Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.832
EU - Europa 5.024
AS - Asia 2.940
AF - Africa 248
SA - Sud America 143
OC - Oceania 26
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
Totale 16.221
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.573
IT - Italia 2.653
CN - Cina 1.743
SG - Singapore 568
SE - Svezia 557
BG - Bulgaria 410
DE - Germania 254
CA - Canada 236
GB - Regno Unito 198
FR - Francia 193
VN - Vietnam 185
RU - Federazione Russa 182
CI - Costa d'Avorio 147
UA - Ucraina 128
FI - Finlandia 124
HK - Hong Kong 119
AT - Austria 117
BR - Brasile 113
IN - India 94
TR - Turchia 89
SN - Senegal 76
CH - Svizzera 54
JP - Giappone 52
BE - Belgio 32
NL - Olanda 28
AU - Australia 25
ES - Italia 19
KR - Corea 18
IL - Israele 16
PL - Polonia 15
BJ - Benin 12
DK - Danimarca 12
MX - Messico 12
LT - Lituania 11
IR - Iran 10
CL - Cile 8
EU - Europa 8
IE - Irlanda 8
PK - Pakistan 7
RO - Romania 7
UZ - Uzbekistan 7
EC - Ecuador 6
ID - Indonesia 6
TW - Taiwan 6
AR - Argentina 5
PE - Perù 5
BO - Bolivia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
NG - Nigeria 4
PT - Portogallo 4
BY - Bielorussia 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EG - Egitto 3
GR - Grecia 3
NP - Nepal 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CO - Colombia 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MD - Moldavia 2
NI - Nicaragua 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AG - Antigua e Barbuda 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CU - Cuba 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EE - Estonia 1
GE - Georgia 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KE - Kenya 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PH - Filippine 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
RS - Serbia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 16.221
Città #
Woodbridge 950
Shanghai 879
Ann Arbor 653
Chandler 650
Santa Clara 635
Houston 607
Fairfield 586
Ashburn 442
Sofia 410
Beijing 357
Singapore 277
Milan 235
Princeton 227
Wilmington 221
Seattle 218
New York 217
Cambridge 203
Ottawa 191
Pisa 175
Boardman 164
Rome 155
Lawrence 154
Abidjan 147
Serra 147
Florence 139
Medford 127
Des Moines 125
Vienna 109
Hong Kong 103
Nanjing 92
Dakar 76
Dong Ket 68
Jacksonville 66
Dearborn 61
London 54
Istanbul 50
Redwood City 43
Nanchang 40
Ogden 40
San Diego 40
Frankfurt am Main 39
Newcastle upon Tyne 38
Bremen 36
Marseille 35
Izmir 32
Düsseldorf 30
Bologna 29
Pune 29
Bern 28
Changsha 28
Brussels 25
Kunming 25
Hefei 23
Shenyang 22
Torino 22
Los Angeles 21
Fuzhou 20
Hebei 20
Verona 20
Catania 17
Tokyo 17
Falls Church 16
Jiaxing 16
Milazzo 15
Quanzhou 14
Turin 14
Helsinki 13
Montreal 13
Parma 13
Phoenix 13
São Paulo 13
Cotonou 12
Council Bluffs 12
Dallas 12
Lancaster 12
Norwalk 12
Tianjin 12
Toronto 12
Boulder 11
Fondi 11
Hangzhou 10
Padova 10
Xian 10
Bari 9
Catanzaro 9
Guangzhou 9
Livorno 9
Naples 9
Palermo 9
Rimini 9
Washington 9
Zurich 9
Ancona 8
Caserta 8
Jüchen 8
L'hay-les-roses 8
Montecatini Terme 8
Munich 8
Sherbrooke 8
Brisbane 7
Totale 11.109
Nome #
Italian standardization of the Apples Cancellation Test 875
Elvaluation of attention processing by means of blink reflex components analysis in Parkinson disease 318
Reaction time in head injury patients: test-retest performance 292
Do any blink-related EEG changes represent activation of consciousness mechanism? 209
EEG and autonomic response to pleasant touch: an insight in healthy subject and in patients with disorders of consciousness 208
Family functioning in severe brain injuries: Correlations with caregivers burden, perceived social support and quality of life 199
Three-chord harmonic sequences with unexpected out-of-key endings: are they suitable stimuli for eliciting N400 responses? 195
Valutazione clinico-strumentale degli effetti analgesici dell'agopuntura nella malattia di Parkinson: descrizione di un caso clinico 181
Clinica delle gravi cerebrolesioni acquisite 179
Qualità di vita in pazienti con sclerosi multipla: studio della correlazione con caratteristiche cliniche di malattia e misure di menomazione-disabilità 171
EEG complexity drug-induced changes in disorders of consciousness: A preliminary report 167
EEG correlates of action awareness in the parietal cortex 162
Blink-related broad band EEG oscillations at rest, precuneus and consciousness 161
Effects of a Home-Based Family-Centred Early Habilitation Program on Neurobehavioural Outcomes of Very Preterm Born Infants: A Retrospective Cohort Study 160
