Recensione S.M. Masri, Tunisia an Arab Anomaly, New York, Columbia, 2017
In corso di stampa Tamburini, Francesco
The Bureaucratization of Islam in Algeria: The State as the Only Controller of Religion
In corso di stampa Tamburini, Francesco
The Politics of State Mergers in the Qaddafi's Foreign Policy: Utopia, Pan-Arabism, and Survival Strategy
In corso di stampa Tamburini, Francesco
The “Authentic Islam” on the Internet: The Official Websites of the Ministries of Religious Affairs in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia
In corso di stampa Tamburini, Francesco
Assessing the attractiveness of chemical and process facilities to terrorism using a situational crime prevention approach
2024-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco; Landucci, Gabriele; Tortolini, Alessia; CASSON MORENO, Valeria; Marroni, Giulia
L'Indipendenza tunisina nell'ottica della diplomazia italiana
2024-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
Maghreb As Critical Area For The Oil And Gas Facilities In Security Context: Algeria Case Study
2024-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco; Landucci, Gabriele
The History of the Algerian Islamic High Council: Promoting and Preserving the “True Islam” for National Unity and Stability
2024-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Autocracy’: Kais Saied’s “Constitutional Self-Coup” in Tunisia
2023-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
La terza repubblica tunisina. Il fallimento della ‘democrazia procedurale’ e la vittoria del populismo dello za’īm
2023-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
Storia, istituzioni, diritto e potere nel “Grande Maghreb”
2023-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards the Integrated Safety-Security Assessment of Process Facilities Operating in the Maghreb Context
2022-01-01 Marroni, Giulia; Piemonte, Andrea; Tamburini, Francesco; Caroti, Gabriella; Pannocchia, Gabriele; Landucci, Gabriele
Attractiveness Assessment of Chemical Facilities Operating in Critical Areas: Development of a Semi-Quantitative Methodology Tailored to the Maghreb Context
2022-01-01 Landucci, G.; Tonelli, J.; Tortolini, A.; Marroni, G.; Pepe, E.; Tamburini, F.
I processi (incompiuti?) del costituzionalismo malgascio: tra transizioni, ibridazione e modelli autoctoni
2022-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
La Tunisia contemporanea: da avis rara della democrazia ad araba fenice dell'autocrazia
2022-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
La visita di Fanfani in Tunisia nel 1962: Diplomazia e affari tra diffidenza e incomprensioni all’ombra dell’incompiuto neoatlantismo
2022-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
Storia e rivoluzione nei testi costituzionali algerini dal 1963 a oggi
2022-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
The Ghost of the Constitutional Review in Tunisia: Authoritarianism, Transition to Democracy and Rule of Law
2022-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
The Italian Post Office in the International Zone of Tangier: A Dream that Never Came True
2022-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco
Who Controls the Past Controls the Future: How Algeria Manipulated History and Legitimated Power Using its Constitutional Charters and Legislation
2022-01-01 Tamburini, Francesco