DENTE, CARLA Statistiche
Introduction Part I
2015-01-01 Dente, Carla
Notes Towards a Critical Narrative
2015-01-01 Dente, Carla
Reality, Theatre and Human Rights
2015-01-01 Dente, Carla
I viaggi del testo. 'Cardenio', o alla ricerca del testo shakespeariano perduto. Collaborazioni, attribuzioni, adattamenti
2014-01-01 Dente, Carla
Renaissance Actors and Lawyers: Instability of Texts and of Social Trafficking: The Comedy of Errors
2014-01-01 Dente, Carla
"Conflict Through Shakespeare. Introduction
2013-01-01 Dente, Carla
(In)stability of texts, rules and relationships in the Law and in the theatre
2013-01-01 Dente, Carla
Counterfeit Classics: Shakespeare/Camilleri. Joking with Masks, Translations and Traditions
2013-01-01 Dente, Carla
General Introduction
2013-01-01 Dente, Carla; Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
In the maze of identity: 'Dunsinane' by David Greig
2013-01-01 Dente, Carla
Shakespeare and Conflict: A European Perspective
2013-01-01 Dente, Carla; Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
Theory and Practice of Translation Between East and West. The Location of Some Cultural Issues.
2013-01-01 Dente, Carla
Literary Studies. Introduction
2012-01-01 Dente, Carla; Paola, Pugliatti; Clegg, JEANNE FRANCES
Rules and Textual Construction of the Vocational Practices of Actors and Lawyers
2012-01-01 Dente, Carla
Shakespeare in Transit. Exploring Margins and Faultlines
2011-01-01 Dente, Carla
Teoria e prassi della traduzione tra Oriente ed occidente. Collocazione di alcuni nuclei problematici
2011-01-01 Dente, Carla
2010-01-01 Dente, Carla
Editing: Material Culture or Cultural Margins?
2009-01-01 Dente, Carla
Giocando tra traduzioni e tradizioni
2009-01-01 Dente, Carla
King Lear, gli attori, gli avvocati
2009-01-01 Dente, Carla