FORTE, VANESSA Statistiche
Clay Figurines in Context: Crucibles of Egyptian, Nubian, and Levantine Societies in the Middle Bronze Age (2100–1550 BC) and Beyond
2024-01-01 Miniaci, Gianluca; Alù, Cristina; Saler, Camilla; Forte, Vanessa
Mud Figurines from Lahun: Searching for an 'archaeometric' social history
2022-01-01 Miniaci, Gianluca; Saler, Camilla; Forte, Vanessa; Grajetzki, Wolfram
A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Early Neolithic Pyrotechnological Structures. The Case Study of Portonovo (Marche, Italy)
2021-01-01 Forte, Vanessa
Craft Identities and skill in Copper Age Communities. A multidisciplinary approach to the pottery production of Central Italy
2021-01-01 Forte, Vanessa
Playing with fire: Exploring ceramic pyrotechnology in the Late Neolithic Balkans through an archaeometric and experimental approach
2021-01-01 Amicone, Silvia; Forte, Vanessa; f Solard, Baptiste; Berthold, Christoph; Memmesheimer, Alisa; Mirkovic-Maric, Neda
An integrated approach based on archaeometry, use-wear analysis and experimental archaeology to investigate the function of a specific type of basin diffused in the Predynastic sites of lower Egypt (4th mill. BC)
2020-01-01 Bajeot, J.; Caricola, I.; Medeghini, L.; Vinciguerra, V.; Forte, V.
The experimental reconstruction of an Early Neolithic underground oven of Portonovo (Italy)
2020-01-01 Forte, Vanessa
The technology of Copper Age funerary pottery from Central Italy: An integrated study of compositional analyses and manufacturing traces
2020-01-01 Forte, V.; Tarquini, O.; Botticelli, M.; Medeghini, L.
Skilled people or specialists? Knowledge and expertise in copper age vessels from central Italy
2019-01-01 Forte, V.
Sumerian pottery technology studied through neutron diffraction and chemometrics at Abu Tbeirah (Iraq)
2019-01-01 Festa, G.; Andreani, C.; D'Agostino, F.; Forte, V.; Nardini, M.; Scherillo, A.; Scatigno, C.; Senesi, R.; Romano, L.
The contribution of experimental archaeology in addressing the analysis of residues on spindle-whorls
2019-01-01 Forte, Vanessa; Coletti, Francesca; Ciccarelli, Elena; Lemorini, Cristina
Cooking traces on Copper Age pottery from central Italy: An integrated approach comprising use wear analysis, spectroscopic analysis and experimental archaeology
2018-01-01 Forte, V.; Nunziante Cesaro, S.; Medeghini, L.
A preliminary study of ceramic pastes in the copper age pottery production of the Rome area
2017-01-01 Forte, V.; Medeghini, L.
Traceological analysis applied to textile implements: An assessment of the method through the case study of the 1st millennium BCE ceramic tools in central Italy
2017-01-01 Forte, V.; Lemorini, C.