Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.517
EU - Europa 2.302
AS - Asia 998
AF - Africa 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
SA - Sud America 5
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 7.847
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.313
IT - Italia 743
SE - Svezia 484
CN - Cina 457
BG - Bulgaria 270
SG - Singapore 248
CA - Canada 200
UA - Ucraina 164
DE - Germania 156
GB - Regno Unito 107
FI - Finlandia 102
VN - Vietnam 98
CH - Svizzera 83
TR - Turchia 73
RU - Federazione Russa 60
FR - Francia 39
SA - Arabia Saudita 27
PL - Polonia 26
BE - Belgio 21
HK - Hong Kong 18
IL - Israele 13
OM - Oman 12
IN - India 10
AT - Austria 9
NL - Olanda 9
JP - Giappone 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
YE - Yemen 7
BJ - Benin 6
EU - Europa 6
RO - Romania 6
PK - Pakistan 5
AU - Australia 4
BR - Brasile 4
EE - Estonia 4
ES - Italia 4
GR - Grecia 4
KR - Corea 4
MY - Malesia 4
PT - Portogallo 4
EG - Egitto 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DZ - Algeria 2
IR - Iran 2
MX - Messico 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AR - Argentina 1
DJ - Gibuti 1
GE - Georgia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IE - Irlanda 1
IS - Islanda 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LB - Libano 1
LT - Lituania 1
NO - Norvegia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 7.847
Città #
Woodbridge 589
Chandler 501
Ann Arbor 479
Santa Clara 404
Houston 334
Milan 283
Sofia 270
Jacksonville 231
Ottawa 189
New York 167
Beijing 141
Singapore 130
Ashburn 113
Princeton 113
Boardman 110
Nanjing 108
Fairfield 101
Lawrence 100
Bern 81
Wilmington 73
Des Moines 67
Medford 62
Dearborn 53
Seattle 52
Izmir 49
Dong Ket 45
Jüchen 41
Cambridge 33
Nanchang 33
Los Angeles 30
Redwood City 30
Rome 22
Serra 22
Shanghai 22
Brussels 21
Chicago 21
Düsseldorf 21
Florence 18
Istanbul 17
Hong Kong 15
Kunming 15
Shenyang 15
Ogden 14
Jiaxing 13
Tianjin 13
Moncalieri 12
Auburn Hills 11
Boulder 11
Riyadh 11
Rzeszów 11
San Diego 11
Warsaw 11
Changsha 10
London 10
Norwalk 10
Alessandria 8
Hangzhou 8
Paris 8
Pune 8
Fuzhou 7
Guangzhou 7
Hefei 7
Jeddah 7
Monselice 7
Orange 7
Verona 7
Vienna 7
Cotonou 6
Dallas 6
Hebei 6
Meudon 6
Quanzhou 6
Berlin 5
Jinan 5
Siena 5
Washington 5
Changchun 4
Genoa 4
Grafing 4
Lanzhou 4
Pontedera 4
Sanaa 4
Scuola 4
Stourport 4
Wuhan 4
Abu Dhabi 3
Buffalo 3
Codogno 3
Colborne 3
Den Helder 3
Durham 3
Impruneta 3
Indiana 3
Krasnoyarsk 3
Liverpool 3
Napoli 3
New Kensington 3
Phoenix 3
Pisa 3
Salerno 3
Totale 5.588
Nome #
Qatabanian jars in the port of Sumhuram: notes on the trade by sea in South Arabia 168
By land and by sea. A history of South Arabia before Islam recounted from inscriptions. 161
Between Harmonization and Peculiarities of the Scientific Domains: Digitizing the epigraphic heritage of pre-Islamic Arabia in the project DASI 146
Excavations and restoration of the complex of Khor Rori. MID's Interim Report 1 (1999-2000) 140
From inscriptions to grammar: notes on the grammar of non-Sabaic languages 139
The Digital Archive for the Study of Pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions: An ERC Project 135
The CSAI project: some general remarks on the Hadramitic corpus 134
Oman il paese di Sindbad il marinaio 127
Along the aroma and spice routes : the harbour of Sumhuram, its territory and the trade between the Mediterranean, Arabia and India 126
A Fresh Look at Sabaic 123
Sumhuram: a Hadrami Port on the Indian Ocean 122
The Sabaean Presence in Jawf in the Eighth-Seventh Centuries BC Notes on the Oldest Phase of Ancient South Arabian Culture and Its Relationship with Mesopotamia 122
Excavations and restoration of the complex of Khor Rori. Interim Report 3 (October 2001- April 2002) 121
To accompany a recently published Sabaic text: historical and grammatical remarks 119
Art and technique in Yemen The bronzes from the Museum of Baynun 117
Notes for a history of Sumhuram and a new inscription of Yashhur'il 117
A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC – 5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2 116
Digital collections, online Exhibitions and Virtual Museums in the MEDINA Project: Communicating the Ancient Near East Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin 114
Chronological development of the Qatabanic corpus and royal dynasties 113
Corpus of South Arabian inscriptions I-III : Qatabanic, Marginal Qatabanic, Awsanite inscriptions 112
Some thoughts on ibex on plinths in early South Arabian art 112
Centre-periphery relations in pre-Islamic south Arabia 106
I regni sudarabici 105
Criteri editoriali per la pubblicazione dello CSAI 104
Ancient South Arabian anthroponomastics: historical remarks 103
Origin and classification of the Ancient South Arabian Languages 101
An outline of recent discoveries at Salut in the Sultanate of Oman 100
Eastern Arabia in the first millennium BC 98
CSAI - Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions 94
KHOR RORI Report 1 92
