Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 11.521
EU - Europa 7.110
AS - Asia 3.323
AF - Africa 160
SA - Sud America 65
OC - Oceania 16
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
Totale 22.207
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.051
IT - Italia 3.096
CN - Cina 1.815
SE - Svezia 1.107
BG - Bulgaria 639
SG - Singapore 623
DE - Germania 539
CA - Canada 464
UA - Ucraina 428
TR - Turchia 288
FI - Finlandia 282
RU - Federazione Russa 282
GB - Regno Unito 280
VN - Vietnam 234
CH - Svizzera 161
HK - Hong Kong 143
CI - Costa d'Avorio 134
FR - Francia 76
BE - Belgio 74
JP - Giappone 67
IN - India 60
BR - Brasile 43
KR - Corea 29
AT - Austria 24
NL - Olanda 21
GR - Grecia 16
PL - Polonia 15
EC - Ecuador 13
IR - Iran 13
ES - Italia 12
EU - Europa 12
PK - Pakistan 11
AU - Australia 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
PT - Portogallo 9
TW - Taiwan 9
BJ - Benin 8
ID - Indonesia 8
AL - Albania 7
MX - Messico 6
NO - Norvegia 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
DK - Danimarca 5
DZ - Algeria 5
CO - Colombia 4
IE - Irlanda 4
MY - Malesia 4
RO - Romania 4
RS - Serbia 4
SN - Senegal 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
EG - Egitto 3
IL - Israele 3
LT - Lituania 3
PE - Perù 3
EE - Estonia 2
HR - Croazia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PH - Filippine 2
SC - Seychelles 2
TH - Thailandia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
TN - Tunisia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 22.207
Città #
Chandler 1.300
Woodbridge 1.259
Ann Arbor 1.235
Santa Clara 1.052
Houston 843
Serra 768
Sofia 638
Milan 584
Jacksonville 549
Shanghai 545
Beijing 456
Ottawa 449
Ashburn 407
Singapore 401
New York 388
Fairfield 361
Boardman 314
Princeton 252
Lawrence 240
Wilmington 208
Des Moines 196
Nanjing 196
Izmir 168
Bern 150
Seattle 147
Cambridge 137
Dearborn 136
Abidjan 134
Medford 133
Hong Kong 126
Rome 122
Jüchen 106
Nanchang 95
Istanbul 93
Dong Ket 85
Boulder 84
Pisa 78
Florence 68
Lancaster 63
Kunming 57
Redwood City 56
Ogden 44
Shenyang 42
Changsha 41
Pune 40
Falls Church 38
Brussels 36
Hebei 35
Auburn Hills 31
Guangzhou 30
Jiaxing 30
Tokyo 30
Hefei 29
Los Angeles 29
San Diego 28
Helsinki 26
Tianjin 26
Alessandria 25
Norwalk 24
Hangzhou 23
Lucca 23
Düsseldorf 22
Indiana 20
Torino 19
Verona 19
Jinan 18
Livorno 18
Vienna 18
Phoenix 16
Washington 15
Bologna 14
Chengdu 14
Nürnberg 14
Turin 14
Frankfurt am Main 13
Caserta 12
Guayaquil 12
Orange 12
Palermo 12
Tagliacozzo 12
Duncan 10
London 10
Perugia 10
Bari 9
Castelnuovo Bormida 9
Centro 9
Fuzhou 9
Naples 9
Ningbo 9
Quanzhou 9
Scherpenheuvel 9
Brindisi 8
Cascina 8
Cotonou 8
Parma 8
Seoul 8
Zhengzhou 8
Brasília 7
Changchun 7
Council Bluffs 7
Totale 15.774
Nome #
Introduzione all’ambiente di simulazione Modelica-Dymola ed esempi di modellizzazione di sistemi multifisici 301
Modellizzazione di attuatori servoidraulici per comandi primari di volo, con servovalvole ad azionamento diretto (DDV) 176
Multi-hole probe and elaboration algorithms for the reconstruction of the air data parameters 173
Conflict detection and resolution algorithms for UAVs collision avoidance 164
Modelling and control design of a novel robotic membrane 163
Fatigue crack growth of multiple interacting cracks: Analytical models and experimental validation 155
Phenomenological Description of the Fatigue Crack Growth Test Results in IN718 Corner Crack Specimens for Brite Euram Programme BE-3379, Report n. 17 150
Experimental assessment of the dynamic stiffness of a fault-tolerant fly-by-wire hydraulic actuator 150
null 149
A solution to detect and avoid conflicts for civil remotely piloted aircraft systems into non-segregated airspaces 148
Air Data Computation in Fly By Wire Flight Control Systems 146
