemann, Matthias; Gibson, Valerie; Giese, Enno; Giudice, Gian F.; Glasbrenner, Eric P.; Gündoğan, Mustafa; Haehnelt, Martin; Hakulinen, Timo; Hammerer, Klemens; Hanımeli, Ekim T.; Harte, Tiffany; Hawkins, Leonie; Hees, Aurelien; Heise, Jaret; Henderson, Victoria A.; Herrmann, Sven; Hird, Thomas M.; Hogan, Jason M.; Holst, Bodil; Holynski, Michael; Hussain, Kamran; Janson, Gregor; Jeglič, Peter; Jelezko, Fedor; Kagan, Michael; Kalliokoski, Matti; Kasevich, Mark; Kehagias, Alex; Kilian, Eva; Koley, Soumen; Konrad, Bernd; Kopp, Joachim; Kornakov, Georgy; Kovachy, Tim; Krutzik, Markus; Kumar, Mukesh; Kumar, Pradeep; Lämmerzahl, Claus; Landsberg, Greg; Langlois, Mehdi; Lanigan, Bryony; Lellouch, Samuel; Leone, Bruno; Poncin-Lafitte, Christophe Le; Lewicki, Marek; Leykauf, Bastian; Lezeik, Ali; Lombriser, Lucas; Luis Lopez-Gonzalez, J.; Lopez Asamar, Elias; Monjaraz, Cristian López; Luciano, Giuseppe Gaetano; Mahmoud, M. A.; Maleknejad, Azadeh; Krutzik, Markus; Marteau, Jacques; Massonnet, Didier; Mazumdar, Anupam; Mccabe, Christopher; Meister, Matthias; Menu, Jonathan; Messineo, Giuseppe; Micalizio, Salvatore; Millington, Peter; Milosevic, Milan; Mitchell, Jeremiah; Montero, Mario; Morley, Gavin W.; Müller, Jürgen; Ioğlu, Özgür E. Müstecapl; Ni, Wei-Tou; Noller, Johannes; Odžak, Senad; Oi, Daniel K. L.; Omar, Yasser; Pahl, Julia; Paling, Sean; Pandey, Saurabh; Pappas, George; Pareek, Vinay; Pasatembou, Elizabeth; Pelucchi, Emanuele; Pereira dos Santos, Franck; Piest, Baptist; Pikovski, Igor; Pilaftsis, Apostolos; Plunkett, Robert; Poggiani, Rosa; Prevedelli, Marco; Puputti, Julia; Veettil, Vishnupriya Puthiya; Quenby, John; Rafelski, Johann; Rajendran, Surjeet; Rasel, Ernst M.; Sfar, Haifa Rejeb; Reynaud, Serge; Richaud, Andrea; Rodzinka, Tangui; Roura, Albert; Rudolph, Jan; Sabulsky, Dylan O.; Safronova, Marianna S.; Santamaria, Luigi; Schilling, Manuel; Schkolnik, Vladimir; Schleich, Wolfgang P.; Schlippert, Dennis; Schneider, Ulrich; Schreck, Florian; Schubert, Christian; Schwersenz, Nico; Semakin, Aleksei; Sergijenko, Olga; Shao, Lijing; Shipsey, Ian; Singh, Rajeev; Smerzi, Augusto; Sopuerta, Carlos F.; Spallicci, Alessandro D. A. M.; Stefanescu, Petruta; Stergioulas, Nikolaos; Ströhle, Jannik; Struckmann, Christian; Tentindo, Silvia; Throssell, Henry; Tino, Guglielmo M.; Tinsley, Jonathan N.; Tintareanu Mircea, Ovidiu; Tkalčec, Kimberly; Tolley, Andrew. J.; Tornatore, Vincenza; Torres-Orjuela, Alejandro; Treutlein, Philipp; Trombettoni, Andrea; Tsai, Yu-Dai; Ufrecht, Christian; Ulmer, Stefan; Valuch, Daniel; Vaskonen, Ville; Vázquez-Aceves, Verónica; Vitanov, Nikolay V.; Vogt, Christian; Klitzing, Wolf von; Vukics, András; Walser, Reinhold; Wang, Jin; Warburton, Niels; Webber-Date, Alexander; Wenzlawski, André; Werner, Michael; Williams, Jason; Windpassinger, Patrick; Wolf, Peter; Woerner, Lisa; Xuereb, André; Yahia, Mohamed E.; Cruzeiro, Emmanuel Zambrini; Zarei, Moslem; Zhan, Mingsheng; Zhou, Lin; Zupan, Jure; Zupanič, Erik
Dataset for: "Last century changes in annual precipitation in a Mediterranean area and their spatial variability. Insights from northern Tuscany (Italy)" 1-gen-2023 Nigro, Matteo; Barsanti, Michele; Giannecchini, Roberto
Machine learning models to complete rainfall time series databases affected by missing or anomalous data 1-gen-2023 Lupi, A.; Luppichini, M.; Barsanti, M.; Bini, M.; Giannecchini, R.
Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map 1-gen-2022 Alonso, I.; Alpigiani, C.; Altschul, B.; Araujo, H.; Arduini, G.; Arlt, J.; Badurina, L.; Balaz, A.; Bandarupally, S.; Barish, B. C.; Barone, M.; Barsanti, M.; Bass, S.; Bassi, A.; Battelier, B.; Baynham, C. F. A.; Beaufils, Q.; Belic, A.; Berge, J.; Bernabeu, J.; Bertoldi, A.; Bingham, R.; Bize, S.; Blas, D.; Bongs, K.; Bouyer, P.; Braitenberg, C.; Brand, C.; Braxmaier, C.; Bresson, A.; Buchmueller, O.; Budker, D.; Bugalho, L.; Burdin, S.; Cacciapuoti, L.; Callegari, S.; Calmet, X.; Calonico, D.; Canuel, B.; Caramete, L. -I.; Carraz, O.; Cassettari, D.; Chakraborty, P.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chauhan, U.; Chen, X.; Chen, Y. -A.; Chiofalo, M. L.; Coleman, J.; Corgier, R.; Cotter, J. P.; Michaelcruise, A.; Cui, Y.; Davies, G.; Deroeck, A.; Demarteau, M.; Derevianko, A.; Diclemente, M.; Djordjevic, G. S.; Donadi, S.; Dore, O.; Dornan, P.; Doser, M.; Drougakis, G.; Dunningham, J.; Easo, S.; Eby, J.; Elertas, G.; Ellis, J.; Evans, D.; Examilioti, P.; Fadeev, P.; Fani, M.; Fassi, F.; Fattori, M.; Fedderke, M. A.; Felea, D.; Feng, C. -H.; Ferreras, J.; Flack, R.; Flambaum, V. V.; Forsberg, R.; Fromhold, M.; Gaaloul, N.; Garraway, B. M.; Georgousi, M.; Geraci, A.; Gibble, K.; Gibson, V.; Gill, P.; Giudice, G. F.; Goldwin, J.; Gould, O.; Grachov, O.; Graham, P. W.; Grasso, D.; Griffin, P. F.; Guerlin, C.; Gundogan, M.; Gupta, R. K.; Haehnelt, M.; Hanimeli, E. T.; Hawkins, L.; Hees, A.; Henderson, V. A.; Herr, W.; Herrmann, S.; Hird, T.; Hobson, R.; Hock, V.; Hogan, J. M.; Holst, B.; Holynski, M.; Israelsson, U.; Jeglic, P.; Jetzer, P.; Juzeliunas, G.; Kaltenbaek, R.; Kamenik, J. F.; Kehagias, A.; Kirova, T.; Kiss-Toth, M.; Koke, S.; Kolkowitz, S.; Kornakov, G.; Kovachy, T.; Krutzik, M.; Kumar, M.; Kumar, P.; Lammerzahl, C.; Landsberg, G.; LePoncin-Lafitte, C.; Leibrandt, D. R.; Leveque, T.; Lewicki, M.; Li, R.; Lipniacka, A.; Lisdat, C.; Liu, M.; Lopez-Gonzalez, J. L.; Loriani, S.; Louko, J.; Luciano, G. G.; Lundblad, N.; Maddox, S.; Mahmoud, M. A.; Maleknejad, A.; March-Russell, J.; Massonnet, D.; Mccabe, C.; Meister, M.; Meznarsic, T.; Micalizio, S.; Migliaccio, F.; Millington, P.; Milosevic, M.; Mitchell, J.; Morley, G. W.; Muller, J.; Murphy, E.; Mustecaplioglu, O. E.; O'Shea, V.; Oi, D. K. L.; Olson, J.; Pal, D.; Papazoglou, D. G.; Pasatembou, E.; Paternostro, M.; Pawlowski, K.; Pelucchi, E.; Pereiradossantos, F.; Peters, A.; Pikovski, I.; Pilaftsis, A.; Pinto, A.; Prevedelli, M.; Puthiya-Veettil, V.; Quenby, J.; Rafelski, J.; Rasel, E. M.; Ravensbergen, C.; Reguzzoni, M.; Richaud, A.; Riou, I.; Rothacher, M.; Roura, A.; Ruschhaupt, A.; Sabulsky, D. O.; Safronova, M.; Saltas, I. D.; Salvi, L.; Sameed, M.; Saurabh, P.; Schaffer, S.; Schiller, S.; Schilling, M.; Schkolnik, V.; Schlippert, D.; Schmidt, P. O.; Schnatz, H.; Schneider, J.; Schneider, U.; Schreck, F.; Schubert, C.; Shayeghi, A.; Sherrill, N.; Shipsey, I.; Signorini, C.; Singh, R.; Singh, Y.; Skordis, C.; Smerzi, A.; Sopuerta, C. F.; Sorrentino, F.; Sphicas, P.; Stadnik, Y. V.; Stefanescu, P.; Tarallo, M. G.; Tentindo, S.; Tino, G. M.; Tinsley, J. N.; Tornatore, V.; Treutlein, P.; Trombettoni, A.; Tsai, Y. -D.; Tuckey, P.; Uchida, M. A.; Valenzuela, T.; Vandenbossche, M.; Vaskonen, V.; Verma, G.; Vetrano, F.; Vogt, C.; Vonklitzing, W.; Waller, P.; Walser, R.; Wille, E.; Williams, J.; Windpassinger, P.; Wittrock, U.; Wolf, P.; Woltmann, M.; Worner, L.; Xuereb, A.; Yahia, M.; Yazgan, E.; Yu, N.; Zahzam, N.; Zambrinicruzeiro, E.; Zhan, M.; Zou, X.; Zupan, J.; Zupanic, E.
