Exploring Multivariate Dynamics of Emotions Through Time-Varying Self-Assessed Arousal and Valence Ratings
2024-01-01 Gargano, A.; Nardelli, M.; Scilingo, E. P.
Inferring Causality in Emotions: A Preliminary Study on Arousal Perception and Autonomic Modulation
2024-01-01 Lavezzo, L.; Gargano, A.; Scilingo, E. P.; Nardelli, M.
Investigating Autonomic Modulation during Shared Reading in Term and Preterm Infants: A Pilot Study
2024-01-01 Lavezzo, L.; Grandjean, D.; Barcos-Munoz, F.; Borradori-Tolsa, C.; Scilingo, E. P.; Nardelli, M.; Filippa, M.
Maternal singing sustains preterm hospitalized newborns’ autonomic nervous system maturation: an RCT
2024-01-01 Filippa, M.; Nardelli, M.; Sansavini, A.; Meloni, S.; Picciolini, O.; Lunardi, C.; Cecchi, A.; Corvaglia, L.; Grandjean, D.; Scilingo, E. P.; Della Casa, E.; Berardi, A.; Aceti, A.; Bedetti, L.; Bertoncelli, N.; Lucco, G.; Luzzati, M.; Ori, L.; Petrolini, C.; Zuccarini, M.; Ferrari, F.
Zooming into the Complex Dynamics of Electrodermal Activity Recorded during Emotional Stimuli: A Multiscale Approach
2024-01-01 Lavezzo, Laura; Gargano, Andrea; Scilingo, ENZO PASQUALE; Nardelli, Mimma
Advances in Wearable Photoplethysmography Applications in Health Monitoring
2023-01-01 Nardelli, M.; Bailon, R.
Autonomic Regulation of Facial Temperature during Stress: A Cross-Mapping Analysis
2023-01-01 Gioia, Federica; Nardelli, Mimma; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale; Greco, Alberto
Characterization of autonomic states by complex sympathetic and parasympathetic dynamics*
2023-01-01 Nardelli, M.; Citi, L.; Barbieri, R.; Valenza, G.
Comparing Valence-Arousal and Positive-Negative Affect Models of Affect: A Nonlinear Analysis of Continuously Annotated Emotion Ratings
2023-01-01 Gargano, Andrea; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale; Nardelli, Mimma
Contactless Cardiovascular Assessment by Imaging Photoplethysmography: A Comparison with Wearable Monitoring
2023-01-01 van Es, Valerie A A; Lopata, Richard G P; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale; Nardelli, Mimma
Investigating the Physiology Behind Nose Thermal Response to Stress: A Cross-Mapping Approach
2023-01-01 Gioia, F.; Nardelli, M.; Scilingo, E. P.; Greco, A.
Advances in Multivariate and Multiscale Physiological Signal Analysis
2022-01-01 Lanata, Antonio; Nardelli, Mimma
ComEDA: A new tool for stress assessment based on electrodermal activity
2022-01-01 Nardelli, Mimma; Greco, Alberto; Sebastiani, Laura; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale
Maternal Singing but Not Speech Enhances Vagal Activity in Preterm Infants during Hospitalization: Preliminary Results
2022-01-01 Filippa, M.; Nardelli, M.; Della Casa, E.; Berardi, A.; Picciolini, O.; Meloni, S.; Lunardi, C.; Cecchi, A.; Sansavini, A.; Corvaglia, L.; Scilingo, E. P.; Ferrari, F.
The dynamics of emotions: a preliminary study on continuously annotated arousal signals
2022-01-01 Gargano, A.; Scilingo, E. P.; Nardelli, M.
Activation of brain-heart axis during REM sleep: a trigger for dreaming
2021-01-01 Nardelli, Mimma; Catrambone, Vincenzo; Grandi, Giulia; Banfi, Tommaso; Bruno, Rosa Maria; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale; Faraguna, Ugo; Valenza, Gaetano
Linear and nonlinear quantitative EEG analysis during neutral hypnosis following an opened/closed eye paradigm
2021-01-01 Rho, G.; Callara, A. L.; Petri, G.; Nardelli, M.; Scilingo, E. P.; Greco, A.; De Pascalis, V.
Promises and trust in human–robot interaction
2021-01-01 Cominelli, L.; Feri, F.; Garofalo, R.; Giannetti, C.; Melendez-Jimenez, M. A.; Greco, A.; Nardelli, M.; Scilingo, E. P.; Kirchkamp, O.
Reliability of Pulse Rate Variability in Elderly Men and Women: an Application of Cross-Mapping Approach
2021-01-01 Nardelli, M.; Greco, A.; Vanello, N.; Scilingo, E. P.
