Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 17.641
EU - Europa 9.960
AS - Asia 4.352
AF - Africa 242
SA - Sud America 134
OC - Oceania 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 32.348
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.661
IT - Italia 4.230
CA - Canada 2.969
CN - Cina 2.528
SE - Svezia 1.516
BG - Bulgaria 928
SG - Singapore 785
UA - Ucraina 742
DE - Germania 668
TR - Turchia 495
GB - Regno Unito 459
FI - Finlandia 402
VN - Vietnam 313
CH - Svizzera 290
FR - Francia 278
CI - Costa d'Avorio 195
RU - Federazione Russa 183
IN - India 83
AT - Austria 78
HK - Hong Kong 77
BE - Belgio 63
BR - Brasile 53
CL - Cile 32
AR - Argentina 24
SN - Senegal 24
NL - Olanda 17
TW - Taiwan 16
PL - Polonia 15
ES - Italia 14
IR - Iran 14
BJ - Benin 13
RO - Romania 13
CO - Colombia 11
IE - Irlanda 11
KR - Corea 11
GR - Grecia 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
LT - Lituania 8
MX - Messico 8
NG - Nigeria 8
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 8
AU - Australia 7
AL - Albania 5
EC - Ecuador 5
HR - Croazia 5
IL - Israele 5
JP - Giappone 5
EU - Europa 4
NO - Norvegia 4
PE - Perù 4
PY - Paraguay 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
DK - Danimarca 3
ID - Indonesia 3
JO - Giordania 3
PH - Filippine 3
HU - Ungheria 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CU - Cuba 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
LB - Libano 1
MT - Malta 1
MY - Malesia 1
RE - Reunion 1
SC - Seychelles 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 32.348
Città #
Montreal 2.302
Chandler 1.818
Ann Arbor 1.372
Woodbridge 1.338
Santa Clara 1.016
Milan 1.007
Sofia 928
Jacksonville 926
Houston 805
Ashburn 738
Shanghai 691
Fairfield 690
Ottawa 649
Beijing 609
New York 521
Singapore 454
Princeton 386
Boardman 383
Lawrence 358
Nanjing 350
Izmir 339
Wilmington 331
Seattle 302
Bern 277
Des Moines 269
Medford 226
Serra 222
Cambridge 220
Abidjan 193
Dearborn 192
Dong Ket 153
Jüchen 152
Nanchang 150
Istanbul 144
Pisa 130
Redwood City 117
Rome 113
Florence 99
Boulder 84
Kunming 82
Hong Kong 77
Vienna 76
Lancaster 73
London 72
Bremen 68
Shenyang 68
San Diego 56
Ogden 54
Changsha 53
Brussels 52
Hebei 52
Pune 52
Hefei 50
Jiaxing 45
Tianjin 45
Fuzhou 43
Los Angeles 39
Norwalk 35
Verona 33
Washington 33
Genova 29
Frankfurt am Main 26
Hangzhou 26
Orange 26
Santiago 25
Dakar 24
Düsseldorf 22
Auburn Hills 21
Guangzhou 20
Nürnberg 19
Alessandria 18
Bologna 18
Dallas 18
Lanzhou 18
Lucca 18
Livorno 16
Council Bluffs 15
Palermo 15
Bari 14
Changchun 14
Cotonou 13
Empoli 13
Helsinki 13
Jinan 13
Quanzhou 13
Augusta 12
Genoa 12
Cascina 11
Leawood 11
Phoenix 11
Torino 11
Catania 10
Chengdu 10
Durham 10
Monmouth Junction 10
Paris 10
Toronto 10
Agrigento 9
Capannori 9
Falls Church 9
Totale 22.834
Nome #
A Clinical Tool for Prognosis and Speech Rehabilitation in Dysarthric Patients: The DESIRE Project 2.364
Cisti e fistole congenite del dorso del naso 629
Il bilancio vestibolare calorico: limiti di normalita' nella preponderanza direzionale. 271
Utilità dell'elettrostimolazione nella disfagia secondaria a paralivi bulbare progressiva (SLA): studio di un caso clinico 197
Transtympanic steroids as a salvage therapy in sudden hearing loss: preliminary results 194
Presbifagia e Presbifonia 181
Comparison between videofluoroscopy, fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and scintigraphy for diagnosis of oro-pharyngeal dysphagia. 168
Ultracytochemical localization of the NADPH-d activity in the human nasal respiratory mucosa in vasomotor rhinitis 165
Dysphagia in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: relationshisp between disease progression and fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. 163
Vestibular and stabilometric findings in whiplash injury and in minor head trauma 155
Agopuntura e vertigine cervicale: valutazione posturografica 153
null 153
Vestibular disorders in euthyroid patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis: role of thyroid autoimmunity 150
Qual è l’effetto della radioterapia sulla funzionalità deglutitoria nei pazienti con tumore del rinofaringe e orofaringe? Risultati a breve termine di uno studio prospettico 150
