Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.672
EU - Europa 4.052
AS - Asia 1.398
AF - Africa 169
SA - Sud America 112
OC - Oceania 12
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 12.420
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.460
IT - Italia 2.056
CN - Cina 624
SE - Svezia 554
BG - Bulgaria 345
SG - Singapore 326
DE - Germania 207
CA - Canada 198
GB - Regno Unito 170
UA - Ucraina 156
TR - Turchia 149
FR - Francia 139
CI - Costa d'Avorio 116
VN - Vietnam 103
FI - Finlandia 96
CH - Svizzera 91
AT - Austria 73
PE - Perù 69
JP - Giappone 57
HK - Hong Kong 46
IN - India 35
RU - Federazione Russa 35
NG - Nigeria 27
NL - Olanda 25
BE - Belgio 23
PT - Portogallo 17
CL - Cile 16
TW - Taiwan 16
ES - Italia 12
IR - Iran 12
MX - Messico 12
BR - Brasile 11
SN - Senegal 11
AR - Argentina 10
AU - Australia 10
NO - Norvegia 9
IE - Irlanda 8
BJ - Benin 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
ID - Indonesia 6
KR - Corea 6
PL - Polonia 6
EU - Europa 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
IL - Israele 4
DZ - Algeria 3
EC - Ecuador 3
HU - Ungheria 3
SM - San Marino 3
TH - Thailandia 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
BO - Bolivia 2
BS - Bahamas 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EG - Egitto 2
GR - Grecia 2
HR - Croazia 2
JO - Giordania 2
LT - Lituania 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PH - Filippine 2
PK - Pakistan 2
RO - Romania 2
SC - Seychelles 2
CO - Colombia 1
CY - Cipro 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
Totale 12.420
Città #
Woodbridge 889
Ann Arbor 737
Fairfield 524
Houston 522
Chandler 508
Milan 504
Sofia 345
Ashburn 327
Wilmington 238
New York 227
Serra 220
Seattle 214
Beijing 209
Boardman 189
Jacksonville 189
Ottawa 183
Cambridge 177
Princeton 170
Singapore 145
Lawrence 131
Abidjan 116
Medford 112
Nanjing 100
Rome 98
Izmir 89
Des Moines 78
Vienna 65
Dearborn 63
Pisa 62
Redwood City 57
Istanbul 52
West Jordan 48
Chicago 47
Lima 47
Bern 46
London 44
Nanchang 41
Dong Ket 40
San Diego 40
Tokyo 38
Jüchen 37
Hong Kong 36
Florence 34
Lagos 26
Ogden 25
Kunming 24
Bologna 23
Jiaxing 22
Zurich 22
Livorno 21
Ragusa 21
Parma 19
Marseille 18
Torino 17
Brussels 16
Hebei 16
Shenyang 16
Genova 15
Norwalk 15
Pistoia 15
Shanghai 15
Massa 14
Fuzhou 13
Taipei 13
Washington 13
Alessandria 12
Dallas 12
Falls Church 12
Jinan 12
Los Angeles 12
Nuremberg 12
Boulder 11
Dakar 11
Frankfurt am Main 11
Hefei 11
Paris 11
Santiago 11
Siena 11
Changsha 10
Hyderabad 10
Amsterdam 9
Auburn Hills 9
Berlin 9
San Jose 9
Tianjin 9
Turin 9
Chengdu 8
Düsseldorf 8
Guangzhou 8
Loulé 8
Naples 8
Verona 8
Altopascio 7
Cotonou 7
Edinburgh 7
Genoa 7
Grenoble 7
Lucca 7
Trieste 7
Xian 7
Totale 8.764
Nome #
Sequence stratigraphy and paleontology of the Upper Miocene Pisco formation along the western side of the lower Ica Valley (Ica desert, Peru) 523
Carta Geologico-Strutturale dei Marmi del M.Altissimo (Alpi Apuane Centrali, Toscana) scala 1:5000 243
Le Caratteristiche stratigrafiche del Complesso di M.Penna/Casanova (Alta Val Trebbia, Appennino Settentrionale) 206
Accordo di collaborazione scientifica tra Regione Toscana, Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Comune di Pietrasanta per lo Studio multidisciplinare integrato (geologico-ambientale) nel bacino del Torrente Baccatoio nell’ambito delle “Attività e interventi previsti per il superamento della contaminazione da tallio nell’acqua pubblica del Comune di Pietrasanta e per la realizzazione della bonifica delle aree minerarie “Buca della Vena” e “Monte Arsiccio””. Relazione finale 188
The Carrara Marbles (Alpi Apuane, Italy): a geological and economical updated review
[Der Carrara-Marmor (Apuaner Alpen, Italien): geologischer und wirtschaftsgeologischer Überblick]
