Microfluidic production of chitosan nanoparticles via Ouzo effect
2025-01-01 Masoni, Sara Tomasi; Mariotti, Alessandro; Mauri, Roberto; Salvetti, Maria Vittoria; Galletti, Chiara; Brunazzi, Elisabetta
Application of uncertainty quantification techniques in the framework of process safety studies: Advanced dispersion simulations
2024-01-01 Bellegoni, Marco; Marroni, Giulia; Mariotti, Alessandro; Salvetti, MARIA VITTORIA; Landucci, Gabriele; Galletti, Chiara
Chemical Reactor Network modeling of ammonia–hydrogen combustion in a gas turbine: Stochastic sensitivity analysis
2024-01-01 Lamioni, Rachele; Mariotti, Alessandro; Salvetti, MARIA VITTORIA; Galletti, Chiara
Drag reduction in a spanwise-infinite boat-tailed body through multiple transverse grooves
2024-01-01 Lunghi, G.; Pasqualetto, E.; Mariotti, A.; Salvetti, M. V.
Effect of the Lateral Mean Recirculation Characteristics on Near-Wake and Bulk Quantities of a 5:1 Rectangular Cylinder
2024-01-01 Lunghi, G.; Pasqualetto, E.; Mariotti, A.; Salvetti, M. V.
Enhancing diffuser performance using transverse grooves to delay flow separation
2024-01-01 Cesare Giovanni Bertini, Amedeo; Lunghi, Gianmarco; Boffadossi, Maurizio; Fenili, Simone; Lombardi, Giovanni; Maganzi, Marco; Mariotti, Alessandro
Experimental investigations on the effect of upstream-edge rounding on the BARC configuration
2024-01-01 Mariotti, A.; Lunghi, G.; Salvetti, M. V.
Experiments and Simulations on the Accelerating/Decelerating Flow on a Square Cylinder
2024-01-01 Lunghi, G.; Brusco, S.; Mariotti, A.; Piccardo, G.; Salvetti, M. V.
Flashback propensity due to hydrogen blending in natural gas: Sensitivity to operating and geometrical parameters
2024-01-01 Fruzza, Filippo; Lamioni, Rachele; Mariotti, Alessandro; Salvetti, MARIA VITTORIA; Galletti, Chiara
Flow regimes and reactivity assessment in arrow- and X-microreactors: a combined numerical and experimental approach
2024-01-01 Tomasi Masoni, S.; Mariotti, A.; Salvetti, M. V.; Galletti, C.; Brunazzi, E.
Formation of sodium-alginate droplets in an X-microdevice: Characterization of the pinching efficiency
2024-01-01 Tomasi Masoni, S.; Mariotti, A.; Galletti, C.; Mauri, R.; Salvetti, M. V.; Brunazzi, E.
Impact of spanwise extent of transverse grooves on drag reduction in boat-tailed bluff bodies: an experimental study
2024-01-01 Mariotti, A.; Lunghi, G.; Pasqualetto, E.; Salvetti, M. V.
Influence of inflow acceleration on the aerodynamic characteristics of a square cylinder
2024-01-01 Lunghi, G.; Brusco, S.; Mariotti, A.; Piccardo, G.; Salvetti, M. V.
Large-Eddy Simulations of the Accelerating Flow Around a Square Cylinder
2024-01-01 Mariotti, A.; Brusco, S.; Lunghi, G.; Piccardo, G.; Salvetti, M. V.
Large-Eddy Simulations of the Flow Around Rectangular Cylinders of Different Chord-to-Depth Ratios: Impact of Upstream-Edge Sharpness
2024-01-01 Salvetti, M. V.; Lunghi, G.; Morello, M.; Mariotti, A.
Large-Eddy Simulations with remeshed Vortex methods: An assessment and calibration of subgrid-scale models
2024-01-01 de Crouy-Chanel, M.; Mimeau, C.; Mortazavi, I.; Mariotti, A.; Salvetti, M. V.
Multigrid sequential data assimilation for the Large Eddy Simulation of a massively separated bluff-body flow
2024-01-01 Moldovan, G. -I.; Mariotti, A.; Cordier, L.; Lehnasch, G.; Salvetti, M. V.; Meldi, M.
Predicting Atherosclerotic Plaque Onset and Growth in Carotid Arteries: A CFD-Driven Approach
2024-01-01 Singh, J.; Capellini, K.; Mariotti, A.; Salvetti, M. V.; Celi, S.
Prediction of the reaction yield in a X-micromixer given the mixing degree and the kinetic constant
2024-01-01 Tomasi Masoni, S.; Mariotti, A.; Antognoli, M.; Galletti, C.; Mauri, R.; Salvetti, M. V.; Brunazzi, E.
2024-01-01 Singh, J.; Capellini, K.; Fanni, B. M.; Mariotti, A.; Salvetti, M. V.; Celi, S.