Assessment of a color measurement-based method for the characterization of polymer thermo-oxidation
2024-01-01 Doriat, Aurélien; Gigliotti, Marco; Beringhier, Marianne; Lalizel, Gildas; Dorignac, Eva; Berterretche, Patrick; Minervino, Matteo
Damage onset mechanisms in multi-axial tensile test of 3D Woven Organic Matrix Composite through an in situ coupled micro-computed tomography and acoustic emission methodology
2024-01-01 Orenes Balaciart, Salvador; Pannier, Yannick; Gigliotti, Marco; Mellier, David; Tranquart, Bastien
Rapid identification of the coefficient of moisture expansion of polymer materials by the employment of plates with asymmetric concentration fields
2024-01-01 Beringhier, Marianne; Gigliotti, Marco; Vannucci, Paolo
Assessment and simulation of the thermomechanical tensile and creep behavior of C/PEKK composites for aircraft applications above the glass transition temperature
2023-01-01 Pedoto, G.; Grandidier, J. -C.; Gigliotti, M.; Vinet, A.
Preface to the theme issue 'Durability and ageing of composite materials'
2023-01-01 Gigliotti, M.; Grandidier, J. -C.
Characterization and modelling of the PEKK thermomechanical and creep behavior above the glass transition temperature
2022-01-01 Pedoto, G.; Grandidier, J. -C.; Gigliotti, M.; Vinet, A.
Coupling between thermal ageing/degradation and creep behavior of PEKK and C/PEKK composites above the glass transition temperature
2022-01-01 Pedoto, G.; Grandidier, J. -C.; Gigliotti, M.; Vinet, A.
Effect of thin skin architecture and curing process on the mechanical response of composite sandwiches under low velocity-impact loading
2022-01-01 Merle, Maxime; Grandidier, Jean-Claude; Gigliotti, Marco; Dupré, Jean-Christophe; Egea, William
Identification of diffusion properties of composites materials for aircraft applications
2022-01-01 Beringhier, M.; Gigliotti, M.; Vannucci, P.
Identification of diffusion properties of composites materials for aircraft applications
2022-01-01 Beringhier, M.; Gigliotti, M.; Vannucci, P.
Numerical method to assess the stress state and gradients induced by thermo-oxidation in adhesively bonded joints for aircraft engine applications
2022-01-01 Masson, Julie; Gigliotti, Marco; Grandidier, Jean-Claude; Delozanne, Justine; Albouy, William; Dagorn, Noelig
Effects of surface preparation on bond behavior CFRP-to-PA6 bonded joints using different adhesives
2021-01-01 Dallali, Manel; Gigliotti, Marco; Lainé, Eric; Grandidier, Jean-Claude; Henry, Nicolas
Gradients of cyclic indentation mechanical properties in PR520 epoxy and its 3D carbon fiber composite induced by aging at 150 °C
2021-01-01 Pecora, M.; Smerdova, O.; Gigliotti, M.
Identification of Diffusion Properties of Polymer-Matrix Composite Materials with Complex Texture
2021-01-01 Beringhier, Marianne; Gigliotti, Marco; Vannucci, Paolo
In-situ multi-axial testing of three-dimensional (3D) woven organic matrix composites for aeroengine applications
2021-01-01 Foti, Federico; Pannier, Yannick; Balaciart, Salvador Orenes; Grandidier, Jean-Claude; Gigliotti, Marco; Guigon, Camille
A variable kinematic one-dimensional model for the hygro-mechanical analysis of composite materials
2020-01-01 Severino, S.; Zappino, E.; Pagani, A.; Gigliotti, M.; Pannier, Y.; Carrera, E.
High temperature fatigue of carbon/polyimide 8-harness satin woven composites. Part I: Digital Image Correlation and Micro-Computed Tomography damage characterization
2020-01-01 Pannier, Y.; Foti, F.; Gigliotti, M.
High temperature fatigue of carbon/polyimide 8-harness satin woven composites. Part II: Environmental effects
2020-01-01 Foti, F.; Pannier, Y.; Gigliotti, M.
Identification of Diffusion Properties of Polymer-Matrix Composite Materials with Complex Texture
2020-01-01 Beringhier, M.; Gigliotti, M.; Vannucci, P.
Identification of moisture affected mechanical properties of polymer matrix materials by the employment of samples with moisture gradients
2020-01-01 Djato, A.; Beringhier, M.; Gigliotti, M.