In 1882, a royal decree of the Kingdom of Italy removed from the academies of Fine Arts the role of managing historical art galleries, which became independent institutes, directly depending on the Ministry of Public Education. Although primarily administrative, this important separation officially marked a change in the relationship between art from the past and artistic education, which was illustrated at the same time by the affirmation of art history as a distinct discipline. From the learning resources and storehouse of models for budding painters that they were, the art galleries became official places for studying, observing and reflecting on historical and artistic developments. This study traces the complex dynamics of this process, in which were involved movements of different types: from the disciplinary claims of the first exponents of the Italian connoisseurship, to the attempts to reform the academies of Fine Arts, until the emerging Italian state required an administrative reorganization of the museum system.
Nel 1882 un regio decreto del Regno d’Italia sottrae alle accademie di Belle Arti la gestione delle pinacoteche storiche, che diventano istituti autonomi, direttamente dipendenti dal Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. Sebbene di carattere prevalentemente amministrativo, questa importante cesura sancisce ufficialmente un cambiamento nel rapporto tra arte del passato e istruzione artistica, che si verifica in significativa concomitanza con il processo di affermazione della Storia dell’Arte come disciplina autonoma. Da strumenti didattici e repertorio di modelli per i giovani pittori, le pinacoteche si vanno configurando a livello istituzionale come luoghi di studio, di osservazione e di meditazione sugli sviluppi storico-artistici. Il saggio ripercorre le complesse dinamiche di questo processo, in cui agiscono spinte differenti: dalle rivendicazioni disciplinari dei primi conoscitori, agli interventi di riforma dell’insegnamento artistico, sino alle esigenze di riorganizzazione amministrativa del sistema museale statale.
Patrimoine muséal et éducation artistique en Italie autour de 1882. La séparation des galeries d’art des académies des beaux-arts
Lerda Martina
In 1882, a royal decree of the Kingdom of Italy removed from the academies of Fine Arts the role of managing historical art galleries, which became independent institutes, directly depending on the Ministry of Public Education. Although primarily administrative, this important separation officially marked a change in the relationship between art from the past and artistic education, which was illustrated at the same time by the affirmation of art history as a distinct discipline. From the learning resources and storehouse of models for budding painters that they were, the art galleries became official places for studying, observing and reflecting on historical and artistic developments. This study traces the complex dynamics of this process, in which were involved movements of different types: from the disciplinary claims of the first exponents of the Italian connoisseurship, to the attempts to reform the academies of Fine Arts, until the emerging Italian state required an administrative reorganization of the museum system.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.