Influence of Noncondensable Gas–Dust Mixture on Direct Contact Condensation of Steam at Atmospheric Pressure
2024-01-01 Berti, Luca; Pesetti, Alessio; Raucci, Michele; Giambartolomei, Guglielmo; Aquaro, Donato.
Reverse flow in a pressure suppression system due to condensation instabilities
2023-01-01 Giambartolomei, G.; Pesetti, A.; Berti, L.; Raucci, M.; Lazzeri, R.; Aquaro, D.
Effect of non-condensable gas in steam condensation at sub-atmospheric pressure condition
2022-01-01 Giambartolomei, G.; Pesetti, A.; Raucci, M.; Aquaro, D.
Entraining of dust and steam flux in water pool: Experimental and numerical simulations of vapor condensation and dust deposition
2022-01-01 Ibba, M.; Pesetti, A.; Raucci, M.; Berti, L.; Giambartolomei, G.; Aquaro, D.
Experimental Analysis of Steam Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficient in Water Pool at Sub-Atmospheric Pressure
2022-01-01 Pesetti, A.; Merello, C.; Giambartolomei, G.; Raucci, M.; Aquaro, D.
Large-Scale Experimental Analysis of Steam Sub-Atmospheric Condensation for ITER Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System During LOCA Event
2022-01-01 Pesetti, Alessio; Raucci, Michele; Giambartolomei, Guglielmo; Berti, Luca; Aquaro, Donato
Direct steam condensation at sub-atmospheric pressure: Experimental tests and similitude analysis
2021-01-01 Pesetti, A.; Marini, A.; Giambartolomei, G.; Lazzeri, R.; Raucci, M.; Sarkar, B.; Olcese, M.; Aquaro, D.
Full scale test facility for operability verification of tokamak pressure suppression system at sub-atmospheric conditions
2021-01-01 Pesetti, A.; Raucci, M.; Giambartolomei, G.; Marini, A.; Sarkar, B.; Olcese, M.; Aquaro, D.
Direct condensation of steam in a water tank at sub-atmospheric pressures
2020-01-01 Giambartolomei, G.; Pesetti, A.; Lazzeri, R.; Merello, C.; Sarkar, B.; Olcese, M.; Aquaro, D.
Large Scale experimental facility for assessment the performances of the vacuum vessel pressure suppression system of ITER
2020-01-01 Pesetti, Alessio; Marini, Andrea; Giambartolomei, Guglielmo; Olcese, Marco; Sarkar, Biswanath; Aquaro, Donato
Direct condensation of steam in a water tank at subatmospheric Pressures’
2019-01-01 Giambartolomei, G; Pesetti, A; LO FRANO, Rosa; Lazzeri, R; Merello, C.; Sarkar, B; Olcese, M; Aquaro, D
Experimental analysis of steam condensation patterns within a pressure suppression system operating at sub-atmospheric pressure conditions
2019-01-01 Lo Frano, R.; Aquaro, D.; Mazed, D.; Del Serra, D.; Giambartolomei, G.
Mitigation of a Loss of Coolant Accident in ITER Vacuum Vessel by Means of Steam Pressure Suppression
2019-01-01 Pesetti, A.; Giambartolomei, G.; Lo Frano, R.; Lazzeri, R.; Sarkar, B.; Olcese, M.; Aquaro, D.
Analysis of vibrations due to the steam condensation at sub-atmospheric condition
2018-01-01 Giambartolomei, G.; Lo Frano, R.; Mazed, D.; Del Serra, D.; Aquaro, D.
Investigation of vibrations caused by the steam condensation at sub-atmospheric condition in VVPSS
2018-01-01 Lo Frano, R; Mazed, D; Olcese, M; Aquaro, D; Del Serra, D; Sekachev, I; Giambartolomei, Guglielmo