Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.669
EU - Europa 8.068
AS - Asia 3.034
AF - Africa 131
SA - Sud America 126
OC - Oceania 69
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
Totale 22.107
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.254
IT - Italia 4.459
CN - Cina 1.325
SE - Svezia 706
DE - Germania 586
SG - Singapore 553
BG - Bulgaria 544
CA - Canada 401
GB - Regno Unito 331
UA - Ucraina 272
TR - Turchia 265
VN - Vietnam 208
FI - Finlandia 197
HK - Hong Kong 167
CH - Svizzera 163
FR - Francia 161
RU - Federazione Russa 116
NL - Olanda 103
IN - India 99
ES - Italia 86
BR - Brasile 82
CI - Costa d'Avorio 66
AU - Australia 63
JP - Giappone 61
KR - Corea 59
AT - Austria 56
TW - Taiwan 49
BE - Belgio 46
MY - Malesia 43
PT - Portogallo 36
PH - Filippine 32
NO - Norvegia 31
SN - Senegal 30
RO - Romania 28
IE - Irlanda 25
IR - Iran 25
PL - Polonia 24
IL - Israele 23
GR - Grecia 19
ID - Indonesia 19
CL - Cile 17
IQ - Iraq 16
MT - Malta 16
TH - Thailandia 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
HR - Croazia 13
JO - Giordania 12
PK - Pakistan 11
AR - Argentina 10
BD - Bangladesh 10
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 10
MX - Messico 10
BJ - Benin 9
DK - Danimarca 9
EU - Europa 9
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 8
CO - Colombia 7
LU - Lussemburgo 7
HU - Ungheria 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
NG - Nigeria 5
PE - Perù 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
CY - Cipro 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EE - Estonia 3
EG - Egitto 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
MA - Marocco 3
AM - Armenia 2
EC - Ecuador 2
GH - Ghana 2
LT - Lituania 2
LY - Libia 2
MR - Mauritania 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
RS - Serbia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AL - Albania 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BH - Bahrain 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GE - Georgia 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LB - Libano 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NP - Nepal 1
OM - Oman 1
PY - Paraguay 1
QA - Qatar 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SV - El Salvador 1
UY - Uruguay 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 22.107
Città #
Woodbridge 1.409
Ann Arbor 1.082
Santa Clara 847
Milan 796
Houston 754
Chandler 682
Fairfield 559
Sofia 541
Beijing 425
Jacksonville 402
Singapore 348
Ashburn 345
Ottawa 341
New York 330
Boardman 289
Wilmington 286
Shanghai 255
Seattle 253
Rome 246
Princeton 239
Cambridge 235
Serra 229
Lawrence 213
Pisa 211
Nanjing 170
Florence 165
Izmir 158
Bremen 154
Bern 140
Redwood City 123
Des Moines 110
Medford 96
Istanbul 89
Dong Ket 81
Nanchang 79
Jüchen 73
Boulder 71
Abidjan 66
Livorno 66
Dearborn 62
Hong Kong 62
San Diego 58
Los Angeles 51
Certaldo 50
Bologna 48
Vienna 48
Naples 45
Trento 43
Helsinki 39
Kunming 37
Taipei 37
Viareggio 37
Turin 34
Genoa 33
Shenyang 33
Brussels 32
Ogden 32
Salerno 32
Dakar 30
London 28
Hebei 27
Padova 27
Changsha 26
Düsseldorf 26
Guangzhou 26
Norwalk 26
Tianjin 25
Torino 25
Bengaluru 24
Central 24
Venezia 24
Falls Church 23
Lisbon 23
Pune 23
Hefei 22
Madrid 22
Massa 22
Sydney 22
Jiaxing 21
Bari 20
Venice 19
Catania 18
Cluj-Napoca 18
Irving 18
Pavia 18
Washington 18
Berlin 17
Shenzhen 17
Stuttgart 17
Barcelona 16
Dallas 16
Dublin 16
Napoli 16
Tokyo 16
Genova 15
Hyderabad 15
Rimini 15
Utrecht 15
Indiana 14
Paris 14
Totale 14.635
Nome #
Decoding Word Embeddings with Brain-Based Semantic Features 579
Semantica distribuzionale. Un modello computazionale del significato 531
Testo e computer. Introduzione alla linguistica computazionale 498
Lexical Complexity and the Texture of Meaning 332
Habituality, pluractionality and imperfectivity 260
Text-2-Knowledge: una piattaforma linguistico-computazionale per l’estrazione di conoscenza da testi 258
