Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.390
NA - Nord America 3.291
AS - Asia 865
AF - Africa 99
OC - Oceania 10
SA - Sud America 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 7.666
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.154
IT - Italia 2.109
CN - Cina 414
SE - Svezia 351
BG - Bulgaria 187
DE - Germania 185
SG - Singapore 173
GB - Regno Unito 139
CA - Canada 136
TR - Turchia 134
UA - Ucraina 120
CI - Costa d'Avorio 82
CH - Svizzera 80
FI - Finlandia 61
VN - Vietnam 58
HK - Hong Kong 34
FR - Francia 32
RU - Federazione Russa 25
BE - Belgio 22
PL - Polonia 21
NL - Olanda 14
ES - Italia 12
IR - Iran 12
IN - India 10
JP - Giappone 7
KR - Corea 7
RO - Romania 7
AU - Australia 6
BR - Brasile 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
BJ - Benin 5
EG - Egitto 5
GR - Grecia 5
EU - Europa 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PH - Filippine 4
IE - Irlanda 3
SN - Senegal 3
AL - Albania 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
IL - Israele 2
IQ - Iraq 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
DK - Danimarca 1
HU - Ungheria 1
JO - Giordania 1
KE - Kenya 1
LT - Lituania 1
MX - Messico 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
RS - Serbia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 7.666
Città #
Milan 491
Santa Clara 378
Ann Arbor 357
Woodbridge 327
Chandler 276
Sofia 186
Jacksonville 181
Houston 155
Rome 144
Serra 125
Ottawa 119
Beijing 118
Ashburn 113
New York 106
Singapore 101
Fairfield 100
Princeton 100
Boardman 88
Abidjan 82
Bern 78
Izmir 77
Lawrence 74
Nanjing 73
Wilmington 61
Medford 53
Des Moines 50
Livorno 48
Florence 43
Chicago 39
Istanbul 39
Jüchen 38
Seattle 30
Cambridge 29
Hong Kong 29
Redwood City 29
Nanchang 26
Fuzhou 25
London 24
Giessen 23
Bologna 21
Brussels 21
Shanghai 21
Warsaw 20
Dearborn 19
Dong Ket 19
Dallas 17
Genoa 17
Volterra 17
Boulder 16
Los Angeles 14
Lucca 14
Torino 14
Gaeta 13
Hebei 13
Shenyang 13
Kunming 12
Alessandria 11
Genova 10
Naples 10
Pisa 10
Prato 10
Auburn Hills 9
Coventry 9
Hangzhou 9
Norwalk 9
Padova 9
Quanzhou 9
Washington 9
Hefei 8
Jiaxing 8
Palermo 8
San Diego 8
Verona 8
Wiesloch 8
Aalen 7
Berlin 7
Changsha 7
Quarrata 7
Tianjin 7
Abbiategrasso 6
Altopascio 6
Carignano 6
Düsseldorf 6
Edinburgh 6
Follonica 6
Laurel 6
Mortara 6
Ogden 6
Pian Camuno 6
Piombino 6
Saluzzo 6
Ankara 5
Cotonou 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Gualtieri 5
Guangzhou 5
Menlo Park 5
Muenster 5
Palestrina 5
Sacile 5
Totale 5.030
Nome #
Daniel Defoe, Viaggio attraverso l’intera isola della Gran Bretagna [A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain] 430
Le metamorfosi di Sarah Kane: 4.48 Psychosis sulle scene italiane 210
Recensione di “Daniel Defoe Le avventure di Robinson Crusoe seguite da Le ulteriori avventure e Serie riflessioni”, a cura di Giuseppe Sertoli, traduzione di Antonio Meo e Giuseppe Sertoli (Torino: Einaudi, 1998) 201
“O O O O that Shakespeherian Rap”: Reimagining Othello through Contemporary Popular Music 169
null 152
New Order, New Borders: Post-Cold War Europe on the British Stage 151
Tales of Terror: The Pillowman and the Violence of the Virtual 150
Questioni di pancia: La belly fable nel Coriolano secondo Brecht, Grass e Osborne 137
Guardie e ladri 133
“Conflitto, rappresentazione e percezione: Endgame e la Guerra Fredda" 131
“Re-locating Shakespeare: Cultural negotiations in Italian Dubbed Versions of Romeo and Juliet”, 129
War in Words: The Tricycle Theatre’s Re-voicing of the Bloody Sunday Inquiry 127
WORLDS OF WORDS: Complexity, Creativity, and Conventionality in English Language,Literature and Culture 127
“‘The very age and body of the time’: Diachronic Translation in Federico Tiezzi’s Hamlet" 126
The 'Translation Turn' in Contemporary War Plays: Tony Kushner's Homebody/Kabul 123
Myths of Europe 122
“‘A horror so deep only ritual can contain it’: The Art of Dying in the Theatre of Sarah Kane” 122
Conflict Zones: Actions Languages Mediations 113
Playing with(in) the Restoration: Metatheatre as a Strategy of Appropriation in Contemporary Rewritings of Restoration Drama 113
"The Intersection between Complexity and Creativity in Literary Studies: A Multifaceted Approach" 112
National e-resources of Shakespeare translations in Europe: (Dis)assembling the black box 112
Sarah Kane in Italia: rappresentazioni, riscritture, metamorfosi 111
Shakespeare and its dubble: Cultural negotiations in Italian audio-visual transfers of Henry V 108
The very age and body of the time’: L’Amleto di Federico Tiezzi e i problemi della traduzione diacronica 108
Spreading the Contagion: The Rhetoric of Disease during the Restoration Stage Controversy 108
