Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.350
EU - Europa 9.036
AS - Asia 3.977
AF - Africa 215
SA - Sud America 54
OC - Oceania 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 25.639
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.819
IT - Italia 4.318
CN - Cina 2.328
SE - Svezia 1.161
BG - Bulgaria 754
SG - Singapore 660
UA - Ucraina 650
DE - Germania 543
CA - Canada 525
TR - Turchia 500
GB - Regno Unito 386
FI - Finlandia 348
VN - Vietnam 267
CH - Svizzera 242
FR - Francia 239
RU - Federazione Russa 186
CI - Costa d'Avorio 129
IN - India 91
HK - Hong Kong 84
BE - Belgio 49
AT - Austria 47
SN - Senegal 42
NL - Olanda 28
BR - Brasile 25
ES - Italia 16
PL - Polonia 16
IR - Iran 15
NG - Nigeria 15
CL - Cile 12
BJ - Benin 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
KR - Corea 9
AR - Argentina 7
IE - Irlanda 7
IL - Israele 7
PT - Portogallo 7
MA - Marocco 6
DK - Danimarca 5
LT - Lituania 5
MX - Messico 5
RO - Romania 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
AL - Albania 4
EG - Egitto 4
GR - Grecia 4
ID - Indonesia 4
PE - Perù 4
EU - Europa 3
HR - Croazia 3
AU - Australia 2
BO - Bolivia 2
CO - Colombia 2
EC - Ecuador 2
ET - Etiopia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
OM - Oman 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CU - Cuba 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
JP - Giappone 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RE - Reunion 1
SM - San Marino 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 25.639
Città #
Chandler 1.420
Milan 1.088
Santa Clara 962
Ann Arbor 891
Jacksonville 844
Shanghai 821
Woodbridge 807
Sofia 754
Houston 663
Fairfield 660
Ashburn 595
Ottawa 516
Beijing 512
New York 447
Singapore 386
Boardman 352
Izmir 342
Princeton 309
Lawrence 305
Nanjing 304
Wilmington 277
Seattle 269
Bern 227
Cambridge 220
Des Moines 217
Dearborn 199
Rome 177
Medford 170
Dong Ket 144
Istanbul 140
Jüchen 140
Florence 139
Serra 139
Abidjan 129
Nanchang 121
Boulder 98
Lancaster 91
Hong Kong 73
Kunming 70
Shenyang 60
Redwood City 58
Bremen 57
Ogden 54
Pune 53
San Diego 53
Vienna 47
Dakar 42
Pisa 42
Hebei 41
Hefei 41
Brussels 39
Fuzhou 38
Verona 38
London 37
Tianjin 35
Changsha 34
Jiaxing 32
Bologna 27
Hangzhou 27
Los Angeles 27
Norwalk 27
Leawood 24
Quanzhou 24
Turin 24
Orange 23
Munich 22
Padova 22
Naples 21
Washington 21
Frankfurt am Main 20
Dallas 19
Perugia 18
Helsinki 17
San Mateo 16
Palermo 15
Auburn Hills 14
Changchun 14
Lagos 14
Torino 14
Cagliari 13
Guangzhou 13
Lanzhou 13
Seacroft 13
Genoa 12
Monza 12
Nürnberg 12
San Giuliano Terme 12
Augusta 11
Bari 11
Cotonou 11
Genova 11
Kocaeli 11
Pescara 11
Piacenza 11
Düsseldorf 10
Falls Church 10
Livorno 10
Monmouth Junction 10
Napoli 10
Phoenix 10
Totale 17.506
Nome #
Complicanze chirurgiche in pazienti sottoposti a decompressione orbitaria per oftalmopatia di Graves [Surgical complications in orbital decompression for Graves’ orbitopathy] 378
Gli aspetti vestibolari dell'Insufficienza Vertebro-Basilare. 301
Vestibologia clinica 189
Detection of Biofilms in Biopsies from Chronic Rhinosinusitis Patients: In Vitro Biofilm Forming Ability and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing in Biofilm Mode of Growth of Isolated Bacteria 169
La sindrome di Lindsay-Hemenway. 159
Oxidative stress in cerebral small vessel disease dizziness patients, basally and after polyphenol compound supplementation 158
Agopuntura e vertigine cervicale: valutazione posturografica 153
Assessment of head shaking test in neuro-otological practice. 150
Vestibolometria mediante impulsi di accelerazione. 147
Tecniche di ricostruzione del palato dopo etmoido-maxillectomia ed exenteratio orbitae : esposizione di una tecnica personale. 147
Intratympanic methylprednisolone as first-line therapy in sudden sensorineural hearing loss: preliminary results from a case-control series 145
Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome: audiological, radiological, clinical, and genetic features 143
Long-term follow up of sudden sensorineural hearing loss patients treated with intratympanic steroids: audiological and quality of life evaluation 142
Nicergoline in the treatment of dizziness in elderly patients. A review. 141
Liposarcoma of the cervico-nuchal region. 141
Etude comparative des resultats des epreuves vestibulaires caloriques et de l'epreuve pendulaire classique. 138
Correlations between transversal discrepancies of the upper maxilla and oral breathing. 133
Aging with Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Dizziness: The Importance of Undiagnosed Peripheral Vestibular Disorders 133
Acupuncture and cervical vertigo 130
La laringectomia orizzontale sopraglottica allargata. 129
Use of 99mTc-HM-PAO Spect for the diagnosis of reduced cerebral blood flow in patients affected by vestibular disease. 127
Anatomical landmarks for transoral robotic tongue base surgery: comparison between endoscopic, external and radiological perspectives. 127
Approccio posturografico alla vertigine di origine cervicale. 125
La vertigine emicranica: un approccio otoneurologico 125
Assessment of skin microvascular endothelial function in patients with acute unilateral vestibular syndrome. 125
Scintigraphic evaluation of cerebral perfusion defects in patients with vestibular disorders. 124
A modified (``pocket'') tecnique of functional neck dissection 124
A microRNA signature for the differential diagnosis of salivary gland tumors 124
La prova pendolare. 122
Ectopic Intraorbital Lacrimal Ductal Cyst: A Case Report. 122
La piattaforma stabilometrica: sua utilità nella strategia diagnostica otoneurologica. 121
Predicting the Outcome after Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy: Analysis of Vestibulo-ocular Reflex Gain and Catch-up Saccades 121
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine : equilibrium disorders . 119
Double-Blind Randomized trial on short-term efficacy of the Semont Maneuver for the treatment of posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. 119
Il nistagmo di posizione nel bambino. 118
L'uso del muscolo temporale nella ricostruzione dopo maxillectomia ed exenteratio orbitae 118
A modified (“pocket”) tecnique of functional neck dissection. 117
Tecniche di ricostruzione del palato dopo etmoido-maxillectomia ed exenteratio orbitae: esposizione di una tecnica personale 117
Vascular and neoplastic pathologies of the posterior cranial fossa: the role of otoneurology in clinical diagnosis. 116
Acoustic neuroma: correlations between morphology and otoneurological manifestations 116
Endoscopic-assisted transoral-transpharyngeal approach to parapharyngeal space and infratemporal fossa: focus on feasibility and lessons learned 116
Proteomic Investigation of Malignant Major Salivary Gland Tumors 116
Trattato italiano di Vestibologia clinica 115
Bilateral, isolated, lateral semicircular canal malformation without hearing loss 113
Role of static posturography in otoneurological investigation. 112
Il trattamento dell’ipoacusia improvvisa con l’ossigenoterapia iperbarica 112
Response to: "Cerebellar Infarctions Mimicking Acute Peripheral Vertigo," from Yeo et al 110
La citologia per agoaspirazione nelle tumefazioni laterocervicali: risultati preliminari. 109
Il "Delayed Endolynphatic Hydrops". Valutazione otoneurologica di 12 casi clinici 109
Correlation between vestibular abnormalities and MRI findings in cerebellar ataxia 109
Su due casi di nistagmo da paresi dello sguardo (gaze paretic nystagmus) da intossicazione da ossido di carbonio 108
Approccio clinico al paziente con disturbi della stabilità posturale. 108
