Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.628
EU - Europa 8.200
AS - Asia 2.247
SA - Sud America 287
AF - Africa 225
OC - Oceania 97
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 19.689
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.156
IT - Italia 5.081
CN - Cina 942
SG - Singapore 537
SE - Svezia 490
BG - Bulgaria 463
GB - Regno Unito 348
CA - Canada 346
UA - Ucraina 320
DE - Germania 307
TR - Turchia 296
VN - Vietnam 196
FR - Francia 192
CH - Svizzera 190
FI - Finlandia 165
ES - Italia 148
PL - Polonia 142
MX - Messico 115
CI - Costa d'Avorio 113
RU - Federazione Russa 105
BR - Brasile 84
SN - Senegal 81
AU - Australia 73
HK - Hong Kong 67
CO - Colombia 64
NL - Olanda 60
PE - Perù 46
RO - Romania 46
IN - India 45
EC - Ecuador 41
PT - Portogallo 36
BE - Belgio 29
IR - Iran 28
AR - Argentina 27
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 24
KR - Corea 19
IL - Israele 18
ID - Indonesia 16
PH - Filippine 14
CL - Cile 13
JP - Giappone 13
HU - Ungheria 11
EG - Egitto 10
PK - Pakistan 10
AT - Austria 9
BJ - Benin 8
GR - Grecia 8
IE - Irlanda 7
LT - Lituania 7
TW - Taiwan 7
CR - Costa Rica 6
CY - Cipro 6
MY - Malesia 6
NO - Norvegia 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
BO - Bolivia 5
DK - Danimarca 5
EU - Europa 5
IQ - Iraq 5
SI - Slovenia 5
AL - Albania 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
HR - Croazia 4
UG - Uganda 4
VE - Venezuela 4
PS - Palestinian Territory 3
RS - Serbia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
TN - Tunisia 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
BH - Bahrain 2
GT - Guatemala 2
HN - Honduras 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MA - Marocco 2
PY - Paraguay 2
TH - Thailandia 2
CU - Cuba 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EE - Estonia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
OM - Oman 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 19.689
Città #
Woodbridge 991
Milan 849
Ann Arbor 767
Santa Clara 724
Chandler 672
Houston 524
Sofia 463
Jacksonville 462
Ashburn 361
Rome 317
Fairfield 313
Ottawa 308
Beijing 303
New York 280
Singapore 254
Boardman 237
Princeton 232
Nanjing 187
Lawrence 182
Wilmington 178
Bern 151
Izmir 145
Serra 136
Redwood City 128
Seattle 128
Medford 127
Warsaw 118
Abidjan 113
Cambridge 104
Des Moines 104
Dearborn 97
London 91
Florence 90
Istanbul 88
Dakar 81
Pisa 80
Jüchen 79
Dong Ket 68
Bari 67
Nanchang 61
Shanghai 58
Boulder 56
Padova 54
Livorno 53
Palermo 53
Bologna 51
Hong Kong 48
Ogden 46
Naples 41
Kunming 39
San Diego 39
Verona 37
Lima 36
Hebei 35
Bogotá 34
Changsha 32
Frankfurt am Main 30
Turin 29
Catania 27
Parma 27
Shenyang 27
Falls Church 26
Düsseldorf 25
Hefei 25
Dallas 24
Melbourne 24
Napoli 24
Genoa 23
Torino 23
Brussels 22
Jiaxing 21
Mountain View 21
Tianjin 20
Norwalk 19
Pescara 19
Messina 18
Treviso 18
Hangzhou 17
Indiana 17
Noisy-le-sec 17
Chieti 16
Quito 16
Genova 15
Los Angeles 15
Lucca 15
Madrid 15
Thornton Heath 15
Guayaquil 14
Lecce 14
Porto 14
Aquila 13
Cagliari 13
Manchester 13
Medellín 13
Monza 13
Washington 13
Brescia 12
Buenos Aires 12
Castelldefels 12
San Francisco 12
Totale 12.190
Nome #
Proprietà psicometriche della versione Italiana del Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire: dati preliminari 492
Relazioni di coping, paura dell’incerto e alessitimia con il distress psicologico: il ruolo dell’evitamento esperienziale 312
Il ruolo del benessere psicologico come predittore di malessere psicologico in un campione della popolazione generale. 308
Reliability and validity of the Italian version of the Somatosensory Amplification Scale 300
The Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire-7: Measurement invariance of the Italian version across general and clinical samples 291
L’affettività come mediatrice della relazione tra coping e distress in pazienti con cancro 287
La relazione tra autostima e depressione, è moderata dalla fusione cognitiva? 261
Benessere psicologico, malessere psicologico e disabilità in pazienti con dolore cronico 248
Studio randomizzato di efficacia delle terapie cognitivo-comportamentali di seconda e terza generazione sul distress psicologico in pazienti oncologici 216
Relating coping, fear of uncertainty and alexithymia with psychological distress: The mediator role of experiential avoidance 213
Hikikomori: dal Giappone all’Occidente tra psicopatologia e manifestazione culturale 208
The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26): reliability and validity in a Spanish female sample 206
Effetto moderatore dell’evitamento esperienziale nell’ansia sociale 200
Evitamento Esperienziale e Distress Psicologico: studio longitudinale in pazienti con cancro al seno 199