Liz Lochhead’s revisionist mythmaking 107
Intertextuality, Collaboration and Gender: The Whisperers, or, ‘Frances Sheridan’s A Trip to Bath as completed by Elizabeth Kuti’ 105
Please, Continue (Hamlet): Shakespeare on the Move 105
'A Job for the Go-between’: Dramatizing Translation in Brian Friel and David Edgar 103
Crossing Time and Space: Shakespeare translations in present-day Europe 103
“In hunger for bread, not in thirst for revenge”: Belly, bellum and rebellion in Coriolanus and The Hunger Games trilogy 103
Intersemiotic Complexities: Translating the Word of Drama 100
Re-writing the Greeks: The Metatheatre of Tony Harrison and Timberlake Wertenbaker 100
Theatre-making with Sarah Kane: '4.48 Psychosis' on the Italian stage 99
Hogarth in drag: Acts of transvestism in 'The Grace of Mary Traverse' and 'Mother Clap’s Molly House' 98
Amore e informazioni (2012) 94
The Dickens Playground: «Hard Times» by Stephen Jeffreys and the Stage Versions of the 1980s 93
"Money's a Meddler": Jeanette Winterson's Cover Version of The Winter's Tale 93
“Il morbo teatrale nella letteratura polemica della Collier Controversy. Diagnosi, prognosi, terapia, profilassi" 92
'Betrayal' Italian Style 92
“Cucine da incubo. Irlanda, cibo, identità in ‘The Beauty Queen of Leenane’” 92
Stage Wars: The Representation of Conflict in Contemporary British Theatre 91
‘The Main End is to Turn the Penny’: Economy and politics in contemporary rewritings of Restoration drama 90
Ariel 89
Forms of Conflict: Contemporary Wars on the British Stage 89
L’offensiva contro il teatro dopo la Restaurazione 88
Shakespeare and Conflict: A European Perspective 87
Partitura finale 86
Shakespeare in Sarajevo: Theatrical and Cinematic Encounters with the Balkans War 85
General Introduction 81
Drama on the Move: Intermedial Dialogue in Caryl Churchill’s Love and Information 81
The Love of the Nightingale (1988) di Timberlake Wertenbaker: la riscrittura del mito alla ricerca di un nuovo linguaggio 80
War Images / War of Images: Looking at Contemporary Conflict Through Shakespeare 79
“This is you”: Encountering Shakespeare with Tim Crouch 79
Cecità e storytelling nel teatro irlandese contemporaneo: il caso Molly Sweeney 78
Il lungo Rinascimento: la new wave teatrale inglese 76
Breve rassegna dell’immoralità e della profanità del teatro inglese (selezioni dal cap. IV) 74
Riscritture dei classici nella drammaturgia inglese contemporanea 74
The Island as Social Experiment: A Reappraisal of Daniel Defoe’s Political Discourse(s) in Robinson Crusoe and The Farther Adventures 73
Daniel Defoe: Perfetto gentiluomo inglese (Il) [The Compleat English Gentleman] 73
Amleto e i rifugiati: narrazioni migranti in alcune rivisitazioni sceniche 73
Shakespeare Graffiti, Il Cigno di Avon nella cultura di massa 71
Shakespeare e il suo doppio 71
Daniel Defoe, Review (The) 65
Questioning Subjectivity in Contemporary Scottish Theatre: Nation, Identity and Difference in Chris Dolan’s "Sabina!" (1996) 63
"Il ritorno di Dioniso" 63
Tra teatro, cinema e televisione: la ‘scena della seduzione’ in alcune regie contemporanee di Othello 62
"This is Not a War": le neoguerre nel teatro di Caryl Churchill 60
Shakespeare va alla guerra. Conflitti contemporanei in alcune rivisitazioni sceniche del canone 57
Recensione di Alessandra Marzola, Guerra e identità. Percorsi della letteratura inglese del Novecento (Roma, Carocci Editore, 2005 56
Metateatro e postmoderno 55
Percorsi nel teatro inglese dell'Ottocento e del primo Novecento 54
Caryl Churchill: Linguaggi del teatro 51
null 51
null 37
The Country Wife, Southall Style: Restoration Comedy and the Multicultural Gaze 34
The School for Scandal. Superfici 28
null 28
“Shakespeare in Sarajevo: Theatrical and Cinematic Encounters with the Balkans War” 26
Performing simulacra: Human/animal intersections in the work of Sarah Kane 21
In the Eye of the Storm: Refugee-Responsive Shakespeare on the Italian Stage 15
China Travels: Figurations, Revisions, and Transformations from Wycherley's Time to the Present Day 7
In the Name of the Author: Samuel Beckett, Sarah Kane, and Their Disputed Italian Productions 2
Totale 7.807
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.268
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 18.268

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020395 0 0 0 0 0 47 68 34 68 63 103 12
2020/2021617 53 12 41 25 54 49 69 35 128 39 35 77
2021/2022917 32 76 18 31 131 132 18 40 38 18 146 237
2022/20231.061 162 137 50 75 111 133 36 78 183 30 36 30
2023/20241.500 207 181 194 138 227 153 54 54 41 55 55 141
2024/2025904 64 117 70 153 280 220 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.807