Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 918
EU - Europa 614
AS - Asia 230
AF - Africa 25
Totale 1.787
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 907
IT - Italia 329
SE - Svezia 170
CN - Cina 90
SG - Singapore 76
BG - Bulgaria 50
DE - Germania 24
CI - Costa d'Avorio 22
VN - Vietnam 18
GB - Regno Unito 16
IN - India 16
HK - Hong Kong 12
TR - Turchia 12
CA - Canada 10
GR - Grecia 6
FI - Finlandia 5
CH - Svizzera 4
FR - Francia 4
JP - Giappone 3
SN - Senegal 3
KR - Corea 2
NL - Olanda 2
UA - Ucraina 2
MX - Messico 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 1.787
Città #
Santa Clara 117
Chandler 106
Fairfield 95
Milan 92
Woodbridge 54
Sofia 50
Ashburn 46
Cambridge 44
Serra 44
Beijing 41
Chicago 38
New York 37
Singapore 37
Seattle 35
Wilmington 33
Houston 27
Boardman 26
Florence 24
Pisa 24
Ann Arbor 23
Abidjan 22
Princeton 22
Lawrence 20
Frankfurt am Main 19
Ogden 17
Los Angeles 16
Hyderabad 15
Marlia 14
London 13
Rome 13
Hong Kong 12
Istanbul 10
Medford 10
San Diego 9
Dearborn 8
Ottawa 8
Des Moines 7
Dong Ket 7
Turin 6
Bologna 5
Fuzhou 5
Shanghai 5
Boulder 4
Hefei 4
Kunming 4
Nanjing 4
Naples 4
Norwalk 4
Dakar 3
Helsinki 3
Prato 3
Salerno 3
San Giuliano 3
Zurich 3
Arlington 2
Capannori 2
Carrara 2
Cerreto Guidi 2
Dallas 2
Grafing 2
Guangzhou 2
Izmir 2
Jacksonville 2
Jiaxing 2
Monte San Pietro 2
North York 2
Phoenix 2
Poggio a Caiano 2
Pomezia 2
Quanzhou 2
Redwood City 2
Shenyang 2
Shenzhen 2
Tokyo 2
West Jordan 2
Bern 1
Buggiano 1
Cascina 1
Changsha 1
Düsseldorf 1
Espoo 1
Follonica 1
Fremont 1
Halle 1
Hebei 1
Hemet 1
Islington 1
Kent 1
Livorno 1
Marseille 1
Mexico City 1
Napoli 1
Novara 1
Padova 1
Parma 1
Pune 1
Scuola 1
Southwark 1
Stilo 1
Wenzhou 1
Totale 1.365
Nome #
G-LAS: a ring laser gyroscope for high accuracy angle measurements 163
G-LAS a ring laser goniometer for angular metrology 146
Very high sensitivity laser gyroscopes for general relativity tests in a ground laboratory 125
GINGER - Toward an experimental test of General Relativity 112
Long term stabilization of large frame laser gyroscopes 107
Analysis of 90 day operation of the GINGERINO gyroscope 103
Identification and correction of Sagnac frequency variations: an implementation for the GINGERINO data analysis 95
Small scale ring laser gyroscopes as environmental monitors 86
Shallow bore-hole three-axial fiber Bragg grating strain sensor for Etna volcano monitoring 85
Length measurement and stabilization of the diagonals of a square area laser gyroscope 83
Ginger and gingerino 78
Ring laser gyroscopes in the underground Gran Sasso Laboratories 75
Observation by means of an underground ring laser gyroscope of love waves generated in the Mediterranean Sea: Source direction and comparison with models 74
Sagnac gyroscopes, GINGERINO, and GINGER 74
Constraining theories of gravity by GINGER experiment 73
Effects of temperature variations in high-sensitivity Sagnac gyroscope 73
Underground Sagnac gyroscope with sub-prad/s rotation rate sensitivity: Toward general relativity tests on Earth 67
Four years of soil strain monitoring on Etna Volcano Mount by means of a Three-axial Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor 65
Sensitivity limit investigation of a Sagnac gyroscope through linear regression analysis: Sagnac gyroscope sensitivity limit 62
The GINGER Project 53
Small scale ring laser gyroscopes as environmental monitors 22
Sagnac gyroscopes, GINGERINO, and GINGER 20
Radial distribution gain at 633  nm in a He–Ne RF-excited small bore discharge 10
Totale 1.851
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.553
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 7.553

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020170 0 0 0 0 0 29 24 21 23 30 25 18
2020/2021187 17 14 13 11 5 17 17 17 18 16 18 24
2021/2022258 9 2 0 5 39 36 33 26 20 13 29 46
2022/2023405 71 74 28 9 22 38 5 43 65 0 26 24
2023/2024373 31 32 48 27 54 35 14 9 6 27 21 69
2024/2025242 11 30 15 41 83 62 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.851