Metamorphic framework of the Alps - Carte metamorphique des Alpes CCGM/CGMW 175
Growth of a sinkhole in a seismic zone of the northern Apennines (Italy) 162
Thermochronologic evidence for the exhumational history of the Alpi Apuane metamorphic core complex, northern Apennines, Italy 160
Strain dependent variation of microstructure and texture in naturally deformed Carrara marble 155
L’unità Aveto (Appennino Settentrionale): caratteristiche litostratigrafiche, biostratigrafia, petrografia delle areniti ed assetto strutturale. 155
Deformation and metamorphism at the eastern border of the Tenda Massif (NE Corsica): a record of subduction and exhumation of continental crust 152
Northern Apennine-Corsica orogenic system: an updated overview 149
Geology of the Western Alps-Northern Apennine junction area: a regional review 141
The 2013 Lunigiana (Central Italy) earthquake: Seismic source analysis from DInSar and seismological data, and geodynamic implications for the northern Apennines. A discussion 141
Microstructural features of high temperature shear zones in gabbros of the Northern Apennine ophiolites 139
Fault zone structure and fluid–rock interaction of a high angle normal fault in Carrara marble (NW Tuscany, Italy) 139
Stacking and metamorphism of continuous segments of subducted lithosphere in a high-pressure wedge: The example of Alpine Corsica (France) 139
"Cristallinità " di illite e clorite nelle Unità Liguri dell'Alta Val Trebbia (Appennino Settentrionale) 132
Neogene 3-D Structural Architecture of The North-West Apennines: The Role of the Low-Angle Normal Faults and Basement Thrusts 132
Shear zones and metamorphic signature of subducted continental crust as tracers of the evolution of the Corsica/Northern Apennine orogenic system 131
Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Alpi Apuane Metamorphic complex: new data and constraints for geodynamic models 130
The enviromental features of the Monte Corchia cave system (Apuan Alps, Central Italy) 129
Ivrea mantle wedge, arc of the Western Alps, and kinematic evolution of the Alps–Apennines orogenic system 128
High-temperature' texture in naturally deformed Carrara marble from the Alpi Apuane, Italy 125
Allostratigraphy and paleontology of the lower Miocene Chilcatay Formation in the Zamaca area, East Pisco basin, southern Peru 124
Structural inheritance and style of reactivation at mid-crustal levels: a case study from the Alpi Apuane (Tuscany, Italy) 122
Post-20 Ma Motion of the Adriatic Plate: New Constraints From Surrounding Orogens and Implications for Crust-Mantle Decoupling 122
Fluid-induced breakdown of monazite in medium-grade metasedimentary rocks of the Pontremoli basement (Northern Apennines, Italy) 120
Carta Geologico-Strutturale Bacino Torrente Baccatoio e zone limitrofe (ValdiCastello - Lu) 120
Pre-orogenic tectonic framework of the Northern Apennine ophiolites 120
Structures, interfernce patterns and strain regime during mid-crustal deformation in the Alpi Apuane (Northern Apennines, Italy) 118
The Mt. Altissimo marbles (Apuane Alps, Tuscany): commercial types and structural setting 118
Deformation and fluid flow during underplating and exhumation of the Adria Continental margin: A one-day field trip in the Alpi Apuane (northern Apennines, Italy) 118
Ocean floor metamorphism in the Piedmont-Ligurian Jurassic basin: a review 116
Structural and petrological constraints on the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Massa unit (Alpi Apuane, NW Tuscany, Italy) 115
Foliated cataclasites at the base of the Antola unit (italy):structural features and geological implications 114
Evidence of Permian magmatism in the Alpi Apuane metamorphic complex (Northern Apennines, Italy): New hints for the geological evolution of the basement of the Adria plate 113
Storia Geologico-strutturale ed esumazione delle unità metamorfiche delle Alpi Apuane 111
