Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.285
EU - Europa 2.982
AS - Asia 1.658
AF - Africa 92
SA - Sud America 36
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
OC - Oceania 9
Totale 12.074
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.080
IT - Italia 1.160
CN - Cina 928
SE - Svezia 440
SG - Singapore 334
BG - Bulgaria 308
DE - Germania 291
UA - Ucraina 207
CA - Canada 204
TR - Turchia 173
FI - Finlandia 156
VN - Vietnam 137
GB - Regno Unito 134
CH - Svizzera 93
FR - Francia 57
RU - Federazione Russa 56
CI - Costa d'Avorio 49
HK - Hong Kong 35
BR - Brasile 26
SN - Senegal 26
BE - Belgio 18
IR - Iran 13
EU - Europa 12
JP - Giappone 12
NL - Olanda 12
IN - India 10
BJ - Benin 9
DK - Danimarca 9
AU - Australia 8
RO - Romania 7
EC - Ecuador 6
IE - Irlanda 5
NO - Norvegia 5
PL - Polonia 5
SI - Slovenia 5
ES - Italia 4
IL - Israele 4
MY - Malesia 4
EG - Egitto 3
KR - Corea 3
PT - Portogallo 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AR - Argentina 2
RS - Serbia 2
AL - Albania 1
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CL - Cile 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
HU - Ungheria 1
ID - Indonesia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JO - Giordania 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 12.074
Città #
Woodbridge 983
Ann Arbor 758
Houston 622
Fairfield 567
Santa Clara 514
Chandler 513
Ashburn 360
Sofia 307
Milan 298
Jacksonville 288
Wilmington 264
Beijing 263
Seattle 259
Cambridge 246
Shanghai 234
Ottawa 199
New York 186
Serra 149
Singapore 129
Boardman 125
Princeton 125
Nanjing 123
Lawrence 115
Izmir 109
Bern 89
Munich 86
Des Moines 77
Medford 72
Dearborn 65
Dong Ket 52
Jüchen 51
Abidjan 49
Istanbul 49
Helsinki 42
Nanchang 38
Rome 36
Frankfurt am Main 34
Hong Kong 32
San Diego 30
Boulder 28
Falls Church 28
Kunming 27
Redwood City 27
Dakar 26
Hebei 24
Changsha 20
Marseille 20
Ogden 19
Shenyang 19
Alessandria 18
Hefei 17
Auburn Hills 16
Jiaxing 15
Los Angeles 15
Tianjin 14
Arcola 13
Norwalk 13
Düsseldorf 12
Grenoble 12
Phoenix 12
Pomigliano d'Arco 12
Brussels 11
Hangzhou 11
Washington 11
Capannori 10
Livorno 10
London 10
Ankara 9
Cotonou 9
Guangzhou 8
Karlsruhe 8
Lanzhou 8
Pisa 8
West Lafayette 7
Frederiksberg 6
Mountain View 6
Quito 6
Florence 5
Fuzhou 5
Mestrino 5
Prato 5
Verona 5
Alameda 4
Catania 4
Cluj-napoca 4
Council Bluffs 4
Dallas 4
Dublin 4
Gent 4
Imola 4
Jinan 4
Kawaguchi 4
Leeds 4
Naples 4
Nottingham 4
Parma 4
Pistoia 4
San Francisco 4
Solihull 4
Sydney 4
Totale 9.180
Nome #
SEAS (Software Energetico per Audit Semplificati - Simplified Energy Auditing Software), versione 3.1 183
SEAS (Software Energetico per Audit Semplificati - Simplified Energy Auditing Software), versione 1.0 167
Analysis of Monitoring Data and Simulation of Seasonal Energy Performance of the GS-GAHP System Installed in the Kindergarten Building of Oulx, Turin 158
Energy and geotechnical behaviour of energy piles for different design solutions 156
Saturated pool boiling enhancement by means of an electric field 155
Experimental study on bubble detachment under variable heat load and the action of electric field 155
Electrohydrodynamic Convective Heat Transfer in a Square Duct 153
Experimental study on bubble detachment under variable heat load and the action of electric field 153
Electric field effects on film boiling on a wire 151
Analysis of Thermodynamic Losses in Ground Source Heat Pumps and Their Influence on Overall System Performance 150
Pool boiling in microgravity: old and recent results 147
Induction of Waves on a Horizontal Water Film by an Impinging Corona Wind 146
Pool Boiling in Microgravity with Application of Electric Field: First Results of ARIEL Experiment on Foton-M2 144
Pool boiling in microgravity and in the presence of electric field: evaluation of the void fraction in ARIEL experiment 143
Optimal Working Fluid and Electrode Configuration for EHD Enhanced Single-Phase Heat Transfer 142
A Brief Compendium of Correlations and Analytical Formulae for the Thermal Field Generated by a Heat Source Embedded in a Porous Medium 141