Reciprocal dynamics of EEG alpha and delta oscillations during spontaneous blinking at rest: A survey on a default mode-based visuo-spatial awareness 158
Fisiopatologia dell'aprassia della marcia da encefalopatia vascolare cronica 158
A multi-centric observational study on heterotopic ossification in severely brain injured patients with disorders of consciousness: preliminary data 153
ERP elicited by deviant three-chord musical cadences 148
Possible effect of the trigeminal nerve stimulation on auditory event-related potentials 147
An automatic method for the study of REM sleep microstructure 140
Revisiting the association between hypnotisability and blink rate 138
The memory of consciousness: phychophysiological assessment of serial processes by means of spontaneous blinking analysis 138
Blood inflammatory markers in motor neuron disease patients: pattern changes over time along disease progression 138
Spontaneous blinking behaviour in persistent vegetative and minimally conscious states: relationships with evolution and outcome 137
A double rCBF SPECT study (at rest and during walk) of brain functional activity in patients with gait disturbances 137
Structuring cortical bistability in sleeping DOC parallels the recovery of consciousness 137
Positive effects of robotic exoskeleton training of upper limb reaching movements after stroke 137
Exosomal content in patients with ALS compared to those with selective involvement of lower motor neuron 134
Cortical source of blink-related delta oscillations and their correlation with levels of consciousness 133
Object use affects motor planning in infant prehension 133
A method for automatic REM sleep segmentation 130
EEG Theta Dynamics within Frontal and Parietal Cortices for Error Processing during Reaching Movements in a Prism Adaptation Study Altering Visuo-Motor Predictive Planning 130
Il ruolo dell'agopuntura nel controllo del dolore nella malattia di Parkinson: evidenze cliniche e strumentali 128
Impaired attention modulation of the blink reflex R3 component in Parkinson's disease: a non task warning paradigm study 125
Stimolazioni sensoriali nel trattamento riabilitativo dei soggetti con disturbi della coscienza 124
Micro-RNA carrying exosomes in motor neuron disease patients 124
Blink-related delta oscillations in the resting-state EEG: A wavelet analysis 123
ERP responses to deviant three-chord musical cadences 121
Frontal midline theta is related to error duringvisuomotor behavior in normal but not in cerebellar subjects 121
Gravi Cerebrolesioni Acquisite in fase subacuta: correlazione tra disregolazione neuroendocrinologica e malnutrizione 119
Cortical source of blink-related delta oscillations and their correlation with levels of consciousness 119
Spectral parameters modulation and source localization of blink-related alpha and low-beta oscillations differentiate minimally conscious state from vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome 118
Blink reflex in subjects with different hypnotizability: New findings for an old debate 118
Cross-correlation time frequency analysis for multiple EMG signals in Parkinson's disease: a wavelet approach 117
null 117
Robotic assisted rehabilitation in Virtual Reality with the L-EXOS 116
Alterazione dei parametri cinematici in compiti di puntamento in soggetti con distonia cervicale idiopatica 116
Severe brain injury and caregiver burden within the context of the family 116
The relation between EMG activity and kinematic parameters strongly supports a role of the action tremor in parkinsonian bradykinesia 115
A protocol for the recognition and analysis of link patterns among dream sources 115
Identifying clinical complexity in patients affected by severe acquired brain injury in neurorehabilitation: a cross sectional survey 115
Caregiver burden and family functioning in different neurological diseases 114
A protocol for the assessment of 3D movements of the head in persons with cervical dystonia 113
Higher level gait disorders in subcortical chronic vascular encephalopathy: a single photon emission computed tomography study 113
Automatic segmentation of REM sleep into three substages 113
Objective and automatic classification of Parkinson disease with Leap Motion controller 112
Luminant and Chromatic VEPs in Dyslexic children: magnocellular or parvocellular dysfunction? 111
Automatically recognized postural transitions in TUG test using machine learning methods 110
Evaluation of attention processing by means of blink reflex components (R2-R3) analysis in Parkinson's disease 104
