MODEO, LETIZIA Statistiche
Comparative study and morphological plasticity of an Italian and a Chinese population of the protist ciliate Pseudokeronopsis erythrina (Hypotrichia, Kentrurostylida) with a mitochondrial genome analysis
2025-01-01 Xu, Wenxin; Gammuto, Leandro; Serra, Valentina; Luo, Xiaotian; Erra, Fabrizio; Huang, Jie; Cerritelli, Giulia; Petroni, Giulio; Modeo, Letizia
Multidisciplinary characterization of the new species Copemetopus mystakophoros and its symbionts with a proposal for the new class Copemetopea (Alveolata: Ciliophora)
2023-01-01 Fokin, Sergei I; Serra, Valentina; Gammuto, Leandro; Allievi, Alessandro; Petroni, Giulio; Modeo, Letizia
Characterization of a Pseudokeronopsis Strain (Ciliophora, Urostylida) and Its Bacterial Endosymbiont “Candidatus Trichorickettsia” (Alphaproteobacteria, Rickettsiales)
2022-01-01 Castelli, Michele; Serra, Valentina; Gammuto, Leandro; Senra, Marcus V. X.; Modeo, Letizia; Petroni, Giulio
Intertidal macroinvertebrate community structure in a subtropical channel is driven by sediment properties across different land-use types
2022-01-01 Abdullah Al, Mamun; Akhtar, Aysha; Barua, Hillol; Kamal, Abu Hena Mustafa; Islam, Md Shafiqul; Aftabuddin, Sheikh; Idris, Mohd Hanafi; Abualreesh, Muyassar H; Modeo, Letizia
Incorporating mitogenome sequencing into integrative taxonomy: the multidisciplinary redescription of the ciliate Thuricola similis (Peritrichia, Vaginicolidae) provides new insights into the evolutionary relationships among Oligohymenophorea subclasses
2021-01-01 Liao, Wanying; Henrique Campello-Nunes, Pedro; Gammuto, Leandro; Abreu Viana, Tiago; de Oliveira Marchesini, Roberto; da Silva Paiva, Thiago; Domingos da Silva-Neto, Inácio; Modeo, Letizia; Petroni, Giulio
Investigation of trace metals in riverine waterways of Bangladesh using multivariate analyses: spatial toxicity variation and potential health risk assessment
2021-01-01 Proshad, Ram; Abdullah Al, Mamun; Islam, Md. Saiful; Khadka, Sujan; Kormoker, Tapos; Uddin, Minhaz; Modeo, Letizia
Multidisciplinary integrated characterization of a native Chlorella-like microalgal strain isolated from a municipal landfill leachate
2021-01-01 Ciurli, Adriana; Modeo, Letizia; Pardossi, Alberto; Chiellini, Carolina
Phylogeny of Neobursaridium reshapes the systematics of Paramecium (Oligohymenophorea, Ciliophora)
2021-01-01 Serra, Valentina; Fokin, Sergei I.; Gammuto, Leandro; Nitla, Venkatamahesh; Castelli, Michele; Basuri, Charan Kumar; Satyaveni, Adireddy; Sandeep, Bhagavatula Venkata; Modeo, Letizia; Petroni, Giulio
The neotypification of Frontonia vernalis (Ehrenberg, 1833) Ehrenberg, 1838 and the description of Frontonia paravernalis sp. nov. trigger a critical revision of frontoniid systematics
2021-01-01 Serra, Valentina; D’Alessandro, Aldo; Nitla, Venkatamahesh; Gammuto, Leandro; Modeo, Letizia; Petroni, Giulio; Fokin, Sergei I.
‘Candidatus Sarmatiella mevalonica’ endosymbiont of the ciliate Paramecium provides insights on evolutionary plasticity among Rickettsiales
2021-01-01 Castelli, M.; Lanzoni, O.; Nardi, T.; Lometto, S.; Modeo, L.; Potekhin, A.; Sassera, D.; Petroni, G.
