Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.424
EU - Europa 1.808
AS - Asia 770
AF - Africa 77
OC - Oceania 6
SA - Sud America 4
Totale 8.089
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.335
IT - Italia 672
SE - Svezia 519
CN - Cina 333
SG - Singapore 271
BG - Bulgaria 269
FI - Finlandia 110
VN - Vietnam 105
CA - Canada 87
CI - Costa d'Avorio 64
FR - Francia 53
DE - Germania 49
GB - Regno Unito 37
RU - Federazione Russa 32
HK - Hong Kong 22
TR - Turchia 19
BE - Belgio 14
GR - Grecia 13
NL - Olanda 10
AZ - Azerbaigian 8
ES - Italia 8
SN - Senegal 6
IN - India 5
AU - Australia 4
CH - Svizzera 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
JP - Giappone 3
KR - Corea 3
NG - Nigeria 3
UA - Ucraina 3
BR - Brasile 2
HU - Ungheria 2
MX - Messico 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
BJ - Benin 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
IE - Irlanda 1
LT - Lituania 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RO - Romania 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 8.089
Città #
Fairfield 805
Woodbridge 576
Santa Clara 560
Houston 415
Ann Arbor 400
Seattle 352
Ashburn 350
Wilmington 271
Sofia 269
Cambridge 268
Milan 174
Chandler 162
New York 156
Singapore 137
Princeton 118
Boardman 117
Beijing 105
Lawrence 102
Des Moines 89
Serra 87
Ottawa 85
Medford 80
Abidjan 64
San Diego 47
Lappeenranta 42
Dearborn 39
Nanjing 37
Dong Ket 36
Pisa 29
Florence 25
Helsinki 24
Hong Kong 22
Rome 22
Marseille 17
Scuola 17
Changsha 16
Shanghai 16
Hebei 15
Brussels 14
Shenyang 14
Frankfurt am Main 13
Massa 13
Munich 13
Genoa 12
London 12
Boulder 11
Lucca 11
Nanchang 11
Norwalk 11
Izmir 10
Jiaxing 10
Phoenix 10
Orange 9
Baku 8
Prato 8
Redwood City 8
Falkenstein 7
Ferrara 7
Kunming 7
Redmond 7
Shenzhen 7
Bari 6
Dakar 6
Dallas 6
Fuzhou 6
Hefei 6
Istanbul 6
Modugno 6
Villeurbanne 6
Montale 5
Quanzhou 5
San Giuliano Terme 5
Tianjin 5
Xiamen 5
Indiana 4
La Spezia 4
Napoli 4
Palermo 4
Paris 4
Parma 4
Trieste 4
Wuhan 4
Adelaide 3
Amsterdam 3
Cascina 3
Chicago 3
Edinburgh 3
Falls Church 3
Forte dei Marmi 3
Grafing 3
Guangzhou 3
Haikou 3
Kilburn 3
Kocaeli 3
Lagos 3
Los Angeles 3
Matelica 3
Pescia 3
Zhengzhou 3
Auckland 2
Totale 6.537
Nome #
Anisotropic straining of graphene using micropatterned SiN membranes 190
Mapping the mechanical properties of a graphene drum at the nanoscale 156
Controlling local deformation in graphene using micrometric polymeric actuators 150
Contacts shielding in nanowire field effect transistors 148
Gate-Tunable Spatial Modulation of Localized Plasmon Resonances 144
InAs/InP/InSb Nanowires as Low Capacitance n-n Heterojunction Diodes 141
GHz Electroluminescence Modulation in Nanoscale Subwavelength Emitters 131
Local tuning of WS2 photoluminescence using polymeric micro-actuators in a monolithic van der Waals heterostructure 126
Wafer-Scale Synthesis of Graphene on Sapphire: Toward Fab-Compatible Graphene 123
Crystal Phases in Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Nanowire Devices 122
Microphotoluminescence (μPL) measurements of bidimensional materials in a custom-made setup 122
Conductometric sensing with individual InAs nanowires 119
Large thermal biasing of individual gated nanostructures 118
Magnetoresistance of galfenol-based magnetic tunnel junction 117
Magnetically-driven colossal supercurrent enhancement in InAs nanowire Josephson junctions 117
Room Temperature Lattice Thermal Conductivity of GeSn Alloys 113
Analysis of shot noise suppression in disordered quantum wires 107
Local noise in a diffusive conductor 107
Pb/InAs nanowire josephson junction with high critical current and magnetic flux focusing 105
InAs nanowire superconducting tunnel junctions: Quasi-particle spectroscopy, thermometry and nanorefrigeration 103
Scanning gate imaging of quantum point contacts and the origin of the 0.7 anomaly 102
Towards an electronic interferometer based on spin-resolved quantum Hall edge states 99
Suspended InAs Nanowire-Based Devices for Thermal Conductivity Measurement Using the 3ω Method 99
Assessing the thermoelectric properties of single InSb nanowires: The role of thermal contact resistance 98
Self-Assembled InAs Nanowires as Optical Reflectors 97
Nanoscale Mach-Zehnder interferometer with spin-resolved quantum Hall edge states 93
Electrostatic spin control in multi-barrier nanowires 90
Vectorial Control of the Spin–Orbit Interaction in Suspended InAs Nanowires 89
Thermoelectric Conversion at 30 K in InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots 88
Disordered AlAs wires: Temperature-dependent resonance areas within the Fermi-liquid paradigm 87
Measurement of the Thermoelectric Properties of Individual Nanostructures 86
Classical Effects in the Weak-Field Magnetoresistance of InGaAs/InAlAs Quantum Wells 85
Dephasing in strongly anisotropic black phosphorus 84
Local anodic oxidation on hydrogen-intercalated graphene layers: oxide composition analysis and role of the silicon carbide substrate 84
Magnetotransport in variable-coupling one-dimensional ballistic constrictions 83
Giant Thermovoltage in Single InAs Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors 83
Complete thermoelectric benchmarking of individual InSb nanowires using combined micro-Raman and electric transport analysis 83
Analyzing the capacitance-voltage measurements of vertical wrapped-gated nanowires 83
Bilayer-induced asymmetric quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene 83
Noise thermometry applied to thermoelectric measurements in InAs nanowires 79
