The complete switch-off of the channel of a Field Effect Transistors is one of the main requirements for digital applications. This is the main reason, which prevents graphene to be exploited in electronic applications as a possible substitute to Silicon in CMOS technology. Recently, vertical and lateral heterostructures have been proposed as a technological option in order to circumvent the above mentioned problems, and they are generally referred as tunneling devices. Here we will show that the main mechanism at play is indeed not tunneling of carriers through the barrier, but rather thermionic emission over the barrier. Through a multi-scale simulation approach, based on ab-initio and atomistic calculations, we will assess the device performance against Industry requirements, showing which are the most promising options, and which are those to discard.
Lateral heterostructure Field Effect Transistors
The complete switch-off of the channel of a Field Effect Transistors is one of the main requirements for digital applications. This is the main reason, which prevents graphene to be exploited in electronic applications as a possible substitute to Silicon in CMOS technology. Recently, vertical and lateral heterostructures have been proposed as a technological option in order to circumvent the above mentioned problems, and they are generally referred as tunneling devices. Here we will show that the main mechanism at play is indeed not tunneling of carriers through the barrier, but rather thermionic emission over the barrier. Through a multi-scale simulation approach, based on ab-initio and atomistic calculations, we will assess the device performance against Industry requirements, showing which are the most promising options, and which are those to discard.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.