Natural Convection in the Presence of an Electric Field Under Variable Gravity Conditions 140
Effects of external electric field on pool boiling: comparison of terrestrial and microgravity data in the ARIEL experiment 138
Energy Efficient Methodologies for Microclimate Control in Museum Environments: a State of the Art 138
Calibration of a Sheet of Thermosensitive Liquid Crystals Viewed Non-Orthogonally 135
Environmental monitoring of a Sardinian earthen dwelling during the summer season 135
Nucleate pool boiling in the presence of an electric field: effect of subcooling and heat-up rate 134
Effect of force fields on pool boiling flow patterns in normal and reduced gravity 131
On Sustainable and Efficient Design of Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems 130
Unsubmerged jet impingement heat transfer at low liquid speed 129
Pool Boiling in Reduced Gravity 129
A Proposal for New Microclimate Indexes for the Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality in Museums 129
SEAS (Software Energetico per Audit Semplificati - Simplified Energy Auditing Software), versione 3.0 128
Augmentation of Heat Transfer on the Downward Surface of a Heated Plate by Ion Injection 127
Energy retrofit of an office building by substitution of the generation system: performance evaluation via dynamic simulation versus current technical standards 126
Bubble Rising Velocity in One and Two-Component Systems 123
Calibration of a Sheet of Thermosensitive Liquid Crystals Viewed Non-Orthogonally 123
Definizione di una Metodologia per l’Audit Energetico negli Edifici ad Uso Residenziale e Terziario 123
Control of Natural Circulation Loops by Electrohydrodynamic Pumping 122
How heat pumps work: criteria for heat sources evaluation 122
Building Energy Simulation by an In-House Full Transient Model for Radiant Systems Coupled to a Modulating Heat Pump 122
Influence of Electric and Gravitational Force Fields on Nucleate Boiling of FC72 on a Wire: Results of a Sounding Rocket Campaign 121
Analysis of thermodynamic losses in ground source heat pumps and their influence on overall system performance 121
Gravity and electric field effects on pool boiling heat transfer 120
Nucleate pool boiling in the presence of an electric field: effect of subcooling and heat-up rate 120
Effects of external electric field on pool boiling: comparison of terrestrial and microgravity data in the ARIEL experiment 120
Heat transfer enhancement on the upper surface of a horizontal heated plate in a pool by ion injection from a metallic point 119
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics of an Array of Impinging Ionic Jets in a Crossflow 119
SEAS (Software Energetico per Audit Semplificati - Simplified Energy Auditing Software), versione 2.0 117
Natural Convection in the Presence of an Electric Field Under Variable Gravity Conditions 116
Chapter 9.3. Solutions to Improve Energy Efficiency in HVAC for Renovated Buildings 116
Enhanced nucleate boiling and CHF on a small horizontal plate under ionic jet impingement 115
Effect of Externally Applied Electric Field on Pool Film Boiling on FC-72 114
Energy retrofit of an office building by substitution of the generation system: performance evaluation via dynamic simulation versus current technical standards 114
Saturated Pool Boiling in Microgravity in ARIEL Experiment 113
Detachment of Nitrogen Bubbles in Various Fluids: Effects of Electric Field 112
Saturated Pool Boiling in Microgravity in ARIEL Experiment 112
Control of natural circulation loops by electrohydrodynamic pumping 112
Preface 112
Influence of Electric and Gravitational Force Fields on Nucleate Boiling of FC 72 on a Wire: Results of a Sounding Rocket Campaign 111
Pool boiling with an imposed electric field: main results of a theoretical and experimental research 110
Optimal Working Fluid and Electrode Configuration for EHD-Enhanced Single-Phase Heat Transfer 110
Dynamic simulation of a heat pump serving a historical building: seasonal performance and economic evaluation 110
