Gauge invariant quantum backreaction in U(1) axion inflation
2024-01-01 CAMPANELLA GALANTI, Davide; Conzinu, Pietro; Marozzi, Giovanni; Santos da Costa, Simony
On the stability of string-hole gas
2024-01-01 Bitnaya, D.; Conzinu, P.; Marozzi, G.
δN formalism on the past light-cone
2024-01-01 Fanizza, G.; Marozzi, G.; Medeiros, M.
A Simple, Exact Formulation of Number Counts in the Geodesic-Light-Cone Gauge
2023-01-01 Fanizza, G.; Gasperini, M.; Marozzi, G.
Gauge invariance on the light-cone: curvature perturbations and radiative degrees of freedom
2023-01-01 Fanizza, G.; Marozzi, G.; Medeiros, M.
Primordial black holes formation in an early matter dominated era from the pre-big-bang scenario
2023-01-01 Conzinu, P.; Marozzi, G.
On Adiabatic Renormalization with a Physically Motivated Infrared Cut-Off
2022-01-01 Animali, Chiara; Conzinu, Pietro; Marozzi, Giovanni
The gauge invariant cosmological Jacobi map from weak lensing at leading order
2022-01-01 Fanizza, Giuseppe; Di Dio, Enea; Durrer, Ruth; Marozzi, Giovanni
Cosmic variance of H0 in light of forthcoming high-redshift surveys
2021-01-01 Fanizza, Giuseppe; Fiorini, Bartolomeo; Marozzi, Giovanni
The cosmological perturbation theory on the Geodesic Light-Cone background
2021-01-01 Fanizza, G.; Marozzi, G.; Rodrigues Medeiros Silva, M.; Schiaffino, G.
Generalized covariant prescriptions for averaging cosmological observables
2020-01-01 Fanizza, G.; Gasperini, M.; Marozzi, G.; Veneziano, G.
Primordial black holes from pre-big bang inflation
2020-01-01 Conzinu, P.; Gasperini, M.; Marozzi, G.
Energy-momentum tensor and helicity for gauge fields coupled to a pseudoscalar inflaton
2019-01-01 Ballardini, M.; Braglia, M.; Finelli, F.; Marozzi, G.; Starobinsky, A. A.
Observation angles, Fermi coordinates, and the Geodesic-Light-Cone gauge
2019-01-01 Fanizza, G.; Gasperini, M.; Marozzi, G.; Veneziano, G.
Rotation of the CMB polarization by foreground lensing
2019-01-01 Di Dio, E.; Durrer, R.; Fanizza, G.; Marozzi, G.
Backreaction of super-Hubble cosmological perturbations beyond perturbation theory
2018-01-01 Brandenberger, Robert; Graef, Leila L.; Marozzi, Giovanni; Vacca, Gian Paolo
CMB lensing beyond the leading order: Temperature and polarization anisotropies
2018-01-01 Marozzi, Giovanni; Fanizza, Giuseppe; Di Dio, Enea; Durrer, Ruth
Impact of Next-to-Leading Order Contributions to Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing
2017-01-01 Marozzi, G; Fanizza, G; Di Dio, E; Durrer, R
Non-Gaussianities due to Relativistic Corrections to the Observed Galaxy Bispectrum
2017-01-01 Marozzi, Giovanni
CMB-lensing beyond the Born approximation
2016-01-01 Marozzi, G; Fanizza, G; Di Dio, E; Durrer, R