Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.256
EU - Europa 2.588
AS - Asia 1.172
AF - Africa 177
OC - Oceania 13
SA - Sud America 9
Totale 10.215
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.059
IT - Italia 1.043
CN - Cina 566
SE - Svezia 546
SG - Singapore 320
BG - Bulgaria 250
CA - Canada 194
DE - Germania 135
TR - Turchia 122
UA - Ucraina 111
GB - Regno Unito 107
FI - Finlandia 98
SN - Senegal 94
RU - Federazione Russa 84
VN - Vietnam 84
FR - Francia 67
CH - Svizzera 57
CI - Costa d'Avorio 50
HK - Hong Kong 42
BE - Belgio 29
NG - Nigeria 22
GR - Grecia 15
KR - Corea 11
AU - Australia 9
IN - India 8
ES - Italia 7
HU - Ungheria 7
JP - Giappone 7
NL - Olanda 6
BR - Brasile 5
DK - Danimarca 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
BJ - Benin 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
ID - Indonesia 3
IE - Irlanda 3
PL - Polonia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AL - Albania 2
AT - Austria 2
CO - Colombia 2
MX - Messico 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PH - Filippine 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RO - Romania 2
AR - Argentina 1
CL - Cile 1
CY - Cipro 1
EG - Egitto 1
IL - Israele 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
MG - Madagascar 1
MY - Malesia 1
NI - Nicaragua 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 10.215
Città #
Woodbridge 817
Ann Arbor 778
Houston 676
Fairfield 538
Santa Clara 486
Chandler 397
Milan 334
Ashburn 266
Sofia 250
Seattle 212
Cambridge 186
Wilmington 184
Beijing 183
Jacksonville 150
Ottawa 149
Singapore 146
New York 133
Boardman 110
Serra 110
Princeton 98
Dakar 94
Nanjing 94
Lawrence 92
Izmir 89
Medford 76
Chicago 58
Des Moines 56
Dearborn 55
Abidjan 50
Bern 48
Marseille 48
Hong Kong 41
Rome 41
Florence 36
Dong Ket 34
Nanchang 32
Istanbul 30
Fuzhou 29
London 29
San Diego 27
Brussels 26
Jüchen 26
Pisa 25
Redwood City 24
Lagos 22
Boulder 21
Frankfurt am Main 21
Guangzhou 21
Shanghai 21
Ogden 18
Kunming 16
Los Angeles 14
Hebei 13
Shenyang 13
Luzzara 12
Quanzhou 12
Hefei 11
Phoenix 11
Auburn Hills 10
Changsha 10
Dallas 10
Jiaxing 10
Helsinki 9
Lucca 9
Tianjin 9
Verona 9
Capannori 8
Falls Church 8
Kostroma 8
Mestrino 8
Munich 8
Orange 8
Chicoutimi 7
Wuhan 7
Many 6
North York 6
Norwalk 6
Toronto 6
Bari 5
Berlin 5
Dubendorf 5
Hangzhou 5
Lerici 5
Livorno 5
Washington 5
Athens 4
Bremen 4
Desio 4
Fort Huachuca 4
Genoa 4
Indiana 4
Jinan 4
Naples 4
Nice 4
Pavia 4
Pune 4
Salerno 4
Sennori 4
Apo 3
Bellizzi 3
Totale 7.844
Nome #
Linguistic, geographic and genetic isolation: a collaborative study of Italian populations 254
Y chromosome genetic variation in the Italian peninsula is clinal and supports an admixture model for the Mesolithic-Neolithic encounter 196
Y chromosomal haplogroup J as a signature of the post-neolithic colonization of Europe 189
Tools to predicting binary states on the human Y chromosome from STR data 179
A Y Variant Which Traces the Genetic Heritage of Ligures Tribes. 178
Y-STR haplotyping in French immigrants of Maghreb origin: drop of diversity and implications on the matching probability and the assignment of ethnic affiliation 173
Association between polymorphisms of TAS2R16 and susceptibility to colorectal cancer 167
A bio-cultural approach to the study of food choice: The contribution of taste genetics, population and culture 164
Genetic history of the population of Corsica (western Mediterranean) as inferred from autosomal STR analysis 158
Global diversity in the TAS2R38 bitter taste receptor: revisiting a classic evolutionary PROPosal 156
The dual origin of Tati-speakers from dagestan as written in the genealogy of uniparental variants. 148
Y-STR variation in Albanian populations: implications on the match probabilities and the genetic legacy of the minority claiming an Egyptian descent 146
Molecular characterisation and population genetics of the DYS458 .2 allelic variant 143
Estimating Sampling Selection Bias in Human Genetics: A Phenomenological Approach 139
Variation of female and male lineages in sub-Saharan populations: the importance of sociocultural factors 134
