A computer program, called SSCSSC (simulation and synthesis of combinational and sequential synchronous circuits), is presented to support the teaching of digital circuits. The program runs on both MS-DOS and Unix machines, and it can be given freely to students for home use to significantly reduce the crowding in laboratories. Care has been taken to provide a friendly interface, so that the user can immediately concentrate on the study of circuits instead of having to learn a new program. The software is currently used as a support tool in a course on digital circuits for electronic engineers at the University of Pisa.
SSCSSC: a tool for the teaching of digital circuits
A computer program, called SSCSSC (simulation and synthesis of combinational and sequential synchronous circuits), is presented to support the teaching of digital circuits. The program runs on both MS-DOS and Unix machines, and it can be given freely to students for home use to significantly reduce the crowding in laboratories. Care has been taken to provide a friendly interface, so that the user can immediately concentrate on the study of circuits instead of having to learn a new program. The software is currently used as a support tool in a course on digital circuits for electronic engineers at the University of Pisa.File in questo prodotto:
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