Biopolitical Entanglements and the Stigma of Disease in Samuel Butler’s “Erewhon; or, Over the Range”
2024-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
"Aesthetic Scenarios and Revolutions in the British Fin-de-Siècle Context" - Introduction
2023-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura; Martino, Pierpaolo
Curatela del numero monografico di “Synergies” 2023: “Aesthetic Scenarios and Revolutions in the British Fin-de-Siècle Context”
2023-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura; Martino, Pierpaolo
Recensione di Francesco Marroni (a cura di), “George Bernard Shaw: Teatro”, Milano, Bompiani, 2022
2023-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
Wild(e) on Stage: Manipulated Scripts and Suppressed Truths in Nadine Gordimer’s “The Amateurs”
2023-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
“It is not the prisoners who need reformation. It is the prisons”: Oscar Wilde’s Path towards Civic Engagement in his (Post-)Prison Years
2023-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
“Mixed up in this amazing fecundity”. Persistenze ecosistemiche e vitalistico-ancestrali in “Gardening in the Tropics” di Olive Senior
2023-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
"Wilde World. Una tavola rotonda su Oscar Wilde"
2022-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura; Martino, Pierpaolo
Blackbeard and the Post-Anthropocene Humanoids. Tracing the Post/Transhuman in Margaret Atwood’s “MaddAddam” Trilogy
2022-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
Entering the Simulacra World. Aesthetic and Cultural Phenomenologies in Literature, Media, and the Arts
2022-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura; Rossi, Francesco; Savettieri, Cristina; Ghezzani, Alessandra
Entering the Simulacra World. Aesthetic and Cultural Phenomenologies in Literature, Media, and the Arts
2022-01-01 Ghezzani, Alessandra; Giovannelli, Laura; Rossi, Francesco; Savettieri, Cristina
Oscar Wilde in the Third Millennium: An Introduction
2022-01-01 Evangelista, Stefano; Giovannelli, Laura; Martino, Pierpaolo; Scatasta, Gino
“Textus”, 35 (2), 2022, Culture Issue: “Oscar Wilde in the Third Millennium: Approaches, Directions, Re-evaluations”
2022-01-01 Evangelista, Stefano; Giovannelli, Laura; Martino, Pierpaolo; Scatasta, Gino
Considerazioni introduttive
2021-01-01 Ferrari, R.; Giovannelli, L.
Predicting the ‘New Normal’: Teleconnection and the Regime of Social Distancing in E.M. Forster’s “The Machine Stops”
2021-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
2021-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
Review of Deaglán Ó Donghaile, “Oscar Wilde and the Radical Politics of the Fin de Siècle”, Edinburgh, Edinburgh UP, 2020
2021-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
The Ghost as Artist. Allusive Echoes in “The Canterville Ghost”
2021-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
'A Green Marvell': etica e filosofia del verde in 'The Garden' e 'The Mower against Gardens'
2020-01-01 Giovannelli, Laura
'A Green Thought in A Green Shade': Immaginario letterario e ambiente
2020-01-01 Ferrari, Roberta; Giovannelli, Laura