In the Name of the Author: Samuel Beckett, Sarah Kane, and Their Disputed Italian Productions
2024-01-01 Soncini, Sara
Women Front and Centre: Revisiting the Greek Chorus in Kae Tempest’s Paradise and Lucy Kirkwood’s Maryland
2024-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
China Travels: Figurations, Revisions, and Transformations from Wycherley's Time to the Present Day
2023-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
Performing simulacra: Human/animal intersections in the work of Sarah Kane
2022-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
The Country Wife, Southall Style: Restoration Comedy and the Multicultural Gaze
2022-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
The School for Scandal. Superfici
2022-01-01 Greenup, Sylvia; Soncini, Sara Francesca
Hogarth in drag: Acts of transvestism in 'The Grace of Mary Traverse' and 'Mother Clap’s Molly House'
2021-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
In the Eye of the Storm: Refugee-Responsive Shakespeare on the Italian Stage
2021-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
Le metamorfosi di Sarah Kane: 4.48 Psychosis sulle scene italiane
2020-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
"The Intersection between Complexity and Creativity in Literary Studies: A Multifaceted Approach"
2019-01-01 Ferrari, R.; Soncini, S.
Amleto e i rifugiati: narrazioni migranti in alcune rivisitazioni sceniche
2019-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
National e-resources of Shakespeare translations in Europe: (Dis)assembling the black box
2019-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
Sarah Kane in Italia: rappresentazioni, riscritture, metamorfosi
2019-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
Theatre-making with Sarah Kane: '4.48 Psychosis' on the Italian stage
2019-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
WORLDS OF WORDS: Complexity, Creativity, and Conventionality in English Language,Literature and Culture
2019-01-01 Ferrari, R.; Soncini, S.; Ciompi, F.; Giovannelli, L.
“Shakespeare in Sarajevo: Theatrical and Cinematic Encounters with the Balkans War”
2019-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
"Il ritorno di Dioniso"
2018-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
"Money's a Meddler": Jeanette Winterson's Cover Version of The Winter's Tale
2018-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
Drama on the Move: Intermedial Dialogue in Caryl Churchill’s Love and Information
2018-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA
Shakespeare in Sarajevo: Theatrical and Cinematic Encounters with the Balkans War
2018-01-01 Soncini, SARA FRANCESCA