Impact of Safety Requirements on the Weight of Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 144
Air Data Computation Using Neural Networks 144
Fractographic and microstructural analysis of fatigue crack growth in a Ti-6Al-4V fan disc forging 142
AW149 Actuator Closed-Loop Control Design 140
Short fatigue crack growth behaviour in Ti-6Al-4V 139
Robust force control in a hydraulic workbench for flight actuators 137
Short crack observations in Ti-6Al-4V under constant amplitude loading 135
Co-Simulation for Design, Optimization and Analysis of All-Electric Aircraft Systems 134
Compression tests on bonded stiffened panels built by Aeritalia G.V.T 133
Electro-mechanical actuator for helicopter landing gear extension/retraction: experimental study and dynamic model validation 130
Compression tests on stiffened bonded panels 129
Fatigue Crack Growth Test Results on Corner Crack Specimens for Brite Euram Programme BE3379: Effect of the Complex Loading Sequences in IN718, Report n. 16 128
Fractographic and microstructural analysis of fatigue crack growth in a Ti-6Al-4V fan disc forging 126
Wind identification via Kalman filter for aircraft flow angles calibration 125
Model-based health-monitoring of an electro-mechanical actuator for unmanned aerial system flight controls 124
Residual Strenght Tests on Stiffened Panels (GLARE Material) 122
null 121
An AHRS Based on a Kalman Filter for the Integration of Inertial, Magnetometric and GPS Data 120
Compression tests on stiffened panels built by Aeritalia G.V.T 119
Influence of turning parameters on the high-temperature fatigue performance of Inconel 718 superalloy 119
EMA motor control loop 118
Crack closure measurements under spectrum loading 117
Fault-Tolerant Procedures for Air Data Elaboration 116
null 114
Crack propagation under constant amplitude and spectrum loading in a nichel based superalloy 113
null 113
null 112
Significance of short fatigue cracks for aircraft and crack growth data for 2024-T3 aluminium alloy 111
Power Absorption Characterisation of Electro-Mechanical Flight Control Actuators via Detailed System Modelling 111
La sperimentazione a fatica in aeronautica e il suo ruolo nella affidabilità delle strutture 107
Full-Scale crack propagation test on spinning turbine disks using the potential drop technique 107
Crack propagation from artificial defects in typical engine disk materials; interpretation of experimental results by means of 3D J Integral 106
Crack propagation under constant amplitude and spectrum loading in a nichel based superalloy 106
BRITE EURAM BE-3379, Task 3: The Potential Drop Technique for Crack Monitoring on Rotating Disks: Experimental check of the Calibration Curves, Report n. 11 106
null 106
Model-based prognostic health-management algorithms for the freeplay identification in electromechanical flight control actuators 106
High temperature fatigue crack propagation on Waspalloy material under spectrum loading 105
Fatigue Threshold and Fracture Toughness Automatic Testing at High Temperature 105
EMAS control loop 105
Test di Fatica Oligociclica in Temperatura: Risultati ottenuti dai provini del Lotto 4 105
Smart air-data probe for fault-tolerant flow measurements 104
Modelling and Simulation of a Fault-tolerant Electrical Motor for Aerospace Servovalves with Modelica 103
BRITE EURAM BE-3379, Task 3: The Potential Drop Technique for Crack Monitoring on Rotating Disks: Experimental Results of the Spinning Test, Report n. 19 102
null 102
Simulation and Experiments for the Study of a Fault-Tolerant Hydraulic Actuator for Fly-By-Wire Helicopters 102
State-Of-The-Art Study on Ema Technology 102
Prediction of fatigue crack growth in a Ti-6Al-4V fan disk forging under spectrum loading 101
Programma di Calcolo MVP-CARD: Acquisizione ed Elaborazione di Immagini. Manuale d'Uso e Manuale del Programmatore 101