Evaluation of the electroglottographic signal variability by amplitude-speed combined analysis. 148
Modification of muscle sinergie and spinal maps due to absence of visual feedback in patients with unilateral vestibular disease. 147
Distribution of 3-Nitrotyrosine in the nasal polyps of atopic patients. 146
Classificazione della otosclerosi: lesioni stapedio-ovalari, audiometria e metodologia di analisi dei risultati funzionali della stapedioplastica. 144
Il ruolo dell’ossido nitrico nella mucosa nasale 144
5th European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery 132
Antibodies to inner ear antigens in Menière’s disease. 131
Suspected laryngopharyngeal reflux evaluated with multichannel impedance and Ph-monitoring. How many are gerd patients? 131
Acupuncture and cervical vertigo 130
Modifications of muscle sinergies and spinal maps due to absence of visual feedback in patients with unilateral vestibular disease 130
Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) and Singing Voice Handicap Index (SVHI) in Singing Students: A Pilot Study 129
The validity and reliability of the Italian Olfactory Identification Test (IOIT) in healthy subjects and in Parkinson's disease patients. 128
The value of oro-pharyngo-esophageal scintigraphy in the management of patients with aspiration into the tracheo-bronchial tree and consequent dysphagia 126
A modified (``pocket'') tecnique of functional neck dissection 124
Quantitative evaluation of Electroglottographic signal variability for the characterization of normal and pathological phonation. Evaluation of glottal waves variability based on combined amplitude-velocity analysis. 124
Ultrastructural localization of NADPH-Diaphorase activity in the endothelial cells of human nasal respiratory mucosa. 124
Transtympanic steroids in refractory sudden hearing loss. Personal Experience 123
The value of oropharyngoesophageal scintigraphy in the management of aspiration into the tracheobronchial tree in neurological patients 122
La piattaforma stabilometrica: sua utilità nella strategia diagnostica otoneurologica. 121
Cytokine secretion in nasal mucus of normal subjects and patients with allergic rhinitis 121
How many cases of laryngopharyngeal reflux suspected by laryngoscopy are gastroesophageal reflux disease-related? 121
Chemioterapia intraarteriosa con carboplatino nei tumori avanzati del distretto O.R.L. 119
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine : equilibrium disorders . 119
Antibodies to inner ear antigens in Menière’s disease 118
A modified (“pocket”) tecnique of functional neck dissection. 117
Neuro-laryngeal involvement in Churg-Strauss syndrome 117
Alternative treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux speech therapy/rehabilitation tecniques in Optimal treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease? 117
Expression of 3-nitrotyrosine, a marker for peroxynitrite, in nasal polyps of nonatopic patients. 117
Vascular and neoplastic pathologies of the posterior cranial fossa: the role of otoneurology in clinical diagnosis. 116
Letters to the Editor: Author’s Reply 113
Role of static posturography in otoneurological investigation. 112
Il trattamento dell’ipoacusia improvvisa con l’ossigenoterapia iperbarica 112
Modifications of muscle synergies and spinal maps due to absence of visual feedback in patients with unilateral vestibular disease 112
Ultrastructural and ultracytochemical study of the human nasal respiratory epithelium in vasomotor rhinitis 112
Immunohistochemical detection of calprotectin in nasal polyps. 111
Elevated anti-thyroid peroxidase and anti-nuclear autoantibody titres in Menière’s disease patients: more than a chance association? 111
Ricerche preliminari sul comportamento dell'anello di Waldeyer in soggetti a rischio per l'A.I.D.S 110
99mTC-Tetrofosmin scintigraphy in laryngeal cancer 110
Head Shaking nystagmus e bilancio vestibolare calorico: correlazioni cliniche 109
Il "Delayed Endolynphatic Hydrops". Valutazione otoneurologica di 12 casi clinici 109
