Characterization of prokaryotic communities from Italian super-heated fumaroles
2025-01-01 Rossi, Alessia; Barbagli, Irene; Vannini, Claudia
Plastic litter changes the rhizosphere bacterial community of coastal dune plants
2023-01-01 Menicagli, V.; Balestri, E.; Giommoni, F.; Vannini, C.; Lardicci, C.
Protists’ microbiome: A fine-scale, snap-shot field study on the ciliate Euplotes
2023-01-01 Manassero, V.; Vannini, C.
Single-cell Microbiomics Unveils Distribution and Patterns of Microbial Symbioses in the Natural Environment
2023-01-01 Boscaro, V.; Manassero, V.; Keeling, P. J.; Vannini, C.
Variations in epilithic microbial biofilm composition and recruitment of a canopy-forming alga between pristine and urban rocky shores
2023-01-01 Pedicini, Ludovica; Vannini, Claudia; Rindi, Fabio; Ravaglioli, Chiara; Bertocci, Iacopo; Bulleri, Fabio
Wild Avian Gut Microbiome at a Small Spatial Scale: A Study from a Mediterranean Island Population of Alectoris rufa
2023-01-01 Guerrini, Monica; Tanini, Dalia; Vannini, Claudia; Barbanera, Filippo
Adding functions to marine infrastructure: Pollutant accumulation, physiological and microbiome changes in sponges attached to floating pontoons inside marinas
2022-01-01 Bulleri, Fabio; Pretti, Carlo; Bertolino, Marco; Magri, Michele; Pittaluga, Gianluca Bontà; Sicurelli, Doriana; Tardelli, Federica; Manzini, Chiara; Vannini, Claudia; Verani, Marco; Federigi, Ileana; Zampieri, Giorgia; De Marchi, Lucia
All essential endosymbionts of the ciliate Euplotes are cyclically replaced
2022-01-01 Boscaro, V.; Syberg-Olsen, M. J.; Irwin, N. A. T.; George, E. E.; Vannini, C.; Husnik, F.; Keeling, P. J.
At the threshold of symbiosis: the genome of obligately endosymbiotic ‘Candidatus Nebulobacter yamunensis’ is almost indistinguishable from that of a cultivable strain
2022-01-01 Giannotti, Daniele; Boscaro, Vittorio; Husnik, Filip; Vannini, Claudia; Keeling, Patrick J.
Long-term effects of mineral precipitation on process performance, granules' morphology and microbial community in anammox granular sludge
2022-01-01 Polizzi, C.; Lotti, T.; Ricoveri, A.; Campo, R.; Vannini, C.; Ramazzotti, M.; Gabriel, D.; Munz, G.
The "Other" Rickettsiales: an Overview of the Family "Candidatus Midichloriaceae"
2022-01-01 Giannotti, D.; Boscaro, V.; Husnik, F.; Vannini, C.; Keeling, P. J.
Unexpected genetic integrity boosts hope for the conservation of the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa, Galliformes) in Italy
2022-01-01 Tanini, Dalia; Guerrini, Monica; Vannini, Claudia; Barbanera, Filippo
“Candidatus Euplotechlamydia quinta,” a novel chlamydia-like bacterium hosted by the ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea)
2022-01-01 Wang, R.; Sun, R.; Zhang, Z.; Vannini, C.; Di Giuseppe, G.; Liang, A.
Microbial communities of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based biodegradable composites plastisphere and of surrounding environmental matrix: a comparison between marine (seabed) and coastal sediments (dune sand) over a long-time scale
2021-01-01 Vannini, C.; Rossi, A.; Vallerini, F.; Menicagli, V.; Seggiani, M.; Cinelli, P.; Lardicci, C.; Balestri, E.
Protistological science dissemination
2020-01-01 Buonanno, F.; Dolan, J. R.; Esteban, G. F.; Hines, H. N.; Kamra, K.; Kosakyan, A.; Miceli, C.; Samaritani, E.; Vannini, C.; Warren, A.
Detecting Associations Between Ciliated Protists and Prokaryotes with Culture-Independent Single-Cell Microbiomics: a Proof-of-Concept Study
2019-01-01 Rossi, Alessia; Bellone, Alessio; Fokin, Sergei I.; Boscaro, Vittorio; Vannini, Claudia
Symbionts of the ciliate Euplotes: Diversity, patterns and potential as models for bacteria-eukaryote endosymbioses
2019-01-01 Boscaro, V.; Husnik, F.; Vannini, C.; Keeling, P. J.
Use of bio-containers from seagrass wrack with nursery planting to improve the eco-sustainability of coastal habitat restoration
2019-01-01 Balestri, E.; Vallerini, F.; Seggiani, M.; Cinelli, P.; Menicagli, V.; Vannini, C.; Lardicci, C.
Biocomposites based on PHBs and natural fibers for commodity applications in different environments: processing, performance in soil, compost and sea water
2018-01-01 Seggiani, Maurizia; Cinelli, Patrizia; Mallegni, Norma; Balestri, Elena; Vannini, Claudia; Vallerini, Flavia; Lardicci, Claudio; Lazzeri, Andrea
Symbiont replacement between bacteria of different classes reveals additional layers of complexity in the evolution of symbiosis in the ciliate Euplotes
2018-01-01 Boscaro, Vittorio; Fokin, Sergei I.; Petroni, Giulio; Verni, Franco; Keeling, Patrick J.; Vannini, Claudia