Организованный в Университете Пизы Международный научный семинар «Священное Писание и иные источники в творчестве Максима Грека. К 500-летию прибытия Максима Грека в Московию» собрал специалистов из университетов и научных библиотек Италии, сотрудников Российской академии наук и МГУ. Обсуждались актуальные и разнообразные вопросы исследования рукописного наследия ученого монаха: автографы, переводческая практика, лингвистические аспекты, функционирование библейских цитат, интерпретации и история авторского текста. Памяти Н. В. Синицыной была посвящена мемориальная часть семинара.
At the International Science Seminar “Holy Scripture and other sources in Maximus the Greek’s work. On 500 years since Maximus the Greek’s arrival at Moskovia” that was organized in Pisa University specialists of universities and scientific libraries in Italy, Russian Academy of Sciences, and MSU were gathered. The actual and various issues concerning the research of the monk’s manuscripts were discussed: autographs, translation practice, linguistic aspects, functioning of Bible quotes, interpretations and history of author’s text. The memorial part of the Seminar was dedicated to the memory of N. V. Sinitsyna
500-летие прибытия Максима Грека в Россию: Международный научный семинар в университете Пизы
At the International Science Seminar “Holy Scripture and other sources in Maximus the Greek’s work. On 500 years since Maximus the Greek’s arrival at Moskovia” that was organized in Pisa University specialists of universities and scientific libraries in Italy, Russian Academy of Sciences, and MSU were gathered. The actual and various issues concerning the research of the monk’s manuscripts were discussed: autographs, translation practice, linguistic aspects, functioning of Bible quotes, interpretations and history of author’s text. The memorial part of the Seminar was dedicated to the memory of N. V. SinitsynaI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.