La voce del padrone. La parola imperiale fra registrazione documentaria e rielaborazione letteraria (I sec. a.C. - VI sec. d.C.)
2024-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
When universal history reaches the present: narrative time and authorial presence in Zonaras' account of Alexios Komnenos' reign
2023-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Nicholas Kallikles: Epigrams on a Saint George Sculpted on Marble
2022-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Nicholas Kallikles: The Stranger and the Tomb: Funerary Verses for Andronikos Palaiologos Doukas
2022-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Status aristocratico e visibilità letteraria femminile nella Costantinopoli del XII secolo. Spose, madri e vedove negli epigrammi di Nicola Callicle
2022-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Two Epigrams on an Icon of the Theotokos Adorned by the Emperor John II Komnenos (Dossier)
2022-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
"The Emperor at the Council. Imperial Interventions in Late Antique Church Councils in Literary Sources and Documentary Records"
2021-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Imperial Adjudication in Late Antiquity: Evolutions and Perceptions in the Light of Documentary Evidence
2020-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Recensione di Rosa Benoit-Meggenis, "L’empereur et le moine. Les relations du pouvoir impérial avec les monastères à Byzance, IXe-XIIIe siècle"
2019-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
A proposito di M. Hebblewhite, The Emperor and the Army in the Later Roman Empire, AD 235-395, London – New York 2017
2018-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Imperial adlocutiones to the army: performance, recording and functions (2nd-4th centuries CE)
2018-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Nicholas Kallikles’ epitaph for the sebastos Roger: the success of a Norman chief at the court of Alexios I Komnenos
2018-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
A proposito di A. Bucossi e A. Rodriguez Suarez (ed.), John II Komnenos, Emperor of Byzantium: In the Shadow of Father and Son, London – New York 2016
2017-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Constantinople et les provinces d'Asie Mineure, IXe-XIe siècle. Administration impériale, sociétés locales et rôle de l’aristocratie
2017-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Le charme du rebelle malheureux: Georges Maniakès dans les sources grecques du XIe siècle
2017-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Quel rôle pour les provinces dans la domination aristocratique au XIe siècle ?
2017-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa; Métivier, Sophie
Recensione di R. Betancourt e M. Taroutina (ed.), Byzantium/Modernism. The Byzantine as Method in Modernity, Leiden 2015
2017-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Recensione di I. Nilsson and P. Stephenson (eds.), Wanted Byzantium. The Desire for a Lost Empire, Uppsala 2014
2016-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Aristocracy and Literary Production in the Tenth Century
2014-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa
Les Kourkouas (IXe-XIe siècle)
2012-01-01 Andriollo, Luisa