Carta idrogeologico-strutturale del Torrente Baccatoio (Valdicastello-Lu) 111
Pre-orogenic high temperature shear zones in an ophiolite complex (Bracco Massif Northern Apennine, Italy) 109
Development of Fault-induced Sinkhole in a Seismic Zone of the Italian Apennines 109
Orogenic processes and the Corsica/Apennines geodynamic evolution: insights from Taiwan 106
Growth of a sinkhole in a seismic zone of the northern Apennines (Italy) 106
One microplate - three orogens: Alps, Dinarides, Apennines and the role of the Adriatic plate 105
Orogenic processes and structural heritage in Alpine-type mountain belts and Mediterranean region: A foreword and an introduction 104
Tectonic framework of the Alps- Carte tectonique des Alpes CCGM/CGMW 103
Rapid-response to the earthquake emergency of May 2012 in the Po Plain, Northern Italy 102
Microfabric study on the deformational and thermal history of the Alpi Apuane marbles (Carrara marbles, Italy) 102
Introduction to the Field Trips of the CorseAlp 2011 100
Geological map: Geology of the East Pisco Basin, Ica Desert, Peru 97
Impact of erosion and decollements on large-scale faulting and folding in orogenic wedges: analogue models and case studies 97
Extensional deformation structures within a convergent orogen: The Val di Lima low-angle normal fault system (Northern Apennines, Italy) 97
Retrograde metamorphism in ophiolitic gabbros from Bonassola (Northern Apennines): a record of the Ligurian Tethys Oceanization 96
i marmi delle Alpi Apuane 95
Fluid pressure cycles, variations in permeability, and weakening mechanisms along low-angle normal faults: The Tellaro detachment, Italy 94
Surface-subsurface structural architecture and groundwater flow of the Equi Terme hydrothermal area, northern Tuscany Italy 93
Superimposed brittle structures in the Late orogenic extension of the Alpi Apuane (Northern Apennine, Italy) 92
The association of continental crust rocks with ophiolites in the Northern Apennine (Italy): implication for the continent-ocean transition in the Western Tethys 91
Alpine Corsica ophiolite field trip: the primary features, the tectono-metamorphic orogenic imprint and the relationships with the continental units 91
Formation of ophiolite-bearing tectono-sedimentary mélanges in accretionary wedges by gravity driven submarine erosion: Insights from analogue models and case studies 91
The association of continental crust rocks with ophiolites (northern Apennines, Italy): implications for the continent-ocean transition 89
A multi-analytical approach for determining the provenance of the marbles from Ruspina Roman baths (Monastir, Tunisia) 89
The ocean-continent transition along the southern margin of the Ligurian Tethys: petrological and structural data from the External Liguride units (Northern Apennines, Italy) 88
Field Trip 2 - General Architecture and tectonic evolution of Alpine Corsica. Insights from a transect between Bastia and the Balagne region 88
Switching deformation mode and mechanisms during subduction of continental crust: a case study from Alpine Corsica 86
ICA-LAB: un laboratorio di ricerca interdisciplinare nel Lagerstätte del deserto costiero di Ica (Perù) 86
Syn-convergent extension observed using the RETREAT GPS network, norther Apennine Italy 84
Carta Geologica del Complesso di M.Penna/Casanova tra le valli Trebbia ed Aveto (Appennino Settentrionale) (scala 1:25.000) 84
Thermal stress in the Apuan marbles: Relationship between microstructure and petrophysical characteristics 83
Geology and tectonic setting of the Fornovolasco area, Alpi Apuane (Tuscany, Italy) 83
Low-temperature deformation of limestone, Isola Palmaria, northern Apennine, Italy - The role of primary textures, precursory veins and intracrystalline deformation in localization 80