Psychological distress and life satisfaction in university populations: the role of psychological inflexibility [Distress psicologico e soddisfazione di vita in popolazione universitaria: il ruolo dell’Inflessibilità Psicologica] 190
Accettazione generale e Accettazione del dolore: il contributo nel predire benessere e qualità di vita in pazienti con endometriosi 173
Anxiety sensitivity and panic symptomatology: The mediator role of hypochondriacal concerns 171
Parental Attitudes Scales: studio preliminare di validazione della versione italiana 171
The contribution of general psychological acceptance and acceptance of pain to explain adjustment in females with endometriosis 170
Aplicaciones clínicas de la Terapia del Bienestar 154
Proprietà psicometriche dell’Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y) in soggetti di 6-11 anni 153
Experiential Avoidance in Subjects with Social Anxiety 152
Il ruolo dell’evitamento esperienziale e dei pensieri automatici nello sviluppo della depressione nei pazienti con cancro 152
Técnicas dirigidas a la reducción de la ansiedad 149
Acceptance and psychological outcomes: The mediating role of catastrophism 145
Le strategie di coping predicono l’affettività positiva oltre l’affettività negativa in pazienti con cancro? 144
Does Experiential Avoidance mediate the relation between Anxiety Sensitivity and Alexithymia? 140
Reliability and validity of the Italian version of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index 138
Borderline personality disorder and mood spectrum 138
Pain acceptance in patients with endometriosis and fibromyalgia 137
Analysis of clinical differences between bulimia nervosa and subthreshold bulimia / Análisis de las diferencias clínicas entre la bulimia nerviosa y la bulimia por debajo del umbral 133
Alexithymia, personality and depression in patients with cancer 133
Efficacia delle strategie cognitivo-comportamentali per incrementare l’affettività positiva in pazienti con cancro 132
Cognitive vulnerability-stress theories of depression: Examining negative cognitive styles in the prediction of hopelessness depression in adolescents 131
Experiential Avoidance as a mediator in the relation of Social Fear with Depression, Anxiety, and Alexithymia 131
Differential efficacy of various treatment techniques of bulimia 130
Reliability and validity of the Italian version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire 130
The incremental validity of cognitive defusion and flexible present-focused attention in predicting adjustment to chronic pain 130
The contribution of Valued Living and Committed Action to explain Couple Satisfaction in Emerging Adults 130
Contribuciones de la Medicina Psicosomática a la Medicina Clinica y Preventiva 129
Contributo della defusione cognitiva, dell’accettazione e dell’azione impegnata nel predire soddisfazione di vita e depressione in studenti universitari 129
Factor analysis of the Spanish version of the Weight Efficacy Life-Style Questionnaire 127
The Italian version of the Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure (I-IPSM): psychometric properties in non-clinical young adults 126
Activity Engagement, Pain Willingness, and Catastrophising in chronic pain 126
The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26): Reliability and Validity in Spanish Female Samples 125
Personality characteristics of children of alcoholics 125
Psychological well being, negative affectivity, and perceived quality of life in fibromyalgic female patients 124
Psychological Flexibility and coping in females with endometriosis: do both constructs measure the same? 123
Psychometric properties of the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum: A study with a non-clinical sample 123
Development and validation of the Attributional Style Questionnaire for Adolescents (ASQ-A) in a Spanish sample 118
Experiential Avoidance as a Generalised Diathesis Process: Comparisons with Coping Strategies, Fear of Uncertainty, and Alexithymia 117
Validation of the Italian version of the Parental Attitudes Scales (PAD) 117
Experiential Avoidance and coping styles in the development of psychological distress in patients with cancer 117
The criterion validity of the Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research in patients with morbid obesity 117
Aspetti critici della disforia di genere come categoria diagnostica 117
Effetti delle aspettative di autoefficacia nei risultati dei trattamenti cognitivo-comportamentali per l´obesità 116
Italian Version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II): Dimensionality, Reliability, Convergent and Criterion Validity 116
Comparing the contribution of psychological inflexibility and coping measures to explain adjustment to cancer 116
Técnicas dirigidas al aumento y/o disminución de conductas 114