The Khor Rori site and the trade routes between Rome and the East 90
In the heart of Oman. The castle of Salut 90
Reassessment of the chronology of the first millennium in South Arabia 88
Arabia Antica. History and Culture of pre-Islamic Arabia 88
Un port d'Arabie entre Rome et l'Inde 88
The construction phases of Khor Rori's monumental gate 87
Some brief observations on Qatabanic verb system and on the relationship between the Ancient South Arabian and Modern South Arabian 86
The history of the Khor Rori area. New perspectives 85
The "Stèles à la déesse": Problems of Interpreting and Dating 84
South Arabian and Ethiopic lexicography 84
Saba and the beginning of epigraphic documentation of the Jawf 84
From South to North in Ancient Arabia 84
DASI - Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions 82
The Qatabanic inscription in the museum of Seyun 80
Some remarks on the classification of Ancient South Arabian Languages 80
Old South Arabic Inscriptions on Metal 77
The South Arabian Kingdoms. An introduction to their history 76
Profumi d'Arabia. Atti del convegno 75
Salut, Sultanate of Oman report (2004-2005) 75
Introduction - Eastern Arabia and the ancient South Arabian kingdoms at the beginning of the first millennium BC 72
Ancient South Arabian within Semitic, and Sabaic within Ancient South Arabian 72
The stratigraphy of Sumhuram: new evidence 71
Issledovanija ital'janskoj missii v Dofare 70
Incense Routes and South Arabian Kingdoms 70
Notes on Epigraphic South Arabic Verbs. 1 70
La missione italiana nel Dhofar (Sultanato dell’Oman): prospettive per una ricerca linguistica 69
IMTO Archaeological Archive 68
Appunti di storia sudarabica antica I. In margine a Maṣnaʿat Mārya 68
Excavations and restoration of the complex of Khor Rori. Interim Report (October 2000- April 2001) 68
Two inscriptions from Nashshan: new data on the history of the town 67
Is Still Arabia at the margins of digital Epigraphy? Challenges in the digitization of the pre-Islamic inscriptions in the project DASI 67
L'antroponomastica sudarabica antica: riflessioni storiche 64
Alcune osservazioni sull'onomastica dell'Arabia meridionale preislamica 64
Glossaire des inscriptions de l'arabie du sud 63
Linguistic Data and historical Reconstruction: between semitic and epigraphic South Arabian 62
Review of M. Mouton & J. Schiettecatte, In the desert margins. The Settlement Process in Ancient South and East Arabia (Roma, 2014; Arabia Antica, 9) 61
For a study on the formulary of construction inscriptions 59
Matériaux pour le corpus des inscriptions qatabanites 57
Saba 57
As- Sawdāʼ 56
Alcune osservazioni sulla documentazione epigrafica preislamica dell'Oasi di Al-`Ula 56
Eastern Arabia and the ancient South Arabian kingdoms at the beginning of the first millennium BC 55
Problemi di onomastica semitica meridionale 55
Inscriptions from museums in the region of Dhamār : Qatabanians in Baynūn and the goddess Athirat (ʾṯrtn) 54
La missione italiana nel Dhofar (Sultanato dell'Oman): prospettive per una ricerca storica 53
L'Arabia meridionale preislamica 53
Le materiel 53
Una diga e il suo territorio nell'Arabia meridionale antica: un decreto reale qatabanico 52
Note su una nuova iscrizione di Sarahbil Yafur 51
Studi di lessico sudarabico antico I 51
La chronologie et le début de l'histoire sudarabique 50
Samhar (Khor Rori) - eine hadramitische Gründung im omanischen Dhofar 49
L’hégémonie qatabanite 48
Materiali per il Corpus Qatabanico 48
Le commerce des aromates et les états de l’Arabie Méridionale préislamique 47
La chronologie "courte" : un réexamen 47
Problemi storici della regione di Al-Hada nel periodo preislamico e nuove iscrizioni 46
Due nuove iscrizioni sudarabiche 46
Glossaire des inscriptions de l'Arabie du sud 44
Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions. La pubblicazione integrale del corpus sudarabico qatabanico 43
Missione dell'Università di Firenze nello Yemen del nord: notizie preliminari su alcuni risultati della campagna del dicembre 1985 43
La missione italiana nel Dhofar: prospettive per una ricerca linguistica 42
La «lista degli eponimi» e l'inizio della documentazione storica nell'Arabia meridionale preislamica 40
L’unité du sudarabique épigraphique: certitudes et limites 40
La missione italiana nel Dhofar (1997) 39
Les inscriptions 38
Remarques sur le «matriarcat» en Arabie du sud 36
Cultura greco-romana e Arabia: le statue di Dhamarali Yuhabirr e suo figlio Tharan 35
Un'iscrizione qatabanica da Ṯāh 34
Modifiche ambientali e archeologia in Yemen 31
Totale 7.924
Categoria #
all - tutte 19.266
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 19.266

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020374 0 0 0 0 0 66 84 23 63 35 99 4
2020/2021546 58 13 39 18 74 37 50 60 27 37 22 111
2021/2022960 4 97 15 58 211 129 25 36 46 44 29 266
2022/20231.175 173 166 90 138 133 169 11 93 143 4 48 7
2023/20241.012 176 133 98 69 137 163 57 12 15 27 24 101
2024/2025835 11 113 36 168 372 135 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.924