Activite' de la flunarizine dans les troubles vestibulaires sur base vasculaire. Etude clinique multicentrique. 107
Anatomia del circolo posteriore e correlazioni con il circolo anteriore 106
Electrocortical therapy for motion sickness 106
Frey Syndrome, First Bite Syndrome, great auricular nerve morbidity, and quality of life following parotidectomy 106
Valutazione stabilometrica di casi clinici selezionati 105
Posturography and vertigo 105
Cranio-cervical necrotizing fascitiis: case report and review of the literature 105
La Posturografia Statica 105
Leyomioma of the nose. A case report. 104
Neurootological findings following mild head injury 104
A comparison of alternobaric and hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of Meniere's disease. 104
Ruolo dell’Angio-RM nella diagnosi delle vertigini vascolari. 104
Atypical features of positional paroxysmal vertigo and nystagmus. Some critical considerations. 103
Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the base of the tongue: a case report and review of the literature 103
Acupuncture and Neuroreflexology. 103
Extensive solitary fibrous tumor of the retropharyngeal space 103
Lo svuotamento funzionale del collo nel cancro della laringe. 102
La vertigine parossistica benigna di posizionamento : aspetti clinici e considerazioni medico-legali. 102
Treatment of vascular vertigo with defibrotide. 102
An odorant-binding protein produced by glands of the human mucosa 102
Double-blind randomized trial on the efficacy of the Gufoni maneuver for treatment of lateral canal BPPV. 102
null 102
Posturography and Vertigo. 101
Rehabilitative treatment of vestibular vertigo: our experience 100
Farmaci e rieducazione vestibolare. 100
La canalolitiasi del CSL: definizione, storia e sintomatologia. 100
Utilité de la SPECT dans le diagnostic de l'insuffisance cerebral chez des patients vertigineux. 99
Acupuncture and cervical vertigo. 99
Drop attacks and vertical vertigo after transtympanic gentamicin: diagnosis and management 99
A rare case of primary systemic amyloidosis of the neck with massive cervical lymph node involvement: a case report and review of the literature 99
Are white matter abnormalities associated with "unexplained dizziness"? 99
Malattia di Meniére e rieducazione vestibolare. 98
Ménière’s disease patients in the acute stage 97
Aspetti immunologici della malattia di Mèniére e delle ipoacusie fluttuanti. 96
Fisiologia del microcircolo e dell'endotelio: una nuova finestra sulla patologia vestibolare 96
L'ipotensione ortostatica nella valutazione della vertigine posturale. 95
Diagnostic evaluation of "acute" vertigo 95
Acupuncture treatment for balance disorders following whiplash injury 95
Vertigo in childhood: proposal for a diagnostic algorithm based upon clinical experience 95
Posturografia statica nel colpo di frusta cervicale. 94
Hyperbaric oxygenation therapy in Meniere's disease 94
La Vertigine Vascolare 94
Ectopic Intraorbital Ductal Cyst: a case report 94
Sudden hypoacusis treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a controlled study 94
Clinical Features, Familial History, and Migraine Precursors in Patients With Definite Vestibular Migraine: The VM-Phenotypes Projects 94
Myogenic vestibular evoked potentials. A test of saccular function 93
Totale 12.773
Categoria #
all - tutte 69.700
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 69.700

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.328 0 0 0 0 0 0 308 149 290 207 334 40
2020/20212.016 190 59 205 69 240 76 195 207 116 167 175 317
2021/20222.840 56 275 40 208 588 357 51 114 106 131 133 781
2022/20233.808 447 428 233 423 421 573 49 328 531 45 269 61
2023/20243.933 586 414 546 251 472 636 128 249 91 79 120 361
2024/20253.438 97 439 151 565 780 868 538 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 25.972