Geochemical evidence for fluid-rock interaction along high angle faults in the Alpi Apuane, NW Tuscany, Italy, 79
The geological structure of the Emilia-Tuscany Northern Apennines and Alpi Apuane 79
The architecture of the Jurassic Ligure-Piemontese oceanic basin: tentative reconstruction along the Northern Apennine - Alpine Corsica transect. 77
The late Quaternary evolution of the Arno Coastal plain (northern Tuscany, Italy): unravelling the interplay between glacio-eustatic and tectonic signals. 77
(Bio)stratigraphic overview and paleoclimatic-paleoceanographic implications of the middle-upper Eocene deposits from the Ica River Valley (East Pisco Basin, Peru) 76
Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the External Liguride Units (Northern Apennine, Italy): insights in the precollisional history of a fossil ocean-continent transition zone 75
Carta geologica del Complesso di M.Penna/Casanova tra le valli Trebbia ed Aveto (Appennino Settentrionale). 73
Thermal architecture and deformation structures in the Alpi Apuane (NW Tuscany Italy): new insights for the metamorphic and tectonic history of the inner northern Apennines 73
Extensional fracture network attribute distribution in faulted thick sandstone strata: Compione Fault, Northern Apennines, Italy 73
Mineralogical and petrophysical characterisation of white Apuan marble 72
Switching deformation mode and mechanisms during subduction of continental crust: A case study from Alpine Corsica 72
Morb-derived Varisican amphibolites in the northern Apennine Basement: The Cerreto metamorphic slices (Tuscan-Emilian Apennine, NW Italy) 71
Stacking and metamorphism of continuous segments of subducted lithosphere in a high-pressure wedge: The example of Alpine Corsica (France) 70
Formation of ophiolite-bearing sédimentary melanges in the Alpine-type mountains belts:Insights from analogue models and the Apenninic Casanova mélange case study 70
Il Dominio Ligure Esterno nell’Appennino Settentrionale: caratteristiche primarie ed evoluzione orogenica della transizione oceano-continente. 69
Ivrea mantle wedge and arc of the Western Alps (II): Kinematic evolution of the Alps-Apennines orogenic system 68
Fornovolasco (Alpi Apuane, Tuscany, Italy): type locality for the Permian felsic magmatism in the Northern Apennines 67
Ricordo di Piero Elter 66
Tectonique et géodynamique de la Corse alpine 66
New constraints on Neogene counter-clockwise rotation of Adria relative to Europe 66
Northern Apennine and Corsican ophiolites: the oceanic lithosphere of the Ligure-Piemontese basin and its transition to the Adria continental margin (Italy). 65
The association of continental crust rocks with ophiolites (northern Apennines, Italy): insights into Tethyan rifting 64
Elementi geologici fondamentali nella ricercadei materiali da costruzione. Esempi. 63
The External Ligurian units (Northern Apennine, Italy): from rifting to convergence of a fossil ocean-continent transition zone 62
Role of low angle normal faulting and basement thrusting on the structural architecture of the Northern Apennines (Italy) 62
Sulla provenienza apuana del marmo di cippi funerari etruschi 61
Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Eocene to Miocene fill East Pisco basin in the Ica desert (southern Peru) 61
Totale 10.901
Categoria #
all - tutte 34.727
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 34.727

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.234 0 0 0 0 140 172 230 147 161 136 185 63
2020/20211.040 78 57 73 51 111 55 54 90 100 160 67 144
2021/20221.684 54 132 48 100 306 224 86 102 84 48 90 410
2022/20231.691 246 207 110 132 217 199 26 118 337 14 58 27
2023/20242.059 217 191 240 145 290 330 62 50 116 125 58 235
2024/2025564 46 196 70 222 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.739