Heat transfer between a flat horizontal surface and an unsubmerged liquid jet at low velocity 109
Pool Boiling in Microgravity: Assessed Facts and Open Issues 109
Validation of SEAS, a Quasi-Steady-State Tool for Building Energy Audits 109
Interactions between two bubble columns of nitrogen in FC-72 108
Evaluation of the electrical forces acting on a detaching bubble 108
Influence of Electric Field on Single Gas-Bubble Growth and Detachment in Microgravity 108
A brief compendium of correlations and analytical formulae for the thermal field generated by a heat source embedded in porous and purely-conductive media 107
Critical Analysis of Reflood Models 101
Environmental monitoring of a Sardinian earthen dwelling during the summer season 101
Detachment of Nitrogen Bubbles in Various Fluids: Effects of Electric Field, 6th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics 99
Effect of Externally Applied Electric Field on Pool Film Boiling on FC-72 99
Parabolic flight results of electrohydrodynamic heat transfer enhancement in a square duct 99
Electric field effects on pool boiling heat transfer 98
Bubble Rising Velocity in One and Two-Component Systems 98
Augmentation of Heat Transfer on the Lower Surface of a Heated Plate by Ion Injection 97
Electric Field Effects on Bubbles of Nitrogen in FC-72 Originating from a Flat Plate 96
Heat Transfer Augmentation by Ion Injection in an Annular Duct 96
Effect of an electric field on nucleate pool boiling and critical heat flux: overview of the results of an experimental study 95
Le Norme UNI/TS 11300 Parti 1 e 2 – Tutte le Novità della Revisione 2014 95
Investigating the effects of gravitational and electrical field on the dynamics of bubbles in liquids 93
Quasi-Static Formation and Detachment of Gas Bubbles at a Submerged Orifice: Experiments, Theoretical Prediction and Numerical Calculations 93
A model for film boiling in the presence of electric fields 92
Transient forced convection from an infinite cylindrical heat source in a saturated Darcian porous medium 92
Pool Film Boiling Experiments on a Wire in Low Gravity: Preliminary Results 91
Development of a Light Absorption Technique for Mapping the Thickness of Falling Liquid Films 91
Experimental Study on Rising Velocity of Nitrogen Bubbles in FC-72 89
Motivation and Results of a Long-Term Research on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in Low Gravity 89
Electric Field Effects on Bubbles of Nitrogen in FC-72 Originating from a Flat Plate 88
Simulazione del Comportamento Dinamico di Edifici Ospedalieri e Validazione 87
null 87
Recent Studies on Boiling Heat Transfer in Microgravity Environment 84
A new hydrodynamic approach for jet impingement boiling CHF 83
Heat Transfer Enhancement on the Upper Surface of a Horizontal Heated Plate in a Pool by Ion Injection from a Metallic Point 81
On the optimal synergy between GSHPs and back-up generators 81
Influence of Electric Field on Single Gas-Bubble Growth and Detachment in Microgravity 80
Effect of force fields on pool boiling flow patterns 79
Combined effect of electric field, subcooling and microgravity on critical heat flux on a wire in pool boiling 79
Proposal of Technical Guidelines for Optimal Design of Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems 77
null 77
Influence of local phenomena in pool boiling experiments of R113 on a wire 75
About the Scaling of Critical Heat Flux with Gravity Acceleration in Pool Boiling, 75
Totale 11.445
Categoria #
all - tutte 30.102
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 30.102

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020849 0 0 0 0 0 0 218 134 190 114 167 26
2020/2021969 96 38 73 58 114 33 87 82 75 86 57 170
2021/20221.163 27 77 35 69 236 191 19 58 65 23 61 302
2022/20231.394 169 142 91 121 159 212 23 104 288 10 62 13
2023/20241.323 189 152 285 70 195 205 35 13 20 15 35 109
2024/20251.425 16 165 83 162 348 405 246 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.288