SCHITO, EVA Statistiche
A simplified dynamic tool for building heating and cooling energy requirements estimation on a daily time scale
2024-01-01 Schito, Eva; Barbieri, Michele; Conti, Paolo; Testi, Daniele
Are energy community members more flexible than individual prosumers? Evidence from a serious game
2024-01-01 Luzzati, Tommaso; Mura, Elena; Pellegrini, Luisa; Raugi, Marco; Salvati, Nicola; Schito, Eva; Scipioni, Sara; Testi, Daniele; Zerbino, Pierluigi
Climate-responsive design practices: A transdisciplinary methodology for achieving sustainable development goals in cultural and natural heritage
2024-01-01 Lucchi, Elena; Turati, Francesca; Colombo, Benedetta; Schito, Eva
Evaluation by Liquid Crystal Thermography of Transient Surface Temperature Distribution in Radiant Floor Cooling Applications and Assessment of Analytical and Numerical Models
2024-01-01 Bizzarri, M.; Conti, P.; Glicksman, L. R.; Schito, E.; Testi, D.
A Critical Review of Modeling Methods for Radiant Floor Cooling Systems
2023-01-01 Bizzarri, Marco; Conti, Paolo; Glicksman, Leon R.; Schito, Eva; Testi, Daniele
Advances in the Optimization of Energy Use in Buildings
2023-01-01 Schito, E.; Lucchi, E.
Application of multipurpose heat pumps in museums: a case study
2023-01-01 Schito, Eva; Conti, Paolo; Testi, Daniele
Challenges and Opportunities for the Integration of Photovoltaic Modules in Heritage Buildings Through Dynamic Building Energy Simulations
2023-01-01 Lucchi, E.; Schito, E.
Design of Energy Communities and Data-Sharing: Format and Open Data
2023-01-01 Guerrazzi, E.; Thomopulos, D.; Fioriti, D.; Mariuzzo, I.; Schito, E.; Poli, D.; Raugi, M.
Energy Communities: A review on trends, energy system modelling, business models, and optimisation objectives
2023-01-01 Barabino, E.; Fioriti, D.; Guerrazzi, E.; Mariuzzo, I.; Poli, D.; Raugi, M.; Razaei, E.; Schito, E.; Thomopulos, D.
Indoor Microclimate and Conservation Issues of the Medicean Villa La Petraia. A Preliminary Assessment
2023-01-01 Bonora, A.; Costanzo, V.; Fabbri, K.; Pretelli, M.; Schito, E.
Integrating Different PV Roofs on a Heritage Building Considering Aesthetic, Technical, Energy, and Environmental Aspects: A Multi- perspective Approach
2023-01-01 Lucchi, Elena; Schito, Eva
Optimal management of a hybrid heat pump for heating through the assessment of building thermal load and dynamic performance
2023-01-01 Bronzoni, Cristiana; Conti, Paolo; Schito, Eva; Testi, Daniele; Zambrelli, Cristian
Optimization of the composition of residential buildings in a renewable energy community based on monitored data
2023-01-01 Schito, Eva; Taverni, Lorenzo; Conti, Paolo; Testi, Daniele
Radiant Floor Cooling Systems: A Critical Review of Modeling Methods
2023-01-01 Bizzarri, M.; Conti, P.; Glicksman, L. R.; Schito, E.; Testi, D.
Substitution of heating systems in the Italian buildings panorama and potential for energy, environmental and economic efficiency improvement
2023-01-01 Schito, Eva; Conti, Paolo; Testi, Daniele
A Fast Analytical Method for the Dynamic Energy Simulation of Energy Piles With Short Time Resolution
2021-01-01 Grassi, Walter; Conti, Paolo; Schito, Eva; Testi, Daniele
A multi-objective methodology for evaluating the investment in building-integrated hybrid renewable energy systems
2021-01-01 Aloini, D.; Dulmin, R.; Mininno, V.; Raugi, M.; Schito, E.; Testi, D.; Tucci, M.; Zerbino, P.
Microclimate monitoring and conservation issues of a Baroque church in Italy: a risk assessment analysis
2021-01-01 Costanzo, Vincenzo; Fabbri, Kristian; Schito, Eva; Pretelli, Marco; Marletta, Luigi
Definition of Optimal Ventilation Rates for Balancing Comfort and Energy Use in Indoor Spaces Using CO2 Concentration Data
2020-01-01 Franco, Alessandro; Schito, Eva