Lucrare singulară până în prezent din punct de vedere al întinderii perioadei analizate şi al obiectivelor generale propuse de autorul ei, un critic şi cercetător obişnuit prin formaţia şi prin experienţa sa filologică să privească literatura ca mega-instituţie guvernată de mecanisme şi angrenaje proprii, în egală măsură extraliterare (istorice, sociologice, ale receptarii critice etc.) – fiind tocmai insistenţa pe acest aspect unul dintre elementele de noutate majore aduse de volum în panorama culturală actuală din România–, cât şi artistice, explorabile adică strict prin grila esteticului, in articolul nostru vom încerca să sesizăm o serie de noutăţi de abordare care definesc prezentul demers de evaluare şi interpretare critică adus de "Istoria literaturii române contemporane 1990-2020". Plasându-ne, prin urmare, în orizontul/pe pozitia cititorului autohton, cunoscător al evoluţiei sistemului literar românesc contemporan, avem în vedere, pe de-o parte, modul în care Mihai Iovănel discută şi resemantizează unele concepte deja existente în cadrul teoriei şi criticii noastre literare, pe de altă parte, adoptând în mod necesar perspectiva critică, dar şi didactică a expertului care trebuie să prezinte unui public “străin”, dintr-o altă ţară şi cultură, literatura natională ca “literatura a lumii”, mai exact ca fenomen cultural în dialog constant cu paradigmele şi cu modelele european şi universal, cu ajutorul unui instrument de studiu şi analiză adecvat şi reprezentativ, pentru cele trei decenii asupra cărora şi-a fixat obiectul de observaţie.
The present article will try to highlight a series of innovations brought about by Mihai Iovănel’s "History of Contemporary Romanian Literature 1990-2020" in the current evaluation and critical interpretation of Romanian literature. Singular in terms of the length of the period under scrutiny and the general objectives pursued by its author, the "History" views literature as an overarching institution governed by its own mechanisms. The latter are both extraliterary – drawing on historical, sociological, and critical markers – and artistic – explorable by invoking the aesthetic standpoint alone. By discussing the insistence on the first type of mechanisms, I will present one of the major elements of novelty brought by the volume in the contemporary cultural landscape of Romania. Placing myself, therefore, on the position of the “local” reader, i.e., as a connoisseur of the evolution of the contemporary Romanian literary system, I will examine, on the one hand, the ways in which Mihai Iovănel discusses and redefines prevalent concepts in literary theory and criticism, while on the other, I will perform the critical – but also pedagogic – role of the expert who wants to present to a “foreign” public – belonging to another country and culture, that is – the national literature as “literature of the world.” Iovănel employs a set of adequate and representative instruments of study and analysis in showing that Romanian literature is a cultural phenomenon engaging in a constant dialogue with European and universal paradigms and models.
De la canonul optzecist la canonul transnaţional [From the eighties canon to the transnational canon]
Emilia David
The present article will try to highlight a series of innovations brought about by Mihai Iovănel’s "History of Contemporary Romanian Literature 1990-2020" in the current evaluation and critical interpretation of Romanian literature. Singular in terms of the length of the period under scrutiny and the general objectives pursued by its author, the "History" views literature as an overarching institution governed by its own mechanisms. The latter are both extraliterary – drawing on historical, sociological, and critical markers – and artistic – explorable by invoking the aesthetic standpoint alone. By discussing the insistence on the first type of mechanisms, I will present one of the major elements of novelty brought by the volume in the contemporary cultural landscape of Romania. Placing myself, therefore, on the position of the “local” reader, i.e., as a connoisseur of the evolution of the contemporary Romanian literary system, I will examine, on the one hand, the ways in which Mihai Iovănel discusses and redefines prevalent concepts in literary theory and criticism, while on the other, I will perform the critical – but also pedagogic – role of the expert who wants to present to a “foreign” public – belonging to another country and culture, that is – the national literature as “literature of the world.” Iovănel employs a set of adequate and representative instruments of study and analysis in showing that Romanian literature is a cultural phenomenon engaging in a constant dialogue with European and universal paradigms and models.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.