InAs/InSb nanowire heterostructures grown by chemical beam epitaxy 79
Coherent edge mixing and interferometry in quantum Hall bilayers 79
The optical visibility of graphene: Interference colors of ultrathin graphite on SiO2 79
Aluminum arsenide cleaved-edge overgrown quantum wires 78
Giant thermovoltage in single InAs-nanowire FETs 78
Tunable Esaki Effect in Catalyst-Free InAs/GaSb Core-Shell Nanowires 78
Controlled Coupling of Spin-Resolved Quantum Hall Edge States 76
Electrostatic Spin Control in InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots 76
Growth of vertical InAs nanowires on heterostructured substrates 76
A Josephson quantum electron pump 75
Charge pumping in InAs nanowires by surface acoustic waves 75
Quasi-particle tunneling at a constriction in a fractional quantum Hall state 74
Tunnel and electrostatic coupling in graphene-LaAlO3/SrTiO3 hybrid systems 74
Interedge strong-to-weak scattering evolution at a constriction in the fractional quantum Hall regime 74
Tuning of quantum interference in top-gated graphene on SiC 73
A Roadmap for Controlled and Efficient n-Type Doping of Self-Assisted GaAs Nanowires Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy 72
Imaging Fractional Incompressible Stripes in Integer Quantum Hall Systems 71
Tuning Nonlinear Charge Transport between Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall States 70
Low-temperature quantum transport in CVD-grown single crystal graphene 69
Role of contact material on transport properties of InAs nanowire Josephson junctions 68
Nanoscale spin rectifiers controlled by the Stark effect 68
Imaging backscattering through impurity-induced antidots in quantum Hall constrictions 67
Formation of axial metal-semiconductor junctions in GaAs nanowires by thermal annealing 66
InAs nanowire metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors 66
Rectification and Photoconduction Mapping of Axial Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces Embedded in GaAs Nanowires 66
Special Issue on hybrid quantum materials and devices 65
Suspended InAs nanowire Josephson junctions assembled via dielectrophoresis 64
Probing charge transfer during metal-insulator transitions in graphene-LaAlO3/SrTiO3 systems 64
Impact of electron heating on the equilibration between quantum Hall edge channels 63
Nonlinear quasiparticle tunneling between fractional quantum Hall edges 62
Interedge backscattering in buried split-gate-defined graphene quantum point contacts 62
Multi-year project: UnExploDe: Portable sensors for unmanned explosive detection 62
Unexpected Electron Transport Suppression in a Heterostructured Graphene-MoS2Multiple Field-Effect Transistor Architecture 61
Electronic properties of quantum dot systems realized in semiconductor nanowires 60
Quasi-particle tunneling between fractional quantum Hall edges 60
Particle-hole symmetric Luttinger liquids in a quantum Hall circuit 60
Spatially resolved analysis of edge-channel equilibration in quantum Hall circuits 60
Particle-hole symmetry in the quantum Hall transport 58
Rapid method for the interconnection of single nano-objects 56
Particle-hole symmetric Luttinger liquids in a quantum Hall circuit 54
Bipolar Thermoelectricity in Bilayer-Graphene-Superconductor Tunnel Junctions 53
Towards a Hybrid High Critical Temperature Superconductor Junction With a Semiconducting InAs Nanowire Barrier 53
Manipulation of Electron Orbitals in Hard-Wall InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots RID C-6303-2008 53
Electrical probing of carrier separation in InAs/InP/GaAsSb core-dualshell nanowires 53
Electron Cooling with Graphene-Insulator-Superconductor Tunnel Junctions for Applications in Fast Bolometry 53
Quantum transport in low-dimensional AlGaN/GaN systems 52
Cascaded quantum hall bisection and applications to quantum metrology 52
Investigation of InAs-based devices for topological applications 48
Surface absorbers for thermomechanical bolometers 47
Light emission properties of mechanical exfoliation induced extended defects in hexagonal boron nitride flakes 47
Stress-strain in electron-beam activated polymeric micro-actuators 45
Perfecting the Growth and Transfer of Large Single-Crystal CVD Graphene: A Platform Material for Optoelectronic Applications 44
Spin States of Holes in Ge/Si Nanowire Quantum Dots 43
Strategy for accurate thermal biasing at the nanoscale 43
Hot-electron effects in InAs nanowire Josephson junctions RID C-6303-2008 40
Orbital Tuning of Tunnel Coupling in InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots 40
Electron localization in periodically strained graphene 36
Hybrid InAs nanowire-vanadium proximity SQUID RID C-6303-2008 34
Quantification and minimization of disorder caused by focused electron beam induced deposition of cobalt on graphene RID B-3905-2010 RID C-6303-2008 RID E-2430-2011 34
Investigation of the influence on graphene by using electron-beam and photo-lithography RID C-6303-2008 RID E-2430-2011 31
Totale 7.973
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.799
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 27.799

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020973 0 0 0 0 0 231 191 173 180 87 76 35
2020/2021846 52 53 47 28 27 41 36 74 184 108 40 156
2021/20221.168 31 73 36 56 225 196 30 50 64 29 83 295
2022/2023923 180 98 95 31 66 126 28 63 174 4 52 6
2023/2024953 91 69 76 51 130 156 114 16 2 49 67 132
2024/20251.022 36 130 52 140 363 301 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.358