A preliminary quantitative EEG study on Augmented Reality Guidance of Manual Tasks
2020-01-01 Rho, Gianluca; Callara, ALEJANDRO LUIS; Condino, Sara; Ghiasi, Shadi; Nardelli, Mimma; Carbone, Marina; Ferrari, Vincenzo; Greco, Alberto; Scilingo, ENZO PASQUALE
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
Exploring Multivariate Dynamics of Emotions Through Time-Varying Self-Assessed Arousal and Valence Ratings | 1-gen-2024 | Gargano, A.; Nardelli, M.; Scilingo, E. P. | |
Inferring Causality in Emotions: A Preliminary Study on Arousal Perception and Autonomic Modulation | 1-gen-2024 | Lavezzo, L.; Gargano, A.; Scilingo, E. P.; Nardelli, M. | |
Investigating Autonomic Modulation during Shared Reading in Term and Preterm Infants: A Pilot Study | 1-gen-2024 | Lavezzo, L.; Grandjean, D.; Barcos-Munoz, F.; Borradori-Tolsa, C.; Scilingo, E. P.; Nardelli, M.; Filippa, M. | |
Maternal singing sustains preterm hospitalized newborns’ autonomic nervous system maturation: an RCT | 1-gen-2024 | Filippa, M.; Nardelli, M.; Sansavini, A.; Meloni, S.; Picciolini, O.; Lunardi, C.; Cecchi, A.; Corvaglia, L.; Grandjean, D.; Scilingo, E. P.; Della Casa, E.; Berardi, A.; Aceti, A.; Bedetti, L.; Bertoncelli, N.; Lucco, G.; Luzzati, M.; Ori, L.; Petrolini, C.; Zuccarini, M.; Ferrari, F. | |
Zooming into the Complex Dynamics of Electrodermal Activity Recorded during Emotional Stimuli: A Multiscale Approach | 1-gen-2024 | Lavezzo, Laura; Gargano, Andrea; Scilingo, ENZO PASQUALE; Nardelli, Mimma | |
Advances in Wearable Photoplethysmography Applications in Health Monitoring | 1-gen-2023 | Nardelli, M.; Bailon, R. | |
Autonomic Regulation of Facial Temperature during Stress: A Cross-Mapping Analysis | 1-gen-2023 | Gioia, Federica; Nardelli, Mimma; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale; Greco, Alberto | |
Characterization of autonomic states by complex sympathetic and parasympathetic dynamics* | 1-gen-2023 | Nardelli, M.; Citi, L.; Barbieri, R.; Valenza, G. | |
Comparing Valence-Arousal and Positive-Negative Affect Models of Affect: A Nonlinear Analysis of Continuously Annotated Emotion Ratings | 1-gen-2023 | Gargano, Andrea; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale; Nardelli, Mimma | |
Contactless Cardiovascular Assessment by Imaging Photoplethysmography: A Comparison with Wearable Monitoring | 1-gen-2023 | van Es, Valerie A A; Lopata, Richard G P; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale; Nardelli, Mimma | |
Investigating the Physiology Behind Nose Thermal Response to Stress: A Cross-Mapping Approach | 1-gen-2023 | Gioia, F.; Nardelli, M.; Scilingo, E. P.; Greco, A. | |
Advances in Multivariate and Multiscale Physiological Signal Analysis | 1-gen-2022 | Lanata, Antonio; Nardelli, Mimma | |
ComEDA: A new tool for stress assessment based on electrodermal activity | 1-gen-2022 | Nardelli, Mimma; Greco, Alberto; Sebastiani, Laura; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale | |
Maternal Singing but Not Speech Enhances Vagal Activity in Preterm Infants during Hospitalization: Preliminary Results | 1-gen-2022 | Filippa, M.; Nardelli, M.; Della Casa, E.; Berardi, A.; Picciolini, O.; Meloni, S.; Lunardi, C.; Cecchi, A.; Sansavini, A.; Corvaglia, L.; Scilingo, E. P.; Ferrari, F. | |
The dynamics of emotions: a preliminary study on continuously annotated arousal signals | 1-gen-2022 | Gargano, A.; Scilingo, E. P.; Nardelli, M. | |
Activation of brain-heart axis during REM sleep: a trigger for dreaming | 1-gen-2021 | Nardelli, Mimma; Catrambone, Vincenzo; Grandi, Giulia; Banfi, Tommaso; Bruno, Rosa Maria; Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale; Faraguna, Ugo; Valenza, Gaetano | |
Linear and nonlinear quantitative EEG analysis during neutral hypnosis following an opened/closed eye paradigm | 1-gen-2021 | Rho, G.; Callara, A. L.; Petri, G.; Nardelli, M.; Scilingo, E. P.; Greco, A.; De Pascalis, V. | |
Promises and trust in human–robot interaction | 1-gen-2021 | Cominelli, L.; Feri, F.; Garofalo, R.; Giannetti, C.; Melendez-Jimenez, M. A.; Greco, A.; Nardelli, M.; Scilingo, E. P.; Kirchkamp, O. | |
Reliability of Pulse Rate Variability in Elderly Men and Women: an Application of Cross-Mapping Approach | 1-gen-2021 | Nardelli, M.; Greco, A.; Vanello, N.; Scilingo, E. P. | |
A preliminary quantitative EEG study on Augmented Reality Guidance of Manual Tasks | 1-gen-2020 | Rho, Gianluca; Callara, ALEJANDRO LUIS; Condino, Sara; Ghiasi, Shadi; Nardelli, Mimma; Carbone, Marina; Ferrari, Vincenzo; Greco, Alberto; Scilingo, ENZO PASQUALE |