This study starts from the premise that the dialogue that Matei Vişniec, a bilingual, Romanian-French playwright, has with his illustrious predecessor Eugène Ionesco is predicated on ethical-moral grounds. Ethics is also the main axis along which intertextuality functions in Vişniec's poetry, and this essay will highlight the ways in which the aesthetic seduction of the model is exerted in the text of seconde main (rewritten text), that is, in the play entitled On the Sensation of Elasticity when Walking over Dead Bodies (2012), through the use of quotations and by explaining the very formula of ‘theatre of the absurd’, associated with the absurdity of the dictatorship that had a direct impact on Romanian intellectuals, victims of ‘rhinoceritis’. In addition, this study will provide a detailed analysis of Vişniec's redeployment of the original situations and characters from Ionesco's works. It will also point out a significant break, which gives rise to an intertextual constellation: from a postmodernist vantage point, Vişniec opts for constructing new dramatic microcosms, which, together with other features of his writings for the stage, coincide with various conceptual forms and creative practices that have been vastly experimented with over the past few decades in European and international theatrical language.
Partendo dalla premessa che il dialogo di Matéi Visniec, drammaturgo bilingue, romeno-francese, col suo illustre predecessore Eugène Ionesco si stabilisca in senso etico-morale, ossia nella direzione principale in cui l’intertestualità si manifesta anche nella poesia del primo scrittore citato in precedenza, l’intervento metterà in luce le modalità attraverso cui la seduzione estetica del modello si esercita nel testo "de seconde main", ovvero nella pièce "De la sensation d'élasticité quand on marche sur des cadavres" [Della sensazione di elasticità quando si avanza sopra cadaveri] (2012), per via della citazione e dell’esplicitazione della formula stessa del ‘teatro dell’assurdo’, messa in associazione con l’assurdo della dittatura, vissuto effettivamente dagli intellettuali romeni, vittime della ‘rinocerontite’. Inoltre, l’intervento esporrà in modo dettagliato la ripresa originale di situazioni e personaggi ioneschiani, ma anche la notevole cesura, che hanno dato origine ad una costellazione intertestuale, giacché Visniec – in veste di postmoderno – opta per la costruzione di nuovi microcosmi drammatici, che insieme ad altri esiti della sua scrittura destinata al palcoscenico vengono a coincidere con moduli concettuali e prassi creative in atto negli ultimi decenni nel linguaggio teatrale diffuso a livello europeo ed internazionale.
L'assurdo della dittatura riletto da Matei Visniec nel "teatro dell'assurdo" di Eugène Ionesco
Emilia David
This study starts from the premise that the dialogue that Matei Vişniec, a bilingual, Romanian-French playwright, has with his illustrious predecessor Eugène Ionesco is predicated on ethical-moral grounds. Ethics is also the main axis along which intertextuality functions in Vişniec's poetry, and this essay will highlight the ways in which the aesthetic seduction of the model is exerted in the text of seconde main (rewritten text), that is, in the play entitled On the Sensation of Elasticity when Walking over Dead Bodies (2012), through the use of quotations and by explaining the very formula of ‘theatre of the absurd’, associated with the absurdity of the dictatorship that had a direct impact on Romanian intellectuals, victims of ‘rhinoceritis’. In addition, this study will provide a detailed analysis of Vişniec's redeployment of the original situations and characters from Ionesco's works. It will also point out a significant break, which gives rise to an intertextual constellation: from a postmodernist vantage point, Vişniec opts for constructing new dramatic microcosms, which, together with other features of his writings for the stage, coincide with various conceptual forms and creative practices that have been vastly experimented with over the past few decades in European and international theatrical language.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.