An algorithm for correcting the zero-depth error in hole-drilling measurements
2024-01-01 Benincasa, A.; Beghini, M.; Grossi, T.; Santus, C.
2024-01-01 Santus, C.; Romanelli, L.; Grossi, T.; Neri, P.
Regularization of Hole-Drilling Residual Stress Measurements with Eccentric Holes: An Approach with Influence Functions
2024-01-01 Beghini, M.; Bertini, L.; Cococcioni, M.; Grossi, T.; Santus, C.; Benincasa, and A.
Towards a Reliable Uncertainty Quantification in Residual Stress Measurements with Relaxation Methods: Finding Average Residual Stresses is a Well-Posed Problem
2024-01-01 Beghini, M.; Grossi, T.
Tuning Modal Behavior Of Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures
2024-01-01 Beghini, Marco; Grossi, Tommaso; Macoretta, Giuseppe; Monelli, Bernardo Disma; Senegaglia, Ivan; Del Turco, Paolo; Fardelli, Andrea; Morante, Francesco
A computationally fast and accurate procedure for the identification of the Chaboche isotropic-kinematic hardening model parameters based on strain-controlled cycles and asymptotic ratcheting rate
2023-01-01 Santus, C.; Grossi, T.; Romanelli, L.; Pedranz, M.; Benedetti, M.
Determinazione del campo di spostamenti ottenuto come integrazione di funzioni di influenza per l’uso della tecnica DIC, con il metodo del foro, al fine dell’analisi delle tensioni residue
2023-01-01 Santus, C.; Grossi, T.; Beghini, M.; Bertini, L.
Efficient procedure for the identification of the Chaboche isotropic-kinematic hardening model parameters
2023-01-01 Romanelli, L.; Santus, C.; Grossi, T.; Pedranz, M.; Benedetti, M.
Elastic–plastic analysis of high load ratio fatigue tests on a shot-peened quenched and tempered steel, combining the Chaboche model and the Theory of Critical Distances
2023-01-01 Santus, C.; Romanelli, L.; Grossi, T.; Bertini, L.; Le Bone, L.; Chiesi, F.; Tognarelli., L.
Ill-Posedness and the Bias-Variance Tradeoff in Residual Stress Measurement Inverse Solutions
2023-01-01 Beghini, M.; Grossi, T.; Prime, M. B.; Santus, C.
Investigation of Chaboche and Bouc–Wen Parameters of Quenched and Tempered Steel and Comparison of Model Predictive Capabilities
2023-01-01 Santus, C.; Romanelli, L.; Grossi, T.; Bertini, L.; Neri, P.; Le Bone, L.; Chiesi, F.; Tognarelli, L.
Residual stress measurements on a deep rolled aluminum specimen through X-Ray Diffraction and Hole-Drilling, validated on a calibration bench
2023-01-01 Beghini, M.; Grossi, T.; Santus, C.; Seralessandri, L.; Gulisano, S.
Revealing systematic errors in hole drilling measurements through a calibration bench: the case of zero-depth data
2023-01-01 Beghini, Marco; Grossi, Tommaso; Santus, Ciro; Valentini, Emilio
A calibration bench to validate systematic error compensation strategies in hole drilling measurements
2022-01-01 Beghini, M.; Grossi, T.; Santus, C.; Valentini, E.
On the Combined Effects of Hole Depth Steps and Tikhonov Regularization on Hole-Drilling Measurements
2022-01-01 Beghini, M.; Grossi, T.; Santus, C.
Procedura di determinazione dei parametri di Chaboche di un acciaio con comportamento elasto-elastico in regime di fatica ad alto numero di cicli
2022-01-01 Santus, C.; Romanelli, L.; Grossi, T.; Bertini, L.; Benedetti, M.; Le Bone, L.; Chiesi, F.; Tognarelli, L.
Torsional-loaded notched specimen fatigue strength prediction based on mode I and mode III critical distances and fracture surface investigations with a 3D optical profilometer
2022-01-01 Santus, C.; Romanelli, L.; Grossi, T.; Neri, P.; Romoli, L.; Lutey, A. H. A.; Pedranz, M.; Benedetti, M.
Validation of a strain gauge rosette setup on a cantilever specimen: Application to a calibration bench for residual stresses
2022-01-01 Beghini, M.; Grossi, T.; Santus, C.
X-Ray Diffraction and Hole-Drilling residual stress measurements of shot peening treatments validated on a calibration bench
2022-01-01 Beghini, M.; Grossi, T.; Santus, C.; Torboli, A.; Benincasa, A.; Bandini, M.