Chasing Hypernyms in Vector Spaces with Entropy 237
ItEM: A Vector Space Model to Bootstrap an Italian Emotive Lexicon 228
UNIPI-NLE at CheckThat! 2020: Approaching Fact Checking from a Sentence Similarity Perspective Through the Lens of Transformers 225
Linguistica computazionale. Strumenti e risorse per il trattamento automatico della lingua 219
Generative Lexicon and the SIMPLE Model: Developing Semantic Resources for NLP 218
Computational Analysis of Historical Documents: An Application to Italian War Bulletins in World War I and II 198
Building an Ontology for the Lexicon: Semantic Types and Word Meaning 177
Learning abstract words and concepts : insights from developmental language disorder 167
Extracting Terms with EXTra 166
Distributional semantics in linguistic and cognitive research 165
Brain modeling of noun representations in sighted and blind individuals 164
Norme semantiche per lo studio del significato 162
The acquisition of tense and aspect in a morphology-sensitive framework: Data from Italian and Austrian-German children 162
Towards a Standard for a Multilingual Lexical Entry: The EAGLES/ISLE Initiative 158
Italian VerbNet: A Construction-based Approach to Italian Verb Classification 147
CoreNLP-it: A UD pipeline for Italian based on Stanford CoreNLP 147
You Are What you Do. An Empirical Characterization of the Semantic Content of the Thematic Roles for a Group of Italian Verbs 145
How concepts are encoded in the human brain: A modality independent, category-based cortical organization of semantic knowledge 144
BLIND: a set of semantic feature norms from the congenitally blind 142
Automatic extraction of Word Combinations from corpora: evaluating methods and benchmarks 140
LexIt: A Computational Resource on Italian Argument Structure 138
Panta rei: Tracking Semantic Change with Distributional Semantics in Ancient Greek 138
INFORMed PA: A NER for the Italian Public Administration Domain 138
Exploiting Emotive Features for the Sentiment Polarity Classification of tweets 136
The Indispensable Complexity (When Harder is Easier). Lexical and Grammatical Expansion in three Italian L1 Learners 135
La massima Entropia per il part of speech tagging dell'italiano 133
BLIND: a set of semantic feature norms from the congenitally blind 132
The indispensable complexity (When harder is easier) 130
Searching Treebanks for Functional Constraints: Crosslingual Experiments in Grammatical Relations Assignment 129
Concepts and properties in word spaces 129
Logical Metonymy Resolution in a Words-as-Cues Framework: Evidence From Self-Paced Reading and Probe Recognition 129
Computational linguistics meets philosophy: a Latent Semantic Analysis of Giordano Bruno's texts 128
FB-NEWS15: A Topic-Annotated Facebook Corpus for Emotion Detection and Sentiment Analysis 128
AHyDA: Automatic Hypernym Detection with feature Augmentation 128
The semantic representation of non-quantificational habituals 127
Ontologies and the Lexicon. A Natural Language Processing Perspective 127
Distributional Memory: A General Framework for Corpus-Based Semantics 126
Bootstrapping an Italian VerbNet: data-driven analysis of verb alternations 126
Covariation can be (part of) meaning 125
Linguaggio e comunicazione - Una teoria degli atti linguistici 124
Probing the Space of Grammatical Variation: Induction of Cross-Lingual Grammatical Constraints from Treebanks 124
L'autonomia del linguistico 124
The Curious Case of Metonymic Verbs: A Distributional Characterization 124
SIMPLE: A General Framework for the Development of Multilingual Lexicons 124
Modality-independent encoding of individual concepts in the left parietal cortex 122
Semantic mark-up of Italian legal texts through NLP-based techniques 121
Computational Models of Event Type Classification in Context 121
Building a Semantic Lexicon: Structuring and Generating Concepts 120