Overcoming the dichotomy between open and isolated populations using genomic data from a large European dataset 132
An exploratory picture of the Iranian mtDNA landscape 131
Discordant patterns of mtDNA and ethno-linguistic variation in 14 Iranian ethnic groups 130
Recovering ancient DNA by streptavidin-coated magnetic beads and biotinylated oligonucleotides (target-hooking) 130
The Greeks in the West: Genetic signatures of the Hellenic colonisation in southern Italy and Sicily 128
Analysis of YSTR variability in three Daghestan ethnics (North-Eastern Caucasus) 126
Moors and Saracens in Europe: estimating the medieval North African male legacy in southern Europe 126
The GenoChip: A New Tool for Genetic Anthropology 122
Phylogenetic relationships and genetic structure of Mediterranean chukar (Alectoris chukar, Galliformes) populations inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers 121
Clinal patterns of human Y chromosomal diversity in continental Italy and Greece are dominated by drift and founder effects 121
J1-M267 Y lineage marks climate-driven pre-historical human displacements 120
Human-mediated introgression of exotic chukar (Alectoris chukar, Galliformes) genes from East Asia into native Mediterranean partridges 120
Diversity drop and identity maintenance in the male gene-pool of Corsican immigrants with Maghreb origin 119
Molecular phylogeography of the asp viper Vipera aspis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Italy: evidence for introgressive hybridization and mitochondrial DNA capture 119
A study of Y-chromosome microsatellite variation in sub-Saharan Africa: a comparison between F(ST) and R(ST) genetic distances 118
The role of recent admixture in forming the contemporary West Eurasian genomic landscape 118
Paleoserology of the Christian population at Sayala (Lower Nubia): an evaluation of the reliability of the results 115
Liguri apuani del Sannio. Un viaggio tra storia e genetica 114
Genetic affinities between Corsica and Tuscany: the molecular evidence 113
The Etruscan timeline: a recent Anatolian connection 113
Tools which simulate the evolution of the uni-parental elements of the human genome 111
Introgressione di geni Alectoris chukar (Aves, Galliformes) dell'Asia orientale in popolazioni di pernice rossa (A. rufa) del Mediterraneo per ibridizzazione mediata dall'uomo 110
MtDNA variability in two Bantu-speaking populations (Shona and Hutu) from eastern Africa: implications for peopling and migration patterns in sub-Saharan Africa 109
Italian isolates today: geographic and linguistic factors shaping human biodiversity 106
Shared language, diverging genetic histories: high-resolution analysis of Y-chromosome variability in Calabrian and Sicilian Arbereshe 106
Peopling of three Mediterranean islands (Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily) inferred by Y-chromosome biallelic variability 104
Bayesian tools to predict binary mutations on the human Y chromosome on the basis of STR haplotypes 104
High altitude adaptation in Daghestani populations from the Caucasus 104
Alta frequenza di linee genetiche maschili di origine “pre-agricola” in Garfagnana (Toscana) 104
Mitochondrial and Y chromosome haplotype motifs as diagnostic markers of Jewish ancestry: A reconsideration 104
Stuck in fragments: Population genetics of the Endangered collared brown lemur Eulemur collaris in the Malagasy littoral forest 103
The key role of patrilineal inheritance in shaping the genetic variation of Dagestan highlanders 102
Variation at 10 protein coding loci in the Mbenzele Pygmies from the Central African Republic and a comparison with microsatellite data 100
Detection of phylogenetically informative polymorphisms in the entire euchromatic portion of human Y chromosome from a Sardinian sample Evolutionary Biology 98
Application of Graph Theory to the elaboration of personal genomic data for genealogical research 98
Variation at 16 STR loci in Rwandans (Hutu) and implications on profile frequency estimation in Bantu-speakers 97
Genetic polymorphisms in the Garfagnana population (Tuscany) 96
Dispersal patterns of M267-derived chromosomes in the Mediterranean 96
