Abstract: Pandemic Emergency and federal-regional dynamics in Europe – This paper introduces the proceedings of the 7th annual conference of the Association of "Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo", which took place at the University of Calabria on 19 and 20 October 2021, on the topic: "European Federalising Processes in Emergency Democracy - Comparative Reflections from the 'first' 20 years of the reform of Title V of the Italian Constitution". After outlining the reasons, articulation and contents of the conference, the paper dwells on the main consequences that the health emergency produced by the Sars-Covid 19 pandemic has had on the dynamics of federal/regional systems in Europe.
Emergenza pandemica e dinamiche federo-regionali in Europa. Introduzione ad un convegno e sintetiche riflessioni a margine
TARCHI Rolando
Abstract: Pandemic Emergency and federal-regional dynamics in Europe – This paper introduces the proceedings of the 7th annual conference of the Association of "Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo", which took place at the University of Calabria on 19 and 20 October 2021, on the topic: "European Federalising Processes in Emergency Democracy - Comparative Reflections from the 'first' 20 years of the reform of Title V of the Italian Constitution". After outlining the reasons, articulation and contents of the conference, the paper dwells on the main consequences that the health emergency produced by the Sars-Covid 19 pandemic has had on the dynamics of federal/regional systems in Europe.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.