Teeth Baring as a Model to Understand Complex Facial Signals in a Tolerant Macaque Species
2025-01-01 Fantoni, F.; Maglieri, V.; Giusti, N.; Scopa, C.; Pallante, V.; Loprete, A. L.; Palagi, E.
Animal play and evolution: seven timely research questions about enigmatic phenomena.
2024-01-01 Burghardt, Gordon M.; Pellis, Sergio M.; Schank, Jeffrey C.; Smaldino, Paul E.; Vanderschuren, Louk J. M. J.; Palagi, Elisabetta
Bridging Species Divides: Affiliative Interactions between Theropithecus gelada and Papio anubis in an Unprotected Area in Ethiopia
2024-01-01 Galotti, A.; Francesconi, M.; Pedruzzi, L.; Abiyou Gamessa, S.; Lemasson, A.; Bogale, B. A.; Palagi, E.
Manual preference, performance, and dexterity for bimanual grass-feeding behavior in wild geladas (Theropithecus gelada)
2024-01-01 Truppa, V.; Gamba, M.; Togliatto, R.; Caselli, M.; Zanoli, A.; Palagi, E.; Norscia, I.
More than a simple fixed action pattern: Yawning in drills
2024-01-01 Galotti, A.; Fausti, G.; Casetta, G.; Nolfo, A. P.; Maglieri, V.; Palagi, E.
Rapid facial mimicry as a regulator of play in a despotic macaque species
2024-01-01 Facondini, G.; Pedruzzi, L.; Aere, S.; Boye, M.; Lemasson, A.; Palagi, E.
Smiling underwater: Exploring playful signals and rapid mimicry in bottlenose dolphins
2024-01-01 Maglieri, Veronica; Vantaggio, Federica; Pilenga, Cristina; Boye, Martin; Lemasson, Alban; Favaro, Livio; Palagi, Elisabetta
Social play and affiliation as possible coping strategies in a group of Maremmana beef cattle
2024-01-01 Francesconi, Martina; Pedruzzi, Luca; Bagnato, Samuel; Goracci, Jacopo; Ripamonti, Alice; Mele, Marcello; Palagi, Elisabetta
Tell-tale signals: faces reveal playful and aggressive mood in wolves
2024-01-01 Maglieri, V.; Mastrandrea, F.; Galotti, A.; Boye, M.; Laurent, S.; Marcolla, A.; Palagi, E.
What do rattle quills tell? A morphological analysis of the rattling in the African crested porcupine
2024-01-01 Schianini, V.; Gamba, M.; Mori, E.; Palagi, E.
With a little help from a friend: sharing a laugh with Frans de Waal
2024-01-01 Palagi, E; Caruana, F
Without optimum support: effect of maternal early deprivation on play in semiwild chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes
2024-01-01 Francesconi, M.; Loprete, A. L.; Maglieri, V.; Davila-Ross, M.; Palagi, E.
Wolves and dogs unleashed: exploring differences and similarities in adult play
2024-01-01 Maglieri, V.; Palagi, E.
Yawning in sync: implications for social cohesion in horses
2024-01-01 Galotti, Alice; Romano, Martina; Baragli, Paolo; Palagi, Elisabetta
Adult play and the evolution of tolerant and cooperative societies
2023-01-01 Palagi, E
Don’t stop me now, I’m having such a good time! Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs renovate the motivation to play with a bow
2023-01-01 Maglieri, Veronica; Zanoli, Anna; Mastrandrea, Fosca; Palagi, Elisabetta
Record of thanatology and cannibalism in drills (Mandrillus leucophaeus)
2023-01-01 Casetta, G; Nolfo, Ap; Palagi, E
Social isolation affects the mimicry response in the use of smartphones: an ethological experiment during Covid-19 pandemic
2023-01-01 Maglieri, Veronica; Zanoli, Anna; Giunchi, Dimitri; Palagi, Elisabetta
Stone handling in geladas (Theropithecus gelada): implications for spontaneous drawing-like activity as a playful behavior
2023-01-01 Pallante, Virginia; Johann, Achim; Huffman, Michael A.; Palagi, Elisabetta
The evolution and ontogeny of play: comparative perspectives
2023-01-01 Burgardt, Gordon; Palagi, Elisabetta