Correlation between vestibular abnormalities and MRI findings in cerebellar ataxia 109
Approccio strumentale e logopedico nelle disfagie neurologiche dell’adulto. 109
The Role of Oro-Pharyngo-Esophageal Scintigraphy in the Evaluation of Patients with Dysphagia: a Comparison with VFS and FEES 109
IDEA: An Italian Dysarthric Speech Database 109
Plasmocitoma linguale: studio clinico di un caso 108
Il ruolo della postura nella valutazione e nel trattamento della disfonia. 108
Homing experiments on pigeons subjected to bilateral destruction of the paratympanic organ 108
Assessment of Serum Antibodies to Inner Ear in Patients with Menière’s Disease 107
Metodologia ed applicazioni cliniche della Tomografia ad Emissioni di Positroni (PET) con 2-18F-Fluorodeossiglucosio (FDG) 107
The Use and the role of the ambulatory phonation monitor (APM) in voice assessment 107
Possibile association between thyroid autoimmunity and Menière’s disease 106
Endoscopic and phoniatric evaluation in singing students 106
Validita' della prova vestibolare calorica nella diagnostica otoneurologica. 105
Valutazione stabilometrica di casi clinici selezionati 105
Posturography and vertigo 105
La Posturografia Statica 105
Neurootological findings following mild head injury 104
Correlazioni tra fumo di sigaretta e trauma acustico 104
Chemioterapia intraarteriosa con carboplatino nei tumori in fase avanzata del distretto ORL. Valutazione della risposta: dati preliminari 104
A comparison of alternobaric and hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of Meniere's disease. 104
Nitric Oxide and ultrastructural study of the nasal mucosa in vasomotor rhinitis. 104
Suspected laryngopharyngeal reflux evaluated with multichannel impedance and pH monitoring. How many are GERD patients? 104
Strumenti valutativi della disfagia nel paziente oncologico 104
Atypical features of positional paroxysmal vertigo and nystagmus. Some critical considerations. 103
Acupuncture and Neuroreflexology. 103
Ultrastructural and ultracytochemical study of the middle ear epithelium in the chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus 103
Immunohistochemical localization of 3-nitrotyrosine in the nasal respiratory mucosa of patients with vasomotor rhinitis 103
How does radiotherapy impact swallowing function in nasopharynx and oropharynx cancer? Short-term results of a prospective study Qual è l’effetto della radioterapia sulla funzionalità deglutitoria nei pazienti con tumore del rinofaringe e orofaringe? Risultati a breve termine di uno studio prospettico 103
Optimal treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease 103
Treatment of vascular vertigo with defibrotide. 102
99mTc-tetrofosmin scintigraphy in the preoperative staging of the larynx carcinoma: a preliminary study 102
Evaluation of glottal waves variability based on combined amplitude- velocity analysis 102
Posturography and Vertigo. 101
Mucus of the human olfactory epithelium contains the insulin-like growth factor-I system which is altered in some neurodegenerative disease. 101
Presbifagia Esofagea 101
Comparison of electroglottographic variability index in euphonic and pathological voice 101
Rehabilitative treatment of vestibular vertigo: our experience 100
Farmaci e rieducazione vestibolare. 100
Betahistine dihydrochloride in the treatment of peripheral vestibular vertigo. 100
La canalolitiasi del CSL: definizione, storia e sintomatologia. 100
The endoscopic evaluation of the oral phase of swallowing (Oral-FEES, O-FEES): a pilot study of the clinical use of a new procedure. 100
Totale 14.845
Categoria #
all - tutte 83.269
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 83.269

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.546 0 0 0 0 0 0 344 166 301 240 439 56
2020/20212.486 231 56 312 144 302 125 226 221 139 182 170 378
2021/20223.588 63 335 56 283 724 447 78 173 148 104 174 1.003
2022/20234.677 595 519 273 540 506 685 75 385 717 40 277 65
2023/20246.247 660 467 599 309 498 679 141 99 68 2.349 68 310
2024/20253.216 37 447 92 610 786 954 290 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 32.768