null 96
Correlations of quantitative chromosomal heteromorphisms and classic genetic markers to demogeographic data in Garfagnana valley (Tuscany, Italy) 95
Gene Structure Evolution of the Short-Chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase (SDR) Family 94
Variance of ABO gene frequencies in lower Nubia through the last millennium 94
Origin and Evolutionary History of the Malagasy 93
Analisi citogenetiche in esemplari di cinghiale (Sus scrofa) del Parco regionale della Maremma 91
Y-STR haplotyping in Corsican immigrants of Maghreb origin: drop of diversity and implications on the matching probability and the assignment of ethnic affiliation 90
Geographic population structure analysis of worldwide human populations infers their biogeographical origins 89
Admixture proportions in southern Malagasy ethnic groups by high-resolution genotyping of maternal and paternal lineages 87
On the origins and admixture of Malagasy: new evidence from high-resolution analyses of paternal and maternal lineages 87
Gli eteromorfismi cromosomici DA/DAPI e C nello studio della struttura delle popolazioni umane 86
An integrated study for paleoclimate reconstructions in a threatened habitat: the Malagasy littoral humid forest 85
Paleoserology of the Sayala cemeteries: comparisons among techniques, laboratories and substrata 84
Diversity of β-Globin Haplotypes Associated with β-Thalassemia in Corsica (France) 83
The STR-based genetic profile of the population from Corsica island (France) 82
Ethnogenomic diversity of Caucaus, Daghestan 82
null 82
La consanguineità nella popolazione della val di Lima (Lucca) per il periodo cronologico 1725-1999: confronto tra i coefficienti ottenuti su base isonimica e su base genealogica 79
null 79
The role of geography and language in the shaping of Y genetic variability in the Caucasus 78
null 77
null 74
null 74
Microevolution of STR polymorphisms in Northern Maremma 74
Genetic structure and population affinities of Corsicans: the contribution of autosomal STR polymorphisms 74
Signatures on the Y chromosome of the demographic history of Elba island (Northern Mediterranean) 73
Origine e variabilità di linee paterne in due etnie malgasce: Antandroy e Antanosy 71
Microsatellite variation in Central Africa and analysis of intrapopulational and interpopulational genetic diversity 70
Il popolamento della Bassa Nubia nell'ultimo millennio: analisi comparativa delle frequenze geniche del sistema ABO 66
Antropologia molecolare: ricerche sulle popolazioni della Corsica e della Toscana 60
Population genetics of Corsicans by autosomal STRs 59
Profilo genetico della popolazione corsa e toscana attraverso l’analisi di sistemi autosomici STR 57
Le analisi biomolecolari dei resti scheletrici 53
Il gusto degli Italiani 53
Marcatori molecolari per lo studio della biodiversità umana 51
The peopling of Europe and the cautionary tale of Y chromosome lineage R-M269 50
Variability of DA/DAPI- and C-heterochromatic regions: a population study 49
Taste perception of Antidesma bunius fruit and its relationships to bitter taste receptor gene haplotypes 44
Molecular and functional evolution of human DHRS2 and DHRS4 duplicated genes 41
Inter-individual genomic heterogeneity within European population isolates 39
Late Neanderthals and their environment in northwestern Tuscany: news from Buca del Tasso 36
Open questions in sweet, umami and bitter taste genetics 36
Low pass DNA sequencing of 1,200 Sardinians reconstructs European Y chromosome phylogeny 28
Exploring the Neandertal legacy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk in Eurasians 27
Totale 10.315
Categoria #
all - tutte 26.713
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 26.713

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020828 0 0 0 0 0 187 160 99 141 93 120 28
2020/2021717 64 22 55 35 81 45 37 73 78 64 57 106
2021/20221.073 48 67 33 70 189 124 30 70 43 43 83 273
2022/20231.412 181 150 101 93 149 190 12 109 326 20 72 9
2023/20241.245 164 118 224 95 170 166 44 29 16 34 34 151
2024/20251.149 50 155 84 241 363 256 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.417