Metodi quantitativi nello studio dell'acquisizione delle strutture tempo-aspettuali 120
Brain modeling of noun representations in sighted and blind individuals 120
Carving verb classes from corpora 120
Computational Linguistics Meets Philosophy: A Latent Semantic Analysis of Giordano Bruno's Texts 119
Aspects, Adverbs and Events: Habituality vs. Perfectivity 117
Space in Language 116
Corpus-based Modelling of Grammar Variation 115
The CoLing Lab system for Sentiment Polarity Classification of tweets 115
Acquisition and Representation of Word Meaning. Theoretical and Computational Perspectives 114
Acquiring and Representing Meaning. Theoretical and Computational Perspectives 114
ISA meets Lara: An incremental word space model for cognitively plausible simulations of semantic learning 114
When GL meets the corpus: a data-driven investigation of semantic types and coercion phenomena 113
Logic and linguistics in the twentieth century 112
Verbs of visual perception in Italian FrameNet 112
Exploring the Lexicon. Theory and Computation 111
Combinazioni di parole e spazi semantici: un'analisi computazionale dei testi di Giordano Bruno 111
Annotazione sintattica di corpora: aspetti metodologici 111
PARAD-it: Eliciting Italian Paradigmatic Relations with Crowdsourcing 111
SIMPLE: Plurilingual Semantic Lexicons for Natural Language Processing 110
Building the Italian Syntactic-Semantic Treebank 110
Lexical Variability and Compositionality: Investigating Idiomaticity with Distributional Semantic Models 110
Distributional Semantics Today 109
The Syntactic-Semantic TreeBank of Italian: an Overview 107
Universal Dependencies Treebanks 1.2 (see http://universaldependencies.org/) 107
Determining the Compositionality of Noun-Adjective Pairs with Lexical Variants and Distributional Semantics 107
Emo2Val: Inferring Valence Scores from fine-grained Emotion Values 107
Identifying actional features through semantic priming: Cross-Romance comparison 107
Creation and Use of Lexicons and Ontologies for Natural Language Interface to Databases 106
Semantic Properties of Word Associations to Italian Verbs 106
Argument alternations in Italian verbs: A computational study 106
"Beware the Jabberwock, dear reader!" Testing the distributional reality of construction semantics 106
Hybrid Constraints for Robust Parsing: First Experiments and Evaluation 105
An XML Annotation Scheme for Space in an Italian Corpus 105
Determining the Compositionality of Noun-Adjective Pairs with Lexical Variants and Distributional Semantics 105
Coercing Italian: Valency Coercion in a Romance Language 104
Quando il testo e il computer si incontrano: alcune riflessioni sulla linguistica computazionale oggi 103
Introduction 101
A relevance-based approach to speech acts 100
Building an Italian FrameNet through semi-automatic corpus analysis 100
The Emotions of Abstract Words: A Distributional Semantic Analysis 100
Grammar and Lexicon in the Robust Parsing of Italian: Towards a Non-Naïve Interplay 99
Climbing the Path to Grammar: a Maximum Entropy Model of Subject/Object Learning 99
Predication drives verb cortical signatures 98
Mapping the constructicon with SYMPAThy. Italian word combinations between fixedness and productivity 98
Do Idioms Have a Heart? The SIDE (Sentiment of IDiomatic Expressions) Project 98
Representing Verbs with Rich Contexts: an Evaluation on Verb Similarity 98
Totale 14.531
Categoria #
all - tutte 56.548
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 56.548

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.283 0 0 0 0 0 0 263 171 241 211 344 53
2020/20211.851 138 76 123 81 170 107 249 163 156 211 93 284
2021/20222.668 70 155 58 126 501 435 122 141 204 84 247 525
2022/20232.792 390 253 190 315 306 389 122 193 367 32 181 54
2023/20243.654 462 353 370 294 434 499 195 187 121 179 195 365
2024/20252.898 203 331 357 424 712 750 121 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 22.672