Modellizzazione di attuatori servoidraulici lineari per la movimentazione delle superfici primarie dei velivoli e progettazione del controllo di posizione 101
Real-Time Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Fly-by-Wire Flight Control Systems 101
Modello linearizzato della dinamica di un attuatore servoidraulico asimmetrico per aerofreno 100
Development of a Flight Management System Within the UAV - SCAUT Project 100
Test di fatica oligociclica in temperatura: messa a punto dell’attrezzatura e procedura di prova 100
Prediction of fatigue crack growth in Ti-6Al-4V engine disk material under the loading sequence Turbistan 99
An AHRS Based on a Kalmann Filter for the Integration of Inertial, Magnetometric and GPS Data 99
Power absorption assessment of flight control actuation systems via object-oriented modelling 99
AW149 Actuator Simulation: Actuator Model Adaptation 99
Progetto Vulcano 127. Determinazione dei punti di impatto per le avarie maggiormente critiche del dimostratore Dim_1374_03 (ROLLCTRL) 99
null 99
Applicazione dei materiali Powder Metal nella costruzione dei dischi di turbina dei motori aeronautici; stato attuale delle conoscenze e impostazione di un programma di ricerca 98
Applicability of the commonly used fracture mechanics tools to the prediction of the residual strength of Glare 98
null 98
Test di Fatica Oligociclica in Temperatura: Risultati ottenuti dai provini del Lotto 2 97
null 97
Simulazione SW completa del Flight Control System 96
Characterisation of the Extension/Retraction Dynamics of Electrically Powered Landing Gears 96
Multibody analysis and design of an electromechanical system simulating hyperelastic membranes 96
Procedure e modelli per la simulazione dei dati-aria 95
AW149 De-Risk Actuator: Rotary Ddv Model Development And Validation 95
Caratterizzazione della fase di propagazione di fessure per fatica ad alta temperatura nelle superleghe a base nickel AP1 e AF115 94
BRITE EURAM BE-3379, Task 3: The Potential Drop Technique for Crack Monitoring on Rotating Disks 94
Fatigue Crack Propagation in Residual Stress Field of Welded Plates 94
Analisi delle prestazioni di una sonda multifunzione per il rilevamento dei dati-aria 94
Sviluppo di una sonda multi-pressione e di algoritmi di elaborazione per la ricostruzione dei parametri di volo 94
Sviluppo di una sonda multi-pressione e di algoritmi di elaborazione per la ricostruzione dei parametri di volo 94
AW149 De-risk actuator/FCC models integration and actuator loop control enhancement 94
Traffic-Separation and Collision-Avoidance Strategy to Promote Civil Applications of UAVs 94
Test di Fatica Oligociclica in Temperatura: Risultati ottenuti dai provini del Lotto 3 94
Applicabilità dei criteri Damage Tolerance al progetto dei dischi di turbina di motori per aviazione 93
Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold at High Temperature on Engine Disk Superalloys 93
Sviluppo di un Flight Management System nell'ambito del progetto SCAUT 93
AW149 De-Risk Actuator: Actuator Model Development And Validation 93
Fault-Tolerant Control of a Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Lightweight UAV Propellers via Central Point Drive 93
Short crack growth in the lap joints: experimental and numerical results 92
Totale 11.556
Categoria #
all - tutte 56.639
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 56.639

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020803 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 203 184 280 44
2020/20211.400 131 42 129 54 187 59 113 135 103 100 74 273
2021/20222.540 35 224 52 111 519 449 71 108 145 72 118 636
2022/20233.153 370 329 295 338 378 479 29 231 487 11 157 49
2023/20242.568 389 282 320 147 343 435 114 95 71 47 81 244
2024/20253.030 61 342 136 331 809 713 541 97 0 0 0 0
Totale 22.508