I testi e la scuola: il neoplatonismo nell’opera di Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé
2024-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Plotino e il tempo del cosmo
2024-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Review Article, Ptolémée “al-Gharīb”. Épître à Gallus sur la vie, le testament et les écrits d’Aristote, Texte établi et traduit par M. Rashed, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2021 (CUF)
2023-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Review article: “D. Gutas (ed.) With the assistance of Ch. Burnett and U. Vagelpohl, Why Translate Science? Documents from Antiquity to the 16th Century in the Historical West (Bactria to the Atlantic), Brill, Leiden-Boston 2022”
2023-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Anniyya faqat․ Again Reading Liber de causis 8[9] with Richard C. Taylor
2022-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Il Περὶ νοῦ di Alessandro di Afrodisia: versioni araba e latina
2022-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Review: A. de Libera – J.B. Brenet – I. Rosier-Catach (eds.), Dante et l’averroïsme, Collège de France – Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2019
2022-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Review: “Aileen R. Das, Galen and theArabicReception of Plato’s “Timaeus.” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020”
2022-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Happiness without Sense-Perception. From Plotinus to the visio beatifica, East and West
2021-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Intellectualiter, vitaliter, enter. Proclus à Bagdad et à Paris
2021-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Review Article "Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Doutes sur Galien. Introduction, édition et traduction par Pauline Koetschet. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter 2019. CXXXVIII, 347 S."
2021-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
The Arabic “Theology of Aristotle”
2021-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
The “Conjunction” of the Intellect with the Separate Substances and God: The Greek and Graeco-Arabic Background
2021-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
‘Nostro intelletto si profonda tanto’: The Philosophical Background of Dante’s Paradiso I, 1– 12 and IV, 22– 60
2021-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
From Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Philosophy, Truth, and Demonstration
2020-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
The Neoplatonic "Epistle on the Divine Science". The Text, Three Translations, and an Index
2020-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Critical Notice. Medieval Neoplatonism Remarks on hitherto Unknown Works on the Liber de Causis and the Elementatio theologica
2019-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Greek Sources in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy
2019-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Le Plotin arabe et les origines de la ''noétique''
2019-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina
Philoponus, or “Yaḥyā al-naḥwī”. An Overview
2019-01-01 D'Ancona, Cristina