Attributional style, negative life events, and the origin and maintenance of hopelessness expectancies 112
Strategie di educazione a confronto. Progetto di miglioramento dell'aderenza al percorso riabilitativo rivolto a pazienti sottoposte a dissezione linfonodale ascellare 112
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire: validity to identify subjects at risk of emotional distress 112
Validity of the behavioral model approach to explain body-weight problems / Validez del modelo conductual en su explicación de problemáticas relacionadas con el peso corporal 111
The role of catastrophism in the relationship among Activity Engagement, Pain Willingness and psychological outcomes in chronic pain patients 111
Tratamiento de la obesidad infantil 110
Psychological effects of bariatric surgery on subjects with morbid obesity [Cambios psicológicos tras cirugía bariátrica en personas con obesidad mórbida] 110
Family climate, expressed emotion, and parental attitudes in families of alcoholics 108
Does Psychological Flexibility Longitudinally Predict Psychological Well-Being in Patients With Cancer? 107
The Mood Spectrum Self-Report: Validation and adaptation into Spanish 106
Validity of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire to identify patients with cancer at risk of emotional distress 104
Inflessibilità Psicologica in soggetti con endometriosi e in popolazione generale 104
Obtaining Equations from the Proportional Odds Model to Set Multiple Cut Scores on a Test 104
Coping strategies and the mediating role of Experiential Avoidance 102
The Euthymia Scale: A Clinimetric Analysis 102
Alessitimia, disimpegno e distress psicologico in pazienti oncologici 101
null 101
The need for a behavioural science focus in research on mental health and mental disorders 100
Assessment tools for evaluating perceived self-efficacy related to eating behaviour/ Instrumentos de evaluación de la autoeficacia percibida en el control de conductas de ingesta Propiedades psicométricas 99
Does acceptance of pain mediate the relation of catastrophism with psychological distress in patients with endometriosis? 99
Psychological well-being mediates the effects of experiential avoidance on psychological outcomes in cancer 98
Social Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Spectra: Validation of the SHY-SR and the OBS-SR among Spanish Population 98
null 95
Predittori di outcome psicosociale in pazienti affetti da dolore cronico. Il ruolo dell’accettazione e dell’impegno 95
The predictive validity of positive and negative affectivity in patients with cancer 95
Psychological well being, negative affectivity, and perceived quality of life in fibromyalgic female patients 95
Experiential avoidance and anxiety sensitivity in patients with panic disorders and normal controls 94
Correlation study between negative affectivity and withdrawal symptoms in smokers 94
Measuring subthreshold autistic traits in the general population: Psychometric properties of the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum) scale 94
Process of Psychological Flexibility and Anger 94
The effect of alexithymia on anxiety, depression, coping, and difficulties in daily living in oncologic patients 93
Validation of the Italian Version of the Parental Attitude Scale 93
Catastrophic misinterpretation of nicotine withdrawal symptoms: a placebo-control, double blind study 93
Do professionals estimate their clients´satisfaction correctly? 92
Minor stressors and coping with everyday stress in secondary-school students: The Learned Helplessness Model revisited 92
Anger expression and control in emerging adults: the relationship with psychological inflexibility 92
Coping styles, stress, hopelessness expectancies and depressive symptoms / Estilos cognitivos, estrés, expectativas de desesperanza y síntomas depresivos 91
The psychometric properties of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire in Italian patients with chronic pain 91
Endometriosis: Identifying Meaningful Subgroups of Females at Risk of a Poorer Adjustment 90
Social policies for the integration of patients with mental chronic diseases / Política de integración social de enfermos mentales crónicos 89
Totale 13.949
Categoria #
all - tutte 46.617
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 46.617

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.263 0 0 0 0 0 184 219 97 219 196 270 78
2020/20212.109 155 81 143 118 266 148 196 221 183 179 114 305
2021/20222.680 102 201 106 181 441 314 104 203 181 154 148 545
2022/20232.565 321 289 170 230 320 322 92 194 441 24 120 42
2023/20243.422 401 444 449 274 436 377 145 160 104 162 173 297
2024/20252.163 94 314 196 356 665 538 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.178