5-Fluorouracil-treated planarians, a versatile model system for studying stem cell heterogeneity and tissue aging
2020-01-01 Gambino, G.; Ippolito, C.; Modeo, L.; Salvetti, A.; Rossi, L.
Morphology, ultrastructure, genomics, and phylogeny of Euplotes vanleeuwenhoeki sp. nov. and its ultra-reduced endosymbiont “Candidatus Pinguicoccus supinus” sp. nov
2020-01-01 Serra, V.; Gammuto, L.; Nitla, V.; Castelli, M.; Lanzoni, O.; Sassera, D.; Bandi, C.; Sandeep, B. V.; Verni, F.; Modeo, L.; Petroni, G.
Parablepharisma (Ciliophora) is not a Heterotrich: A Phylogenetic and Morphological Study with the Proposal of New Taxa
2020-01-01 Campello-Nunes, Pedro H.; Fernandes, Noemi M.; Szokoli, Franziska; Fokin, Sergei I.; Serra, Valentina; Modeo, Letizia; Petroni, Giulio; Soares, Carlos A. G.; Paiva, Thiago da S.; Silva-Neto, Inácio D. da
Role of bacterivorous organisms on fungal-based systems for natural tannin degradation
2020-01-01 Sigona, C.; Bardi, A.; Modeo, L.; Mori, G.; Potekhin, A.; Verni, F.; Munz, G.; Petroni, G.
Temporal distribution of zooplankton communities in coastal waters of the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh
2020-01-01 Abdullah Al, Mamun; Akhtar, Aysha; Forruq Rahman, Muhammed; Aftabuddin, Sheikh; Modeo, Letizia
“Candidatus Trichorickettsia mobilis”, a Rickettsiales bacterium, can be transiently transferred from the unicellular eukaryote Paramecium to the planarian Dugesia japonica
2020-01-01 Modeo, Letizia; Salvetti, Alessandra; Rossi, Leonardo; Castelli, Michele; Szokoli, Franziska; Krenek, Sascha; Serra, Valentina; Sabaneyeva, Elena; Di Giuseppe, Graziano; Fokin, Sergei I.; Verni, Franco; Petroni, Giulio
Critical revision of the family Plagiopylidae (Ciliophora: Plagiopylea), including the description of two novel species, Plagiopyla ramani and Plagiopyla narasimhamurtii, and redescription of Plagiopyla nasuta Stein, 1860 from India
2019-01-01 Nitla, Venkatamahesh; Serra, Valentina; Fokin, Sergei I; Modeo, Letizia; Verni, Franco; Sandeep, Bhagavatula Venkata; Kalavati, Chaganti; Petroni, Giulio
Deianiraea, an extracellular bacterium associated with the ciliate Paramecium, suggests an alternative scenario for the evolution of Rickettsiales
2019-01-01 Castelli, M.; Sabaneyeva, E.; Lanzoni, O.; Lebedeva, N.; Floriano, A. M.; Gaiarsa, S.; Benken, K.; Modeo, L.; Bandi, Claudio; Potekhin, Aleksei; Sassera, D.; Petroni, G.
Diversity and environmental distribution of the cosmopolitan endosymbiont “Candidatus Megaira”
2019-01-01 Lanzoni, Olivia; Sabaneyeva, Elena; Modeo, Letizia; Castelli, Michele; Lebedeva, Natalia; Verni, Franco; Schrallhammer, Martina; Potekhin, Alexey; Petroni, Giulio
Harmful Effect of Rheinheimera sp. EpRS3 (Gammaproteobacteria) Against the Protist Euplotes aediculatus (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea): Insights Into the Ecological Role of Antimicrobial Compounds From Environmental Bacterial Strains
2019-01-01 Chiellini, Carolina; Pasqualetti, Chiara; Lanzoni, Olivia; Fagorzi, Camilla; Bazzocchi, Chiara; Fani, Renato; Petroni, Giulio; Modeo, Letizia