Deep learning models to predict flood events in fast-flowing watersheds 1-gen-2022 Luppichini, M.; Barsanti, M.; Giannecchini, R.; Bini, M.
Development of statistical methods to highlight differences between endurance limit of re-rolled steel sheets in an assumed homogeneous population 1-gen-2022 Beghini, M; Monelli, B D; Barsanti, M; Macoretta, G; Piccinocchi, A
Seasonal rainfall trends of a key Mediterranean area in relation to large-scale atmospheric circulation: How does current global change affect the rainfall regime? 1-gen-2022 Luppichini, M; Bini, M; Barsanti, M; Giannecchini, R; Zanchetta, G
Last century rainfall variations in northern Tuscany (Italy) 1-gen-2021 Nigro, Matteo; Giannecchini, Roberto; Menichini, Matia; Doveri, Marco; Barsanti, Michele; Raco, Brunella; Lunini, Paolo
Multiaxial cyclic plasticity model including elastic modulus variation 1-gen-2021 Barsanti, M; Beghini, M; Loffredo, M; Macoretta, G; Monelli, B D; Bagattini, A
Nature-based solutions to contrast climate change effects, increase resilience and biodiversity: action strategies of PHUSICOS Project in the Massaciuccoli Lake Basin (Tuscany, Italy) 1-gen-2021 Barsanti, M.; Bini, M.; De Nisco, D.; Del Seppia, N.; Giannecchini, R.; Grossi, N.; Lucchesi, M.; Luppichini, M.; Martinelli, A.; Mazzoncini, M.; Pasquetti, F.; Silvestri, N.
Statistical relationships between large-scale circulation patterns and local-scale effects: NAO and rainfall regime in a key area of the Mediterranean basin 1-gen-2021 Luppichini, M.; Barsanti, M.; Giannecchini, R.; Bini, M.
Dynamic identification of 280 mm diameter tilting pad journal bearings: test results and measurement uncertainties assessment of different designs 1-gen-2020 Ferraro, Riccardo; Innocenti, Alice; Libraschi, Mirko; Barsanti, Michele; Ciulli, Enrico; Forte, Paola; Nuti, Matteo
Experimental Tests on 280 mm Diameter Tilting Pad Journal Bearings 1-gen-2020 Ciulli, Enrico; Forte, Paola; Barsanti, Michele; Innocenti, Alice; Libraschi, Mirko; Maestrale, Francesco; Nuti, Matteo
The influence of the inventory on the determination of the rainfall-induced shallow landslides susceptibility using generalized additive models 1-gen-2020 Bordoni, M.; Galanti, Y.; Bartelletti, C.; Persichillo, M. G.; Barsanti, M.; Giannecchini, R.; D'Amato Avanzi, G.; Cevasco, A.; Brandolini, P.; Galve, J. P.; Meisina, C.
Error analysis in the determination of the dynamic coefficients of tilting pad journal bearings 1-gen-2019 Barsanti, M.; Ciulli, E.; Forte, P.; Libraschi, M.; Strambi, M.
Fluid structure of 1D spinful Fermi gases with long-range interactions 1-gen-2019 Colella, E.; Chiofalo, M. L.; Barsanti, M.; Rossini, D.; Citro, R.