Small Area Estimation of Poverty Indicators
In corso di stampa Pratesi, Monica; Marchetti, S; Giusti, Caterina
Handling Out-of-Sample Areas to Estimate the Unemployment Rate at Local Labour Market Areas in Italy
2024-01-01 Benedetti, R.; Piersimoni, F.; Pratesi, M.; Salvati, N.; Suesse, T.
Inference for big data assisted by small area methods: an application on sustainable development goals sensitivity of enterprises in Italy
2024-01-01 SCHIRRIPA SPAGNOLO, Francesco; Bertarelli, Gaia; Summa, Donato; Scannapieco, Monica; Pratesi, Monica; Marchetti, Stefano; Salvati, Nicola
The computation of poverty specific sub-national PPPs for households by using the new estimations of absolute poverty thresholds produced by Istat in 2023
2024-01-01 Biggeri, Luigi; Pratesi, Monica
The local distribution of in-work poverty and sectoral employment: an analysis of local dynamics in Italy
2024-01-01 Tonutti, G.; Garnero, A.; Bertarelli, G.; Pratesi, M.
Reducing selection bias in non-probability sample by Small Area Estimation
2023-01-01 SCHIRRIPA SPAGNOLO, Francesco; Bertarelli, Gaia; Salvati, Nicola; Summa, Donato; Scannapieco, Monica; Marchetti, Stefano; Pratesi, Monica
Small area estimation of monetary poverty indicators with poverty lines adjusted using local price indexes
2023-01-01 Biggeri, Luigi; Marchetti, Stefano; Giusti, Caterina; Pratesi, Monica; SCHIRRIPA SPAGNOLO, Francesco; Bertarelli, Gaia
Small area methodology for measuring poverty at a local level
2023-01-01 Pratesi, Monica; SCHIRRIPA SPAGNOLO, Francesco
The Use of Spatial Information in Area-level Models: An Evaluation Based on Auxiliary Data Availability
2023-01-01 Pratesi, M.; Marchetti, S.; Giusti, C.; Salvati, N.
Citizen Data and Citizen Science: A Challenge for Official Statistics
2022-01-01 Pratesi, Monica
Disaggregation of poverty indicators by small area methods for assessing the targeting of the "Reddito di Cittadinanza" national policy in Italy
2022-01-01 Tonutti, Giovanni; Bertarelli, Gaia; Giusti, Caterina; Pratesi, Monica
Estimation of local Spatial Price Indices using scanner data: methods and experiments applied also for assessing poor-specific indices
2022-01-01 Biggeri, Luigi; Pratesi, Monica
Inference for Big Data assisted by Small area methods
2022-01-01 Schirripa Spagnolo, F.; Bertarelli, G.; Marchetti, S.; Pratesi, M.; Salvati, N.
Inference for big data assisted by small area methods: an application to OBEC (on-line based enterprise characteristics)
2022-01-01 Pratesi, Monica; SCHIRRIPA SPAGNOLO, Francesco; Bertarelli, Gaia; Marchetti, Stefano; Monica, Scannapieco; Salvati, Nicola; Donato, Summa
Poverty indicators adjusted using local price indexes
2022-01-01 Marchetti, Stefano; Giusti, Caterina; Biggeri, Luigi; Pratesi, Monica
Povertà educativa: perché e come misurarla anche a livello territoriale. Alcune analisi e proposte
2022-01-01 Pratesi, Monica
Small area estimation of agricultural data
2022-01-01 Bertarelli, Gaia; SCHIRRIPA SPAGNOLO, Francesco; Salvati, Nicola; Pratesi, Monica
A hierarchical Bayesian approach for addressing multiple objectives in poverty research for small areas
2021-01-01 Marchetti, Stefano; Bertarelli, Gaia; Pratesi, Monica; Lahiri, Partha
Does uncertainty in single indicators affect the reliability of composite indexes? An application to the measurement of environmental performances of Italian regions
2021-01-01 Mauro, Vincenzo; Giusti, Caterina; Marchetti, Stefano; Pratesi, Monica
EMOS Reloaded: Unlock the Future of Education in Official Statistics with a New Partnership with Universities
2021-01-01 Pratesi, Monica; Campos, Pedro