Ruolo della mesoterapia antalgico-riabilitativa in pazienti affetti da distonia cervicale idiopatica 104
Role of acupuncture in the management of severe acquired brain injuries (sABIs) 104
Valore predittivo dell'IGF-1 sul grado di atrofia cerebrale nei pazienti affetti da esiti di trauma cranico severo 103
null 103
Blood platelet monoamine oxidase and phenolsulphotranferase activity in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosia 102
Automatic blinking and related EEG pattern: a new propose of psychophysiological study in the outcome of persistent vegetative and minimally conscious state 101
Fast cyclical movements of the forearm: a method to compute a novel preprogramming index 99
Spontaneous eye blinking in consciousness disturbances 99
Uso del feedback sensoriale-sensitivo nella riabilitazione delle distonie focali 99
Alterazione del tempo di reazione motorio in pazienti affetti da sclerosi multipla con cinematica dell'arto superiore normale: disordine dell'attenzione o della pianificazione motoria? 98
Ruolo dell'IGF-1 sul trofismo cerebrale in soggetti con esiti di trauma cranico severo 98
Role of acupunture in pain control in Parkinson's disease: clinical and instrumental evidence in a single case 96
Blink-related alfa and beta oscillations differentiate between minimally conscious state and unresponsive wakefulness syndrome/vegetative state 96
Utilizzo di un sistema di realtà virtuale immersiva e percezione aptica nella riabilitazione dell'arto superiore in bambini affetti da disabilità neuromotorie 94
Frontal Midline theta is related to error during reaching movements 93
A Case of Carbon Monoxide-Induced Delayed Neurological Sequelae Successfully Treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, N-Acetylcysteine, and Glucocorticoids: Clinical and Neuroimaging Follow-Up 93
Blink-related delta oscillations are located in the precuneus and correlate with level of consciousness 92
Analisi strumentale degli eventi motori deambulatori in parkinsoniani ed in soggetti sani di controllo 92
Modification of muscle fatigue phenomena in motor system lesions 89
Valutazione funzionale nella sclerosi laterale amiotrofica 89
Corrigendum to " Blink-related delta oscillations in the resting-state EEG: a wavelwt analysis (vol 449, pg 57, 2009) 89
Brainstem reflexes can help to differentiate idiophatic from psychogenic cervical dystonia 88
Blood platelet phenolsulphotranferase activity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients 88
Blink rate analysis in the assessment of attention and awareness disturbances in severe post-traumatic syndrome 88
System and method of processing electromyographic signals for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease 87
A force-feedback exoskeleton for upper-limb rehabilitation in virtual reality 87
Pattern identification of blood analytes for the discrimination and characterization of ALS and lower MND patients: a machine learning approach 87
Approccio multimodale al trattamento della nevralgia trigeminale: un case report 86
Brain functional activity in patients with gait disturbancies: a rCBF SPECT study 85
A new standardization of the Bells Test: an Italian multi-center normative study 85
Arm rehabilitation with a robotic exoskeleleton in Virtual Reality 84
Deficit di tiamina: rara causa di ipotermia in paziente con grave cerebrolesione acquisita: descrizione di un caso clinico 84
Quale relazione tra cognitive imparment e manifestazioni cliniche della malattia in pazienti con sclerosi multipla? 83
Robot-mediated arm rehabilitation in virtual environments for chronic stroke patients: A clinical study 83
null 83
ERP components elicited by a syntactically minimal musical cadence 82
Valutazione dell'attenzione selettiva in pazienti con sclerosi laterale amiotrofica mediante "eye tracking system" 82
Impaired agonists recruitment during voluntary arm movements in patients affected by spasmodic torticollis. 81
Totale 12.978
Categoria #
all - tutte 42.494
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 42.494

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020836 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 157 181 177 251 70
2020/20211.278 83 62 74 75 158 88 100 84 95 103 85 271
2021/20221.947 47 155 63 108 341 229 93 108 88 53 132 530
2022/20232.510 254 325 208 178 261 285 50 179 504 22 193 51
2023/20241.708 165 121 236 91 226 351 138 58 47 30 85 160
2024/20252.767 23 188 150 243 481 488 1.042 152 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.598